Shingo Has Betrayed Us!

His traitorous words speak for themselves:

His vanishing presence on the Interwebs now makes sense!

The terror of RLW (real life women) has loomed it’s evil head once again. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Good news? We get Shingo’s naughty collection. Woo-hoo!

That was written by Shipon, not Shingo (would it even be possible to separate Shingo from his doujinshi?).

Ah… thanks for the clarification. Didn’t know he shared his blog with other posters. Forgive me for doubting you Shingo!!! :frowning:

Supposedly we Otaku are on a spiritual path… :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess I’m safe from that path since I have no desire to obtain figures. Sure, they might be nice to look at, but where the hell would I put them, given that I’m having trouble figuring out where to put the stuff I currently have?

Where does eroge fit into this path?

It doesn’t!

Actually, it is a branch way ahead before the beginning of that path that leads into a circle - which either is broken by the affected person’s willpower and then leads into that path or is simply terminated by the same person’s death. :stuck_out_tongue:

I must tell you guys that I can’t imagine compromising or even abandoning my otaku nature because of some real-life girl. For me (and I hope for most of us) an understanding girlfriend is a must.

If you’re a guy, Oprah says you can’t trust 'em anyways. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Narg will need to fight four times as hard to keep twincest. :o

That’s what I’ve been trying to tell some of my guy friends who insist I normal off and find just any girl. One even told me that I need to stop wasting my money on useless things (anime stuff). Yeah, haven’t spoken to him awhile.

Related story. When I was out at a fast food joint with a friend (sorta otaku-ish, has an irl girlfriend) I made a comment about Saber liking hamburgers in a doujin. He got on to me and told me that she’s not real and never will be. Basically that I shouldn’t like 2-d girls. I then asked him if he still had a thing for Asuka Langly (he’s been a fan for at least 10 years) only to have the response “I’m over that.”