
Yeah. I got the alpha patch, but only the first day has been put into the game. The translator has been absent for some time due to real life stuff, but rumors is haivng it that he’s coming back soon. So hopefully we’ll see something in a couple of months.

Actually I’ve bought the game and since Navel doesn’t care about the game being translated and all it seems like the project is going to continue (as said earlier).

The alpha-patch only have the 1st day editied, so not enough to get me hoocked. But as I’m already hoocken on the anime version of shuffle! I’ve a pretty good chance of being hoocked on the game as well. We’ll just see :slight_smile:

I was able to try out the SHUFFLE! Alphapatch v0.0.3 and even though only the first two days were in English; I must say that I really enjoyed every line. It would be awesome if PP could get the rights to SHUFFLE!. If that ever happed or if Gamepatch finished their patch, I’ll definitely purchase it.

I hate to rain on your parade, but to translate the game … Navel would have to be willing to sign a contract. That contract would by necessity include uncensoring the product – which might prove problematic. See the thread about the 3d-game-maker (Illusion?) and how they simply said very firmly “we are not the slightest bit interested. Go away.”

PP currently has access to a very small number of brands. I must profess ignorance as to whether Navel is an affiliate of one they have access to. If not, well, they do form new relationships … but it’s very unlikely that a game by a company PP has no ties with will be translated.

To add to that, the GamePatch people asked Navel if it was okay that they were making the patch and the reply was that they didn’t care, so I’m afraid the chances of Peach Princess getting anything from them is about as likely as you finding a vegetarian participating in an all you can eat steak contest.

And, really, “SHUFFLE!” is at best an average game, with a very boring replay and huge pacing problem. It doesn’t even reach the 70 bar at Erogamescape. There are way better games to translate (even if “how good a game is” isn’t determining in how probable it is to be translated, compared to “how much willing the Japanese company is”).

Just to update things (and to shut bobmarleypeople up) the patch hasn’t been cancelled and the reason why the site disappeared is because the .se site they had only had a one year lease on it which expired whilst the site admin was MIA but another domain was registered at the same time which hasn’t expired and that is now the new gamepatch site (the admin has also activated auto-renew so the domain should not expire this time)

new gamepatch site (still under construction)

FYI this is for those who haven’t read the updates on the animesuki forums.