Shuns everything

I’m going to write here things about what happened today& the night before…
It was so sad…and irratating!!! :frowning: I guess I have to start from the very beginning again…
Does this kind of things happen often or am I the only one to ever experience this sad FATE!?!?
sob…sob… :frowning:

[ 09-18-2006, 04:51 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]

Well… that’s it for me.I’m too tired and sleepy…I think I’ll prepare my own dinner now & go to SLEEP…
I wrote what I wrote cause I don’t have anyone to talk about it to. I alone in my home…ya know?

The skip function will get you through those hours of gameplay in like 10 mins, so don’t feel to bad.

That’s too bad. But at least you got to see some of the good stuff! Just take Stretch’s advice, you’ll be okay.

Thanks…At least it helps…
But I think…I won’t be playing it for a while the trauma was very intence or should I say? :frowning:

[ 09-19-2006, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

Well…I decided to post a new topic to get my mind off of it…What do you think of these phrases???
“It shuns everything other than it’s next meal” and
“The end justifies the means,what do I care if I rule over the dead rather than over the living,the dead asks fewer questions.”

[ 09-20-2006, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]