After waiting for a whole week, my copy of Shuusaku Box Set finally arrived. Being a huge PinPai fan, I simply can’t help it! Now… After watching it, I was like “huh? That’s it?” (Yes, I did watch AFTER the ending credits of DVD 3). Have somebody on the board played the game? If so, can he/she tells what exactly the game is about? I have read some reviews of the game, but it does not fill any gaps, storywise.
Unfortunately, the box set, for ~Replay~ will not be available until next month. (or at least that is what’s on DVD Planet’s catalogue). How “different” is Shuusaku ~Replay~ compared to Shuusaku?
BTW, checking Rightstuf’s catalgoue I noticed, that, for the first time, a US release will cost MORE than the Japanese release. Pia Carrot he Youkoso! 1, region 2, is less than US $50.00, compared to almost US $60.00 that will cost the DVD Box.
~Replay~ is just more of the Syuusaku OVAs with different story and improve arts.
The ending of Syuusaku~Replay~ leaves a lot to ponder for computer nerds about whether you should spend lots of time in front of the PC or get a life
Originally posted by Orochi:
~Replay~ is just more of the Syuusaku OVAs with different story and improve arts.The ending of Syuusaku~Replay~ leaves a lot to ponder for computer nerds about whether you should spend lots of time in front of the PC or get a life
The answer is obvious though: spend lots of time in front of the PC of course! Who needs to get a life anyway? [img][/img]
Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Only the re-release of Pia Carrot on DVD, since it collects all three LD OVA releases. This is what happens when you have new technology. Didn't you buy LDs? Domestic, Kumiko means. They had a habit of putting out a normal one... and a widescreen... and a letterbox... and a deluxe version, etc. DVDs are having the same exact problems, now. You have the T2 deluxe box for $20 sitting beside the original DVD release at $25... now, which one is the smart consumer going to buy? And, how the heck is any store supposed to unload the original release, now? Same thing with other works... isn't it grand?
I meant the DVD release. Pia Carrot he Youkoso! region 2 is only one DVD. However, NuTech will do the same thing as with Shuusaku, that is, one episode per DVD, and sell it also as a DVD Box set. The Box set has a list price of US $59.95.