Shira Oka (school sim/VN)

Shira Oka : Second Chances

After 4 years of work… (or more??) It’s finally coming out!
Release date is… Dec. 10th… Tomorrow! If you pre-order between today and tomorrow you get 10% off the price…
kinda last minute notice, but that’s nice incentive~

Anyways for an english based VN I was pretty happy with what I saw… (especially near the end of the demo).

And here’s a pic to see the art style :

A video of the VN engine in action (lol scene not included in game…)

And the screen you will spend most of your time in (Without the map open)

Anyone getting it?

I didn’t know about this project, but it does seem fairly interesting. It’s probably worth buying just for the sake of supporting this kind of operations. Not right now, but maybe somewhere around Christmas…

I played the trial, which was unfortunately rather awful. The thing is pretty much 99% SIM, 1% AVG and the SIM part is mind-numbingly repetitive. The rest of the game is marred by bad writing and even worse (and extremely sporadic) voice acting. Characters mispronouncing their own names etc.

The thing is that, while I’d be willing to play a bad SIM to get to a decent story - and I’ve gotten through Flutter of Birds, which admittedly isn’t so SIMish, and Toki-Hako which is a lot more SIMish, there’s pretty much no evidence that there’s anything worthwhile to endure the game for. 40+ hours is a huge mark against a game that has less than 1000 voice files, because it implies that 40+ hours is going to be spent grinding the same activities over and over again in order to get your stats up to a particular point in order to see a couple of short events. Certainly, most of the trial was spent on SIMesque activities like that.

I only ever had an interest in the project because Terryn’s sister was working on it. Sorry Ome-chan =P

Alright~ I played the second trial (which did you play?)…
I wasn’t too interested until… I lost :smiley:

Yeah near the end of the demo I found myself kind of interested. It’s enticing enough for me to see how it shapes up in the full game.

Near the end of the demo I DIED. lol That was unexpected. What I liked about it is the mechanic to … give me a second chance.
Sure it might seem repetitive, but after the first playthrough I was flying through the days, and skipping text when it repeats. I was amused with the “knowledge of the future” choices :smiley: Then of course the demo ended just when I was really interested in how it would end up…
I’m used to just loading to pick the right choice if things go bad, but this whole second chance thing could be amusing.

Worth 22$? I dunno… But, I went ahead and pre-ordered it to find out lol Also went ahead and bought Recettear since I’d been meaning to give that a playthrough as well…
Impulsive purchases~ Now hopefully I’ll have enough to get MangaGamer stuff too… :open_mouth:
[Still waiting on Edelweiss before I do that…]

I don’t think it’s probably worth $22, but I think indy games are generally overpriced for their content (I also think this of some comerical games too). Generally the amount is by 5-10$. However, I ended up buying it to help support this kind of venture even though I thought the price was a bit high. I’ve done that with other games too. Personally I think $15 is a better price for the quality/content of this game, but I also know that the supply/demand curve forces the price up.

As for the story content, while I sympathise with Lancer’s concerns, I think they made a wise choice by not going the heavy visual-novel route. I don’t know if it was the best route, but the American audience, which this game is apparently targeted at, wants more interactivity than a visual novel offers. As for the voice actng, well I turn the volume off. I’ve played games without VAing so I can play this one without it.

Oh yea, i almost forgot…

There is a link in Otaku USA that expires at the end of the year so it may be worth an early purchase. I’m waiting to see if the USD can atleast get close to .8 on the Euro.

I’ve heard that the second trial was more interesting than the first. I downloaded the first public demo but only played a tiny bit of it before setting it aside to get back to later because I have SO. MUCH. TO. DO. But I know a lot of people are intending to buy it, or already have, so I’m hoping for some reviews to come out after the launch.

As for the voice acting, I pretty much skipped past what little I encountered, but IIRC they have some well-known professional names from the English anime circuit (how much of a plus that is may depend on what you think of dubbing to begin with!)

Pretty much this, combined with the unexciting quasi-Japan setting. What I’m most concerned about, is that unless there’s an enormous amount of text in the game, because of the immense scale/number of days the game is supposed to take place over (iirc, the number 3 years comes to mind from somewhere), and the need to account for a large number of routes/stat divergences it’s still going to come across as being extremely simish, with very little focus on character interactions.

As for the price, if Shira Oka was to my liking, I’d happily pay that much for it. The price is roughly on par with other Japanese doujin games of a simiarlish ilk, and whether or not it’s actually apparent in the final product, it’s likely that Shira Oka would have had hundreds, if not thousands more hours of labour invested in it compared to the average 2000ish yen eroge.

Well when I played the demo I did note 3 parrallel paths come up depending upon the meeting order of the characters. You always meet the first two in the same order each reset, but most of the others vary. I guess it helps break up the monotony of going through each cycle with the same basic dialouges. Ultimately, I think its scenes are comparable to that of True Love not a visual novel. If those games are not your cup-of-tea, this probably won’t be.

I’m not for or against dubbing. I’ve watched numerous dubbed films and have never had any real problems with this sort of thing - I sort of hate subtitles, for one thing, so that may bias my view. For the most part I don’t watch stuff that is in a language I don’t know.

However, that’s honestly completely irrelevant to this. I simply felt the voice acting was badly done, possibly because of insufficient/poor information given to the voice actresses (the mispronunciation issue could and should have been easily fixable). Bad voice acting bothers me and it doesn’t matter what language it is in. The fact that there is so little voice acting (under a thousand voice files for a 40+ game? are you KIDDING?) doesn’t help the impression that this was an area they might as well have skipped entirely. If Kuragemio can afford to record >4000 voice files for ???, what’s their excuse? Given that a large portion of this game’s target market would probably be people who watch anime, I think it might have been better (and possibly even cheaper) to outsource the voice acting to a Japanese studio. It’d fit with the quasi-Japan thing they’re going for too.

With the price of the Yen on the Dollar, I’m not so sure. Even if you consider the last couple years it’s still not been that favorable.

I’ve purchased this and played through 2 of 10 routes thus far… I’ve enjoyed it, especially for $22, but there are obviously some issues with it.

For one, the game DOES have a learning curve…not that that’s a bad thing per-se, but when you screw-the-pooch in this, you get sent back to Day 1, and all your scholastic stats, contacts, and relationship progresses are reset…your hard value stats/quirks and exp acquired are retained however. Secondly, the common route of the game is the first 2 and a half years of your school life. (However, when you finally hit a character specific route, you’re treated to a nice little animation opening w/ voice explaining said heroine’s issues/deal) Now, there ARE separate events involving all the characters during those first 2 years, and the way you build your character influences who he comes into contact with, but you are going to see recycled material throughout each playthrough.(As mentioned previously I believe, Your MC has the gift of KNOWING what’s coming in certain situations, and these responses can usually net you more exp/events) And finally character creation, while fun and interesting, drastically, DRASTICALLY effects your game strategy. My initial character will never, ever, ever hit 100 in Literature. To be quite honest, I don’t think it’s possible for him to hit 60 in it for the initial 1 EXP point bonus until I stack my Intelligence stat up to 9 (which will be an amazingly long and involved process, even using bad ends and new game +'s to my advantage to farm exp.) Last point… the actual heroine routes I’ve played (2 of them thus far) are batshit insane scenarios for what was a slice of life sim. Undead Violinist terrorizing Shira Oka with zombies in one, and the other, hatching and keeping a dinosaur after you lure it’s parent out of an ever-smoking geyser with PET FOOD and getting it Area 51’d by the local giant corporation. They were just straight outta nowhere, but entertaining in their own way.

There are a lot of neat little asides and extras though. For every route cleared, your MC’s room gets an item decorating it relating to past heroines romanced, to name one that took me a while to notice.

I wonder if anyone will make a walkthrough for this

Well, you also open up some more advanced skills over time that replace others. Those advanced skills are kept and give you more stat increase for less cost. With those and boosting other stats you should be able to get every score to 100 eventually.

I think I read somewhere, once you finish all the routes there is a final/true route or ending unlocked or something?

Something like that. Also the game is setup so that if you complete 1 ending it won’t give you that one again, ie defaulting to the next ending if your romance meter is higher.