Shiawase no Katachi

Has anyone else played the trial version of this coming title from G-Collections? I continue to be amazed at its length and complexity. Last night I set it to play on auto (piping the text through OTH).

It ran over two hours on just one branch, displaying 3 H-scenes along the way. There are at least two other major paths equally long. You don’t get everything, of course. Some graphics are blacked out and some decision points return the message this option only available in product version. The full game must be enormous.

I was able to grasp the general storyline using Oh! Text Hooker and can give a brief impression, but you may want to skip the following.

*** SPOILERS ***
It’s kind of a reverse Kana. You play the comatose hero who’s stuck in a hospital bed most of the game. You are visited by friends and rivals and interact with them in dreamlike sequences. You also undergo OOB experiences and the transmigration of souls with people outside. You spend a lot of time with the beautiful goddess of death and can even engage in some fun activities with her - for a price. I’ve only seen the default bad ending because I haven’t played long enough to reach the good ones.

There’s more information on Siawase in the Pick Me, Honey! discussion, including links to the home page, trial version and promo movie. This looks like a good one. It might even make me consider paying a visit to the Great V-Satan.

Let’s see…

Originally posted by perigee:
I don’t need to play bishoujo games as much as GC needs my support.
I ordered Hitozuma Hime Club, Heart de Roommate and DYLHB2 just before this V-Mate mess hit the fan. I’ll leave them shrink-wrapped until my next road trip and be able to play them like every previous b-games. If GC insists on preventing offline play for all future games, it will be Sayonara, Baby.

Sayonara GC, hello Shirase no Katachi?

If I’m a hypocrite, then you’re a super-hippo-critter, first for going against your earlier statement, and then ridiculing me when I reconsidered my own path.

Not that I disagree with your personal choice, but you shouldn’t annoy other people about keeping their word when you can’t even “hold out” yourself. Hmm, no on second thought, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t comment about my buying decisions at all, whether you feel yourself to be in a position of superior “integrity” or not.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-20-2005).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
If I'm a hypocrite, then you're a super-hippo-critter, first for going against your earlier statement, and then ridiculing me when I reconsidered my own path.
Uh, easy there, big guy. If you'll check back in the original C-G's Virtual-Mate thread, you'll find I said
October 17 So I don't think I'll be interested in a product that requires continual online authorization.
Not exactly an eternal pledge, eh? I responded to SCDawg's comments with
October 22 I'll join you in not purchasing games for now. If V-Mate becomes a permanent feature of all GC releases, however, I reserve the right to alter that decision in the future.
Later, in reference to the boycott
October 24If enough people buy the game, VM will be included in the next release, and the one after that, and the one after that, etc. The only way to stop it is if enough people refuse to buy it. I'll follow that course unless it turns out to be a lost cause.
Ironically, you are the one who convinced me it was a lost cause, because you, my dear Dark_Shiki, are the one who initially called for a boycott. [See, you're getting the credit you always demand. [img][/img]] When you renounced your intentions, I figured it had become a lost cause.

I have to ask this though, which one of us has already purchased a V-Mate game? I know it wasn't me. I haven't even decided whether to buy Shiawase yet. I suppose if the reviews are bad and I pass on it, you'll be calling me a hypocrite for that. Well, I can't say your words carry much weight with me any more.

Oh, and for anyone who missed DS's declaration against V-mate,

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
First, let me point out that I don't NEED to play H-games. I was perfectly satisfied playing RPG's until I stumbled upon H-games, and I could go back to doing so once more if worst comes to worst.

Second, although G-collections does release more games per year than PP and Hirameki put together, I don't NEED a new B-game every month. I certainly don't need one every month from a company that values its customers so little that it resorts to the "silent treatment" when customers have issues with the way they do business.

If G-collections thinks that, if they wait long enough, their customers will come crawling back, they're sadly mistaken. If they ever come out with a game like Kana or Crescendo again, I MIGHT buy it with V-mate. But that's it. If they don't want my business, then I'm perfectly happy to take it elsewhere. There's more and more RPG's nowadays that are incorporating my favorite B-game elements anyway...

There's more and more RPG's nowadays that are incorporating my favorite B-game elements anyway...

theres rpgs with loli in them? [img][/img]
where? i want some.....

[This message has been edited by exoarchaeologist (edited 01-21-2005).]

Hey, hey, no more flame wars, please!
We already had enough with a certain guy. (^^’)

Back to the (peaceful) topic… WOW, this game looks really good and interesting! I can’t wait for the release date!!

By the way, i read in someplace (don’t remember where)…




…the reason the hero was in coma is:

A girl friend of him has in love with a guy. But she suffers an accidend and dies. Her spirit coudn’t rest in peace because she never told him her feelings, so she came back from the death to ask the hero his help.

In order to her talk with the guy she loves, she need life force, lots of. The hero consents lend her some of his own, but she takes too much and he goes into coma.

So basicaly, in this game not only you need back to the life, but you need help others to find his/her love, too.


To me it looks to be a bgame very dramatic like PRIVATE NURSE.

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
To me it looks to be a bgame very dramatic like PRIVATE NURSE. [img][/img]

I agree, it sounds intriguing.

Too bad that I am coerced into passing on this one as well as Hitomi... [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 01-21-2005).]

VM-Borg: “Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated!” (0_[])

So is this the next GC release? I can’t believe I’m saying this but, I hope GC doesn’t release this game so fast. Why you might ask? I actually have a backlog of games I need to play

The next G-Collections release is Sagara Family. The one after that is Shiawase no Katachi.

… so, what, some of you were lying when you said you couldn’t put up with this crap? I’M SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! fake pout

I’m sorry, but even if they dredged up the source code for the Utena dating game from the Saturn, translated it and ported it to the PC (I would sell my sister-in-law into sex slavery to get ahold of that!) I still couldn’t buy it on VMate because it WON’T WORK! My connection is unreliable and my machine gets hardware tweaked and reformatted constantly. I have no choice but to wait for cracked versions to flow across filesharing channels. I have no choice because that’s the way GC wants it.

It’s annoying to think that other people making a moral stand were just posturing… shame on you. Mine is a moral stance AND a practical stance. I simply can’t pay for a game that won’t work.

Personally, I never was that much for or against V-Mate. I’m neutral, really.

@perigee: I actually thought you might apologize, or at least attribute this to some sort of misunderstanding on my part. I guess I overestimated you. Your belligerence only proves that you continue to hold a grudge against me for “abandoning your cause.” How pathetic.

Originally posted by perigee:
Uh, easy there, big guy…

So you’re trying to prove you’re not a hypocrite by showing that you’re just habitually inconsistent? Darn, you got me there. BTW, the quote I listed was dated October 28, which marks it later in time than all the “qualified” statements you just listed. But if you see that as alright…

October 17, Dark_Shiki, C-G’s Virtual-Mate? thread: …I’m not totally against the V-mate system. I think it could work…

…I’ll make my opinion known, of course, whether I buy the game or not, but I won’t let any sort of sweeping ethical attribution influence my personal purchasing decision. I’ll buy each game if I like it, and the price and hassle of dealing with V-mate combined don’t put me off…

…then I seem to be covered as well.

Ironically, you are the one who convinced me it was a lost cause, because you, my dear Dark_Shiki, are the one who initially called for a boycott.

I find it rather pitiful that you’d change your opinion on the entire matter based on the actions of one person. But that’s neither here nor there…

[See, you’re getting the credit you always demand.]

Perhaps, but at least I’ve actually done something for the community. What exactly have you done, dear perigee, that deserves any mention? Unless you consider your words of wisdom and penetrating insight to be gift enough. Come back when you’ve actually done something for the community and “magnanimously” allowed let someone else take the credit, and then we’ll talk.

I have to ask this though, which one of us has already purchased a V-Mate game?

As I remember, you were railing at me as soon as I suggested the prospect of buying Hitomi. Only fair that I do the same, right?

I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings when I decided to buy Hitomi. I really am. But that doesn’t give you the right to constantly badger me about it as you’ve continued to do for the past two months. As I said before, I really don’t care if you get Shiawase no Katachi. Just don’t lecture me about betrayal and flip-flopping.

I haven’t even decided whether to buy Shiawase yet. I suppose if the reviews are bad and I pass on it, you’ll be calling me a hypocrite for that.

Perhaps not, but I think it’d be really funny if you decided not to buy it because of this discussion.


Originally posted by papillon: It’s annoying to think that other people making a moral stand were just posturing… shame on you. Mine is a moral stance AND a practical stance.

And that was the flaw in my entire stance. I should’ve known better than to take a “moral” stand when my belief in the concept of morality was shaky, to say the least. Live and learn, as they say…

Originally posted by exoarchaeologist:
theres rpgs with loli in them?
where? i want some…

I think I was referring to deep characterization and romantic relationships. It seems my lolicon crusade might be giving people the wrong idea. ^_^; But in answer to your question, I thought Aerie’s romance (Baldur’s Gate II) was very touching. Monika’s romance in Growlanser III was my first choice, though it wasn’t nearly as rivetting. I was shocked to discover she was supposed to be 13, though.

Anyway, I should probably post something relevant to the topic. Shiawase no Katachi does look interesting, both story-wise and character-wise. I’ll probably end up getting it, though I’ll most likely wait for the preliminary reviews first. With luck V-mate will be thoroughly cracked by then, and it’ll be a non-issue.

please, i dont want another vmate war thread again…

And I would appreciate it if people didn’t also start attacking me via email.

To whoever sent it to me, you’ve just wasted your time. If anything, you made me realize that it was time to compact my Inbox folder (It was 39+ MB! Contained just 14 messages. After compacting, it was just 40.9 kB.).

This is the email in question:

From - Sun Jan 23 14:03:05 2005
X-UIDL: UID192-1096116216
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
Received: (qmail 18902 invoked by uid 1004); 22 Jan 2005 20:54:44 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO (
by with SMTP; 22 Jan 2005 20:54:44 -0000
X-Trusted: Whitelisted
Received: from f0w1d3 ( by (7.0.027) (authenticated as
id 41C0BB3D0035C1C1 for REMOVED; Sat, 22 Jan 2005 21:56:17 +0100
From: “postagoddi”
Subject: So you are neutral?
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 22:12:06 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
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X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106


[ 11-01-2006, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: Benoit ]

Wow, how amazingly tacky. Who thinks that’s a good way to change someone’s mind?

Notice the “.it” in the e-mail address and e-mail server. I suspect he e-mailed it to you because he doesn’t have posting rights here anymore.

Great. Another Italian flamer. Are they suggesting we should become racist?

Baldo’s Italian, but he doesn’t cause any problems.

It’s Italicus, Benoit. Not so much another Italian flamer as yet another of his incarnations. I think it would be appropriate to start referring to him as “He of Many Faces.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 01-23-2005).]

Originally posted by perigee:
I was able to grasp the general storyline using Oh! Text Hooker and can give a brief impression

Seeing that u use OTH, would u mind giving me a little 'How to use OTH and what i need to use it' guide? or at least tell me where can i find one? i googled for it but couldn't find a thing...

The full game must be enormous.

Something that worries me to certain point, because G-C is not as good as PP translating games...
but overall, it seems an interesting game. lets see what get's out of it...

Hate to Double Post but i didnt read this post:

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
Hey, hey, no more flame wars, please!
We already had enough with a certain guy. (^^’)

I kinda feel like someone is calling me