Small adult anime advice?

Friendly pointer? Yer calling me a black magic wielding necromancer ffs! Ok, so this joe or whatever his name is isn’t here anymore, you could’ve said that from the start. Instead of calling me a necromancer.

Tom Jones says:
Whoa Black magic, bambalam
Whoa Black magic, bambalam

Or was it betty???

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:

Anyway, I never understood what the big deal was about bringing back really old topics (called "necromancy") until I saw it in action myself.
[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-01-2005).]

I like to refer to this as giving a thread a pheonix down [img][/img]

uhuh, sounds much better

Originally posted by Giovanni:
Friendly pointer? Yer calling me a black magic wielding necromancer ffs!

Repent, foul one, and be cleansed by my holy flames! [img][/img]

Bah, you offend too easily. Lighten up. You'll live longer. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Bah, you offend too easily. Lighten up. You'll live longer. [img][/img]

If a lemmon ninja scuad attacks u from behind... even so u'll live longer? i dont think so... be carreful, the lemmon ninja are watching us....¬¬

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
If a lemmon ninja scuad attacks u from behind... even so u'll live longer? i dont think so... be carreful, the lemmon ninja are watching us....¬¬

Well that leaves me out...every time I die, I just come back to life....just like Dark Schenider. Yep Bastard! is the one anime/manga that they based the main character off of me. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Jinnai (edited 02-02-2005).]

You swear too easily. Lighten up. You’ll live longer. So there.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Such foul necromancy that blackens the boards and strikes fear in the hearts of members!

...Seriously, don't post in threads that are more than a few months old. If you want to participate in a discussion, either join in on a current one or start a new topic (if it's worthy of such).

I've posted my thoughts here:
Please, leave Necromancy to us D&D gamers... or to Italian (neo-)Communist Parties [img][/img] [img][/img].

What irritates ME is that people make a big deal out of old topics that get revived.

As long as it’s not SPAM or bumping, why the hell should we care? Topics are there to post in. Actually, we should be glad people read old topics and post in them, instead of making another one, from which the veterans could say: “This has already been discussed!”. It also keeps things in the same place.

At PSOW, this measure is taken to the extreme to make it ridiculous. Any topic from more than two weeks ago, gets locked when someone revives the thread.

If it’s such a problem, then maybe we should just lock every old thread or simply delete them?
Doesn’t sound good.

Originally posted by Giovanni:
You swear too easily. Lighten up. You'll live longer. So there.

Eh, when did I ever swear, in this or any other topic?

Originally posted by Baldo:
Necromancy? If the post gives useful information (not useless spamming), I don't see any problems into "re-animate" old threads, concentrating all pertinent information into a single spot.

This thread is as good a place as any for a necromancy debate. [img][/img]

You have a point Baldo...but the tendency with necromancy is for the information to not be pertinent. I don't dispute your revival of a thread to announce that the game you'd reviewed would never be translated. But for new members, the rule "if in doubt, avoid it" would probably be best.

Originally posted by Logicgate:
There's nothing wrong with continuing old topic either. There are many forums against double posts. When newcomers starts the same topic several times, the verterans would tell newcomers to "shut up and read and dig the old posts". There are more people annoyed by double posts than necromancy. To me, taking either view is ridiculous. These ruels are so trivial. They don't bother anyone, unless you are very sensitive. Limiting rude and obscene discussion is more important.

"Double-posting," as you put it, is not necessarily diametrically opposed to necromancy, as you suggest. Members tell new members to "shut up and read the old threads," not post in them. As long as it brings something new to the table, "double-posting" doesn't really bother me, personally.

In many cases, I think it's probably better to start a new topic on the matter, if the topic is really that important, and include a link to the old topic as needed. It helps cut down on clutter within threads.

Anyway, if people still insist that necromancy is alright, I won't argue the matter further. But I felt that the two recent resurrections by our newest member weren't appropriate (though contrary to my expectations, apparently many people were still under the impression that Slave Bazaar was still an active project), and I felt the need to point that out. I seem to be in the minority on this issue, though.

Let me put it this way--if you're going to resurrect an old topic, at least qualify your starting position, so a reader doesn't need to read the entire, ancient thread to understand where you're coming from. Also, make sure you're bringing up a new point, and not just responding to something someone said three years ago.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-03-2005).]

Personally i find people asking the same topic that’s one or two threads down, or posted in a “READ FIRST” or “FAQ” annoying. The reason is to me it shows a lack of discipline and courtesy.

Necromancy isn’t so bad because if its truely not worthy of being ressurected it will not stay up for long.

You just can’t let it rest eh? You think you’re so right cuz, oh this forum is so old… i told you i don’t give a damn. It’s not important what you think, i just wanted to help that guy with this info, wether he’s here or not. Let it rest. I won’t agree with you whatsoever.

You have a bad habit of taking everything I say as a personal attack, Giovanni. I wasn’t even addressing you specifically. If you have something to add to the discussion of “is necromancy okay?”, then please do so. Otherwise…

BTW, I don’t claim I’m “right.” I’m merely presenting my thoughts on the matter, and the reasons behind them. I thought “no necromancy” was a commonly accepted part of board etiquette. Apparently I was wrong. And as I said, I don’t plan on posting further on the matter…unless people keep addressing me directly about it, as you just did.

Oh, so now it was “adressed” to other ppl as well. There were no other ppl except me when i posted in this thread… oh well… if you say so.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
BTW, I don't claim I'm "right." I'm merely presenting my thoughts on the matter, and the reasons behind them. I thought "no necromancy" was a commonly accepted part of board etiquette. Apparently I was wrong.
It is, but imo its not as bad, as say everyone posting on how to get past certain point in game when the same question was asked 100 times, including just a day or so ago.

Necromancy can be forgiven moreso than spamming because it'll go back to rest if its truely deserving and it doesn't clog things up like people having 10 topics all complaining about 1 aspect of a game.

It also depends on the context...FE if the thread is about designing a mod or something and has all the relevant disccuession and whatnot [u]and[/u] you are in charge of that particular discussion, but just have been a way for a while...its perfectly okay imo then.

[This message has been edited by Jinnai (edited 02-03-2005).]

If u think about it, there is not a single thing you can do about the Necromancers walking around forums… besides (at least in this bbs) it is not prohibited or something to bring back waaaay old post…
My opinion, the people here was surprised, took the surprise in many ways and the disscution started.
Now this topic, that was supposed to be long dead, is now shining with life, why? not only because Someone resurrected it but also because we keep posting in it… People says that its annoying, others say that its better than double-posting, i say that the one who resurrected this just wanted to help and the rest of the people just started a totaly offtopic disscution making a storm in a glass of water…
If u want to disscus what is right and what is wrong, then make a now tread in the off-topic section…
Seeing that nobody really is adding something usefull (included myself), this topic should be: 1: closed. 2: Forgotten

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 02-04-2005).]

See, Avenger agrees. It’s okay to phoenix down a topic to help someone with info. I also agree this topic should closed now, indeed it’s now going like who has the last word.