Shrine Maidens! Shrine Maidens!

If that’s true, bishounen_blue, then I shudder for the release of that game.

Originally posted by Nameless Mofo:
I'll second that, I reaaaaallly like the character designs in the fukuramikake series. I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Yummmmmmmm..................

Hmm...this title and the apron one intrigues me and since they are both from CD-Bros we actually have a chance of getting it.

Ok guys go off to the g-coll bbs and start some havoc [img][/img]

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
That was a joke. I'm saying that if Hisui is 18, then the girls in this game are middle-aged. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Let's just hope that they translate it.

Heh. I got what you meant, anyway... I love the way American companies will pussyfoot around the age issue. I couldn't stand the artwork in Jewel Knights - Crusaders because of the extremes in breast sizes, and would welcome a game where there was some... er... normalcy.

i usually dont participate in GC threads because i dont play them, but mikos…maybe some of you guys know about this but did you guys know that a real miko should be bare-naked underneath that white-and-red robe? at least that’s what i was told :stuck_out_tongue:

i seriously doubt they are like that nowadays though with bras and undies

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 09-22-2004).]

Originally posted by Wolfson:
because of the extremes in breast sizes,

hey what's wrong with boobs :P

Originally posted by Lamuness:
i usually dont participate in GC threads because i dont play them, but mikos.....maybe some of you guys know about this but did you guys know that a real miko should be bare-naked underneath that white-and-red robe? at least that's what i was told :P

I think it's important to try to maintain traditions. [img][/img]

ya, u tell them :stuck_out_tongue:

The miko that I saw when I was in Japan did wear those similar robes, but I’d be willing to bet that they still had bras on under that. Just like nobody wore a bra under a kimono because there was no such thing, but now when people dress up for festivals they still wear modern day underwear under the kimono. I’m sure that the miko robes are the same way.
Nothing is “wrong” with breasts themselves, but not everyone like either super-duper double-D implant huge or 7-year-old size. (totally flat) A range from semi-realistic large to small is fine. Even though I like small/average the most, having a range is good. It’s just that extremes are not good, imo.
Wolfson, did you ever get XP to work on your PC?

Originally posted by Mozart:
I think it's important to try to maintain traditions. [img][/img]

I agree [img][/img]. Jun-chan, the miko in Mayonaka, that I played recently, was naked underneath her red and white clothes anyway [img][/img]DD.

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 09-23-2004).]

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Nothing is "wrong" with breasts themselves, but not everyone like either super-duper double-D implant huge or 7-year-old size. (totally flat) A range from semi-realistic large to small is fine. Even though I like small/average the most, having a range is good. It's just that extremes are not good, imo.

A little nod to the thread topic, I think the characters in Come See Me Tonight 2 are quite well-proportioned...a touch generous perhaps in the older Minami's case, but they strike me as realistic studies in terms of anatomy and gravity. You can see it in the cover art.

Oh, and the mikos in the game do wear undergarments...some of the time. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Mozart (edited 09-23-2004).]

Come See Me Tonight 2 actually did have a pretty good selection of breasts–I was pleasantly surprised at a couple of the girls who looked like they were going to be huge when they got out of their robes, but they turned out to be not too big at all. Hurray for our team!

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
Wolfson, did you ever get XP to work on your PC?

Actually, I was trying to get W2K to go onto my machine, but my damn roommate keeps changing his mind about what he wants to do in order to upgrade this thing. Now he is trying to sell me on the idea of putting XP on here–but I personally think my system is too old, small and slow to effectively run it. But with the amount of time that I work and that he works, I don’t see too much of him, so Utawaweru Mono sits and stares at me while I look wistfully at it, wishing that my system understood Japanes–since the game will play in '98… as long as you have a Japanese system for the text encoding, I’m guessing…

If you really need XP/2000 for that thing, do a dual-boot system. Don’t replace your current system by XP/2000, they suck for compatibility, as we have seen all over the board. Plus, 2000 is a network OS. Not suitable for playing games.

That’s pretty much what I’d like to do… I’m not too keen to switch to another OS anyway, since I’ll have to track down drivers for all of my equipment–the joys of having one of those proprietary systems that came all pre-built once upon a time. Yes… I’ve noticed how OS’s like XP seem to have lots of problems with many of the games. I’m happy with '98, but I apparently need an OS that will automatically pick out the Japanese character set in order to run this game. Which is another reason I’m not too keen to switch my whole OS over… it’s the only game I’d need to do it for.

I don’t agree at all about XP not running games as well as Win 98. I have no problems running any of the English translated games, or the Japanese original games. I can type in Japanese, and view Japanese websites easily without buying or downloading anything extra because it’s all in the XP package. I have also played games that require more power like FFXI on this PC with no problems. I couldn’t possible recommend 98 over XP for games, especially Japanese games. Stright from Himeya’s homepage:

"As for Windows, if you’re running Win2K or WinXP you may be able to get an imported game to run (though if the game was specifically authored for Win98 you may run into a few problems). For Win98 there are third-party software packages you can find that will allow import games to run, though there are times where they may cause system instability."

A game made just for Win 98 can work on XP too, if you run it with Win 98 compatibility mode. I think that the problem is that Wolfson’s computer is just too old, not that the XP OS is bad.

I’m not talking for games in general, but for bishoujo games. And I would like you to tell what you just posted to the huge amount of people who have/had problems running bishoujo games on their XP OS.

The compatibility mode has flaws, it’s common knowledge.

Originally posted by bishounen_blue:
I think that the problem is that Wolfson's computer is just too old, not that the XP OS is bad.

Of course the XP OS is bad, but this may not have anything to do with the problem

Well, I’ll give bishounen_blue the fact that my computer is old. I’d have replaced the thing a long time ago if my credit/pocketbook could afford it. Sooner or later, I’ll have to find a way to do it anyway.

I’m sure that there are ways around XP’s problems, especially if bishounen_blue doesn’t seem to be having any. But I’ve also seen plenty of “Help I’m having problems with (pick a game) running in XP” topics crop up on the Help Board, so I know that there must be configuration problems that can crop up if the stars just aren’t right.

The bottom line for my system is that I’m not sure that it will be beefy enough to handle XP. 2000 I can probably get away with. However, in either case, I’ve got to pin my roommate down long enough to get his honest-to-goodness assistance with the process of either converting the system, or giving me a dual boot setup. Sooner or later, I want to see Utawaweru Mono running on my computer…

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 09-24-2004).]

I’m really not sure that the problem is the XP OS. It’s just like like this. When ice cream sales go up, the crime rate goes up. It happens every year. That does not prove cause and effect. I am using a Dell Inspiron 5150 notebook PC running windows XP and it plays any game I put into it. But to back up my point let me say this. Before I had this laptop, I had an Inspiron 5100 running windowns XP. It had trouble running the game “Private Nurse” for some reason. The computer was brand new, so there was no excuse for it not to run such a simple program that requires so little memory. I sent the whole system back and got this one, running the exact same Windows XP Home edition OS, and it has no trouble playing any English or Japanese bishoujo games. So if it was really just the OS, I would have still had problems but I do not. Something else was the problem but I will never know what it was. It’s easy just to blame the OS, but obviously something else was the problem.

When Win98 turned close to Second Edition, there were no problems like this. Yet, XP still has them. I don’t think your analogy is correct.

Win98 doesn’t have an incompatibility history. XP does. Obviously it’s XP’s fault, since it requires “compatibility modes” and an unofficial tool called DOSBox to have backwards compatibility. It’s so stupid…

There may be some problems with backwards compatibility for games that are specificly for Win 98 but most games are for 98, ME, 2000 or XP. Almost all of the english bishoujo games are fine with XP or 98, but Japanese bishoujo games that are compatible for Win 98 will not run with the English win 98 while Japanese bishoujo games for Win 98 OR XP will run on the English XP OS. Plus, there are some new bishoujo games coming out in Japan that are not compatible even with the Japanese Win 98. There may be slight problems with backwards compatiblity but they can be correct where there is nothing you can do to get “forward” compatiblity unless you upgrade your OS. They don’t call it an “upgrade” for nothing, you know.