
I was recently reading a manga, Genshiken, and came across an interesting term: “shimapan” that refers to those striped panties you sometime see girls wearing (Chisato from Xchange 2, for example). I’ve often noticed those, but I never knew there was a term for them. It’s been my impression that this kind of underwear indicates that the wearer is either immature or can only afford to buy cheap undies. But there may be some gaps in my understanding. So can anyone fill me in on the meaning of shimapan?Youth wants to know.

Shimapan is just Japanese shorthand for striped panties nothing more nothing less.

ya, there’s no direct implication or anything; its just a design/style

although u would generally see active girls/tomboy-ish girls wear these kind of panties if you really do want some sort of generalization/stereotypes :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I just can’t get over the idea that there must be a deeper meaning to shimapan, because in a foot note to genshiken it says: "Shimapan are often featured in doujinshis, and there are even “shimapan only” events. (An “only” by the way is a comic con or cosplay event devoted to a single theme.)And how come you only see shimapan in manga/anime? Have you ever seen anyone wearing striped panties in real life? I never have.

could be a specialized panty fentish

How often have you checked?

That’s classified.

I was just at a “certain website” where I saw a saw a 4 hour shimapan movie for sale. Egad! Gotta have it! Uh Huh!