Shiawase no Katachi

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I think it would be appropriate to start referring to him as "He of Many Faces."

i think we should call him 'The All seeing eye' because he's always there... Watching... Waiting... (*Startrek weird music playing*)

BTW: LOOK! Triple-post! i suck....

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:

VM-Borg: "Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated!" (0_[])

You have no power over me!
(This banished even Jareth!)

… yeah, but who really wants to banish a cute smirking fancy-dressing long-haired boy?

… oh, right, wrong forum for fangirl squealing, I suppose.

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:

I kinda feel like someone is calling me [img][/img]

I was talking about a certain italian guy... ^^')

Originally posted by papillon:
.... yeah, but who really wants to *banish* a cute smirking fancy-dressing long-haired boy?

Well, I am not really into guys... [img][/img]

OTH is hit or miss it doesn’t work with Soul link unfortunately or it would have made playing this game lots easier

Originally posted by papillon:
... so, what, some of you were lying when you said you couldn't put up with this crap? I'M SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! *fake pout*

I'm sorry, but even if they dredged up the source code for the Utena dating game from the Saturn, translated it and ported it to the PC (I would sell my sister-in-law into sex slavery to get ahold of that!) I *still* couldn't buy it on VMate because it WON'T WORK! My connection is unreliable and my machine gets hardware tweaked and reformatted constantly. I have no choice but to wait for cracked versions to flow across filesharing channels. I have no choice because that's the way GC wants it.

It's annoying to think that other people making a moral stand were just posturing... shame on you. [img][/img] Mine is a moral stance AND a practical stance. I simply can't pay for a game that won't work.

I said if they released a really high quality game I might buy it. And I might. M.I.G.H.T. I have no idea whether it's good enough; Private Nurse was really nifty, but I didn't like HdR as much (it was still better than average). And of course I do still have plenty of other things to do and issues with VMate.