Sexy Beach 2 reviewed on TechTV

They reviewed it tongue in cheek but they reviewed it. Was a blast to watch Too bad they didn’t give it a final rating. Hey any press is good press right? Almost made me want to buy sexy beach 2. Well at least bishoujo games are getting more exposure eventhough its on techtv…

Is this game released in English?

To the best of my knowledge none of Illusion’s games have been released in English.

A pity, oh well always hope for the future.

Nope only in japanese. I’m hoping maybe with a little more pub they might think about doing a localized version
Here’s a link to the review:,24330,3604918,00.html

Given the fact that Something Awful gives such a favorable review to SB2, it’s probably kind of boring.

I am seeing a lot of people that say it has little reply value, and most of the ‘interactions’ are identical just a different look to each girl. Could just be a problem if that is true.

I have both Sexy Beach 2 and the expansion pack for it. I must say that those purchases were not money well spent. The problem with the game is that pretty much everything is exactly the same from girl to girl. Sure there’s several girls to pick from, but they only have two lines of swimsuits that are repeated between those several girls. Also, all the animated cut scenes are also pretty much the same except for the final H scenes. It makes the game a chore to replay instead of fun. There are no new paths to travel down or anything like that. It’s like the back of a shampoo bottle: Lather, rinse, repeat.

Oh, and if any of you ARE interested in getting the game it requires almost ZERO Japanese language ability to play.