
well, ive seen it apparently now available at himeya

anyone played it yet?

yeah i know…i couldnt find the old topic tho…must be really really old

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
(... needs editing very badly of course... but oh well...)

Yes, that's probably why I haven't booted it up again since I received it a month or two's a bit of a struggle grasping what's intended by the machine translation they used. But I've also had an almost constant torrent of new anime DVDs pouring in (please, PLEASE let it slack off next month like it looks to be), so no real time to do any gaming outside of completing SNOW DROP this past weekend...

Sad games are usually quite good, don 't you think so ?

Originally posted by Kurutsu:
Sad games are usually quite good, don 't you think so ?

If a game's story is good enough to bring tears to the eyes, it's good enough for me. Of course, I'd never admit to crying over such a thing...gotta keep up that macho image! [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
If a game's story is good enough to bring tears to the eyes, it's good enough for me. Of course, I'd never admit to crying over such a thing...gotta keep up that macho image! [img][/img]
I would disagree with you on that Ekylo-san, a really macho guy is not afraid of every thing, including showing human emotions like crying [img][/img].

Sorry, I was being ironic with my comments about myself, I’m anything but typically “macho”.

Strangely enough, I was watching an NFL films thing on the NFL’s Greatest Moments and they discussed about players crying. One old timer was like “Come on, what are you crying about. This isn’t a game for crybabies.” But most of the other comments were that crying is okay, especially when you’re in highly emotional situations. And I’m sure as heck not going to question how macho an NFL linebacker who’s crying is.

Sorry, I got off topic. I took a look at the description of Giniro and it’s tempting but it’s not really in my nature to go seeking out sad, touching stories. I’m more of a “hit them with a pie” kinda guy.

I did like Snow Drop but I didn’t have any expectations with it. Oh well, still a game to consider. We’ll see.

Originally posted by Jason4:
"Grave of the Fireflies" anyone?
Why do fireflies have to die?(sniff, sniff) [img][/img].

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Well, did you like Snow Drop? If so, you'll probably want to play Giniro...

Shizuka...(sniff, sniff) [img][/img]. Sorry, just having flashbacks(sniff, sniff) [img][/img]. I already ordered my copy from Himeya, since everybody who played it here said it was good [img][/img].

I’m a little confused… Isn’t Silver the non-bishoujo RPG with the beatifully rendered high resolution scenes, small 3D polygon characters, lots of action and english speaking voice actors and actresses?

Or are you talking about another game with the same name?

I had the game that I’ve described above, which was called ‘Silver’ for about 2 years (or more) now.

Nah, that part is only in Japanese…
kinda sucked since it was the true end ^_^;;

Okay, after many nights playing this game, here’s my opinion about the game . It’s a very well written but they didn’t translate it very good . When it comes to graphics it’s not that good . Music is very well composed and it really suits the story situations . Over all, I would say it’s a very good game but not really top notch .

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Well, we had a chance to check the ending of Giniro ("Silver-colored") with bilingual Japanese people but it didn't help too much. [img][/img]

Basically, this game is "deep"! Aside from being a very large and complex story (think titles like Stephen King's The Stand or Terry Brooks The Sword Of Shanarra), the game really requires a great deal of understanding of indirect symbolisms and references used in works that focus on girls... especially symbolisms dealing with the Moon, flowers, nature, and many other such topics.

Anyway... all of that aside, here is the nature of the ending of the story (do not read if you do not want to be spoiled!)













That should do... [img][/img]

The climax of the story tells how Isuna comes back to life due to Kuze-sama's wish to the Silver Thread. However, what he wished for was something to the effect of "Please don't let her die!" The consequence of this wish being granted - aside from the cost of his own life, of course - was that he made Isuna immortal. She'll never die... ever. No matter how much she might wish to do so, even.

When Isuna-hime comes to, she finds Kuze-sama dying beside her. She doesn't really understand how this happened - she remembers someone killing her, and now this?! However, Kuze-sama gives her the Silver Thread to wear in her hair.

Remember, he came to understand the terrible cost and danger that this item represents - he never would have asked for it to be made if he had more fully understood the implications. Ever since Taira-sama and Ayame-san died, he has blamed himself... despite the fact that their death and the Silver Thread broke the drought that had gripped the land. Isuna-hime has always thought of the people, first... but he was not so pure, himself. He blames himself - and now, at the end, he can confess that fact to Isuna-hime.

Naturally, Isuna-hime does not agree with this at all. She thinks to use the Silver Thread to save him... but he forbids her to do so, knowing full well the terrible cost that will have to be paid in order to maintain the Balance Of Nature. Isuna-hime has no choice but to accept his own demand as it is his dying wish. However, she doesn't know what she'll do without him... but he tells her that she can find her own way, and make her own choices. She'll be fine - he knows she will. She can be completely trusted with the terrible power and burden of the Silver Thread because she has always been completely pure-hearted, always thinking only of others and their safety, happiness, and peace. She does not understand this - she does not see this in herself (naturally not.)

She cries for Kuze-sama, her tears falling hotly onto his cold cheeks. His vision fades, but he wishes he could see her briefly, just once more. Suddenly, he sees the huge Moon shining in the sky... and Isuna-hime is within the moonlight, first as a child and then as an adult young woman. His wish has been granted by the silver moonlight... and he dies.

Isuna-hime leaves to begin traveling around the world. She'll never grow old, and she'll never die... nothing can kill her, or stop her.

The meaning of this might be different for different people. As is often the case with works focused on girls and women, it isn't explicitly stated. Isuna-hime seems to have become almost an Earth Mother, a force of Nature herself, traveling throughout space and time to share her love and caring of people... until perhaps, someday, somehow, her own life will be over. Or so she thinks... but until then, she will continue onwards, forever. She is... Eternal!

[This message has been edited by Kumiko Kamiyama (edited 12-09-2001).]

Oneesan, you forgot the "TO BE CONTINUED" part with the large moon on the background [img][/img]. I can't wait to get the sequel to this wonderful game [img][/img].


Sniff… This is probably one of the saddest games I ever played… I could only cry… The translation is soooo bad… @@… errrrr… oops… slip out of my tongue… forget what I said … now… start over again…

1…2…3…Take two

Sniff… T_T… This is probably one of the saddest games I ever played… The story is so tragic… and… the girls expressing their emotions… so touching… hehehe…I sure do want to touch more ^O^… and looking at their thoughts…makes me even more attached to them… and makes me cry even more…

But what makes me really cry is that this is the only game I could have for Xmas…and I already finished it… Nooooooo…Was I a naughty boy, Santa…T_T… better buy X-box and Gamecube…In case, I am in his special list…

Why…why…why…whatever happened to Mari and the other maids…Did the maids lost their jobs during this recession…sniff. Even worst, the good people of Himeya are no longer here with us on the american soil. May u rest in peace Himeya…and thank u for providing me w/ quality games…what did u say???..They are in Japan…shut up…you are ruining the mood…

This is truly a “Critical point” in my life. Will I pass this test of endurance or turn into a drooling pervert… No, I refuse to be a pervert…and I am NOT a pervert…I am strong…I am a “Brave soul”…If not, I am a GIBO… …whatever that suppose to mean…

Sniff…I missed this place…Life is so rough in the real world…Stupid job…Oh, well…Did everyone missed me…^^…O_O…0_o…feh…Fine…Nobody missed me…Nobody cares…hehehe…“Nobody”…still remember that name…

Anyway, I do not need to take this kind of treatment… I will go now and adore my newfound love at …Oh, yeah…thanks for that link…^^ …I will now convert myself to Kimiko-ism… and pray for the annihilation of the corrupt influence of Miho…

Oh, well… v ^^


Geniuses have always been misunderstood in their own era…--…Such is the fate I have to bear…U_U…0_0…

oh, well…v ^^

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
Thanks for the translation Kumiko. The ending of the Giniro kind of snuck up on me. I wasn't expecting it to end that way. It was an interesting way for it to end.

>>Okay, after many nights playing this game, here's my opinion about the game . It's a very well written but they didn't translate it very good . When it comes to graphics it's not that good . Music is very well composed and it really suits the story situations . Over all, I would say it's a very good game but not really top notch . <<

Do you mean you didn't like the quality or the style of the graphics?

I liked the CG myself.

Well, like I said, it's good but it only has a few collection of CGs [img][/img]. Unlike some games I played before [img][/img]. The really strong point of the game is probably the story for me. I really like it [img][/img]. It's something that will linger forever in my heart [img][/img].

BTW, Mizuiro is going to be ported on DC by Nec Interchannel…

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 01-08-2002).]

lookin through a blury vision

aint “Silver” some game released by eidos or ion storm or somthin cos i never heard of this ver of “silver” the one e thinking of is medieval sword fighting/stratergy/action/rpg type game

tho i might be missin the plot here

hmm i think i’ll head back to Final Fantasy VII (all time fav)

totaly upset that aeris get killed by sephiroth

TH yawn

Originally posted by TraitorHunter:
*lookin through a blury vision*

aint "Silver" some game released by eidos or ion storm or somthin cos i never heard of this ver of "silver" the one e thinking of is medieval sword fighting/stratergy/action/rpg type game

tho i might be missin the plot here

Same name, different games. I first thought that too. ^^;