Shojo Kari: Otome Gari

Whoa… this title totally slipped under my Gothic Vampire radar: was released on Halloween 2008. From Anim of all studio, which means it’s a Crowd release (their darkside division). I only became aware of it, after seeing a poster and thought it was MILF twincest. I don’t think it is: just a split personality…

Official SiteGetchu EntryErogamescape Score

Anyone here play it? I’m thinking of adding it to my order of eroge next month, but thought maybe a fellow Sith Lord has checked it out and just remained silent.

Again with the (Gothic) Vampire stuff :o ?! Can’t you see how much ugly&evil they are :stuck_out_tongue: :lol: ?
Besides, I like different goths AND I’ve different Sith Lord material on mind just now, I can’t help you on this, sorry.

I don’t know about you, Baldo, but I love vampires in eroge.

Here’s my favourite eroge vampire:

sry arcueid, but you’re not quite cute enough

Many (most?) erogames are full of strange fetishes, but I usually avoid games with horny vampires, I HATE undead (and girls with eyepatches, what “charm” they have? :stuck_out_tongue: ).
Unfortunately, Darth Narg is now lost in the Negative Energy Plane :frowning: :lol: …


Just out of curiosity: exactly why?

The variety of vampire are so diverse, the only commonly shared trait of vampirism are blood sucking and spreading through such methods. Everything else - being a walking dead, having superior physiology, aversion to religion and sunlight, magic abilities ¬ñ varies from setting to setting. The vampires in Dungeons & Dragon (undead) are not the same as vampires in Blade (alternate species of humans), who are not the same as vampires in Castlevania (supernatural demons), who are not the same as vampires in Tsukihime (nature spirits), who are totally different from Hellsing (curse from God). I’ve even read a few settings where vampirism is the result of nanomachine infection (Cyberpunk and Darwin’s World).

You like the Kansen series, and that’s really about mindless sex zombies. Yea… they aren’t the undead grave walkers from the old Victorian stories: but zombies have gone through the same evolution as vampires with authors and writers. Being undead isn’t a mandatory trait of being a zombie anymore: it’s the mannerism and social thinking. The Infected within Kansen act a lot like zombies, and it’s pretty obvious that’s where the inspiration came from.

And yes… my favorite draculina’s are of the undead variety… but they’re so adorable. :o

To each his own I guess :lol:

All I know is you and your wonderful reviews,comments and topic threads depicting various vampires have been pulling me ever closer to the dark side :o

“I sense a great disturbance in the force” :twisted:

My guess is that since he equates all vampires as being undead, he considers it to be like having sex with a moving corpse. I suppose he will only accept it if you don’t call it vampire, even if it pretty much is by popular definition.

So would it still count if I let her turn me first? :lol: :twisted:

Close, but still wrong.
Basically, Darth Baldo is a Paranoid Control Freak :twisted: :stuck_out_tongue: with an overdeveloped sense of ORDER, and the intrinsically unnatural/CHAOTIC nature of undead offends him greatly.
I simply can NOT empathize with a creature that instinctively see me as a source of food :shock: , I get chills at the mere thought of sharing my living space with a bloodsucking predator :x :lol: …
Rest assured, I LOVE minions :smiley: and I’m always searching for more…

…But I’m also VERY picky about what I would consider an ideal minion (your precious Mayu and Mana are clearly unfit for my standards :stuck_out_tongue: ). Besides, corrupting/brainwashing your enemies into slavering submission is MUCH more gratifying than playing necromancy with their dead bodies :twisted: .
Indeed I believe that even the SPEED guys share my viewpoint, because I’m 100% sure that…

…They got inspiration from these movies instead. The infected are living beasts, I doubt that your unliving Zombie Apocalypse could have sex, mindless or whatever.

It largely depends on which version of vampire you’re talking about. There’s a huge variety in which their spawn are incapable of betraying or turning against their master. Hence the vampire wanting to turn EVERYONE into his spawn (as no one can ever harm him and threaten his immortality).

Again, depending on which vampire we’re examining, why wouldn’t you be the Master Vampire to begin with? Some examples are completely immortal to harm, or so damn close to invincibility they’re on par with gods (see Alucard from Hellsing) - immune to even sunlight and holy artifacts.

It’s a zombie film. Alex Garland (the screenwriter) has even stated in MANY interview, that it’s a zombie film.

Just admit it. You like zombies. :stuck_out_tongue:

You seem to blanket all vampires into one category. That’s where your logic fails: they come in so many shapes and forms. Living AND undead. Again: the vampires in Blade are living creatures. So are the vampires in Trinity Blood. So are the vampires in Draculius. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Hey, that simply demonstrates how easy is to rationalize intolerance towards someone/something… It’s the time-honored Sith way, after all! :twisted: :lol:


However admit it, you like to live dangerously :stuck_out_tongue: , unlike me (yes, it’s a revised edition, I hope that my english sounds “right”, this time).

I can write no more because I’m leaving home right now, I hope that Freedom of Expression will be restored at my return, next week :o …

Just for Baldo. Because I KNOW he’ll love it. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Poor Dimitri, he’s blessed with such a wonderful(?) power, but that pesky vampiric contamination drives him to licking blood rather than “CENSORED” :oops: :stuck_out_tongue: , vampirism is really evil :evil: :lol: …