Shuffle the game

the game is less than a week away
who is going to buy it

I certainly am.

i’d be more willing if it was on disc without DRM requiring me to access the net.

From past experience do they wait until the day of release to update the page with a different date?

I’ll be purchasing it if it does drop on the 15th.

Originally it was always updated the same time the message was posted.

But this is the first time it’s happened with their updated website.

Shuffle! will probably be my next game after Family Project, though opinions here are likely to influence my final decision. The price drop definitely makes the game more attractive.

I’ll wait till I am done with princess waltz and kira kira…

Technically there’s twincest in Shuffle. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Technically, twincestx2…which technically means pairing him with Sia AND Rin-chan gives quadcest??

one is a twin one is a clone as there are h-scenes with said twins

Technicaly (genetically) clones and identicals should be close enough to qualify for this arguements sake. :lol:

I’m waiting to see what others have to say about the translation quality before I purchase.

should be sometime tomorrow for USA user

You do know there’s quite a variation in opinion on what constitutes a quality translation, don’t you? Some people who can barely speak English comment on an English translation. :stuck_out_tongue: Sadly, I can’t think of many people I’d trust to give good feedback on a translation since most are desperate and are willing to accept nearly anything in English or they simply don’t care enough if they can understand most of the game despite its errors.

I seem to be the harshest critic of translations around here, but I won’t be getting the game since I have absolutely no interest in Shuffle. Not to mention it’s coming out on the day I’m leaving for Japan…

Reikon totally spoiled us with his editorial work on Suika, and I just hope that Shuffle! is half as good as the Suika translation. MG should really look at hiring editors of Reikon’s quality seriously, though I know they won’t which is too bad. Back on topic though, no change in release status, and it’s really only a few hours away from release time so hopefully I can pick it up today or tomorrow. Need something else to play through since I’m done with my backlog and KK.

edit FInished my first playthrough of Nerine’s route (obviously, Nerine ftw of course) and I noticed 3 grammatical errors (very minor ones tbh) and one flat out mistake in the use of “pond” instead of “puddle”. The group is talking about their likes and dislikes when it rains, and Sia comments that she loves to jump into “ponds” on rainy days…which I find curious since one could conceivably jump into a pond on a sunny day. To which Mayumi comments that she doesn’t like to jump into “ponds” on rainy days, but likes to walk over them during cold days, which I find kind of dangerous, since the ice might not be solid enough to walk on.

So really, 3 minor errors (ie, “in” instead of “on”, that type of thing) and a misuse of the word “pond” are all I saw wrong with my initial run-through.

Other than that, the only real disappointment I had was the epilogue in Nerine’s story not being about Rin ruling the demon world with an iron fist, but actually focused on the story between Nerine and Rin. What a let down. (note, this is sarcasm, I’m not let down.)

Shuffle released!!!

It sure is! Hurrah for actually coming out with it the day they said they were going to. I’m DLing it as we speak… err as I type.

I’m waiting for the screenshots that feedback people usually provide.

I’ve played a bit so far and I haven’t come across any typoes or engrish so far. My only complaint so far is that the font in the text books seems a little…thin…it’s not that it makes the text hard to read, it just seems a bit off putting on the eyes. Then again it’s past midnight where I’m at so I could just be tired, anyway, back to more playing.

Edit: Okay, I’ev started to run into minor typoes, but so far nothing like with Edelweiss. Let’s hope it stays that way

AVG claims to have found Win32/Themida in the downloaded .zip file. Having looked this up on the net, it appears that this is actually a DRM package which just happens to be included with a lot of Malware. I’m therefore hoping that this is a false-positive (or rather, a genuine positive but in the wrong context), rather than something that’s actually going to harm my PC.

Edit: Yes, it seems that Themida is a “legitimate” piece of DRM software, used by a number of commercial titles. Unfortunately, because of the way it encrypts the executable, it is used by many malware writers to hide their nasties from antivirus software. Many antivirus apps will therefore detect any file containing themida as a high threat. In this case, the file should be perfectly safe; so far as I can find out, it doesn’t actually open any nasty security holes on your PC by itself.

However, if anybody from mangagamer is reading this, they may wish to consider using a different DRM package for their next release.