Small bit of good news about my site

I just wanted to let you guys know that i have officially received permission from G-Collections to cover their games on my website…

I plan to cover Chain and Kana in full sections, since apparently they are the best of the bunch and the two I plan to own, and I am accepting reviews/guides whatever for all of their games

vive la Bishoujo Games! lol…sorry, was playing Tropico last night

That’s cool… It says in their FAQ that you’re allowed to review their games (Of course, it falls under free speech). The only thing you need permission for is to use screenshots.

I think I’m gonna set up my own bishoujo game review site.

getting permission to use the images is exactly what i was reporting anyone can review a game, but you need permission to do one of my full sections

very cool Ladyphoenix-sama. I’m glad you were able to get permission.

ya, that’s good news…but I was hoping the good news was something about you pic being posted :stuck_out_tongue:

Very good news! More, more, more!

And TurricaN-san, go ahead and setup another site! Never can have too many sites dedicated to bishoujo now can we?

hey, Turri, if you set up a site, I’ll link to you we can be affiliates

as for my pic, I apologize for being a lazy bum, but I only sent the specifics on what I need for the pic to my friend today…and we might have to go through a few drafts to get it just right, so don’t expectit too quickly…you can go ahead and be mad at me for being a huge procrastinator

You need to do one on Kango too it’s kinda like TCI heh been playing it since Friday only a couple more girls to go.

mad at you. I don’t think I can do that. not possible. still want to see your photo. wait…wait…wait.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
as for my pic, I apologize for being a lazy bum, but I only sent the specifics on what I need for the pic to my friend today....and we might have to go through a few drafts to get it just right, so don't expectit too can go ahead and be mad at me for being a huge procrastinator [img][/img]

Well, I could...but that would not be prudent, since I myself am probably even worse than you.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
You need to do one on Kango too [img][/img] it's kinda like TCI heh been playing it since Friday only a couple more girls to go.

Well, umm...I'm sure someone out there is going to disagree with me on this, but I've heard other people echo this sentiment on the boards, so I'll parrot it back now:

Kango is like Tokimeki Checkin!, except only not as good. This is not to say that it was a BAD game (because it isn't), just that it wasn't a terribly GOOD game.

well, I am not that concerned about that “other pic” (although I am sure everyone of us are interested and curious), I was thinking of something simple like a regular photo; I am not picky

I donno I thought it was pretty fun. The only thing I didn’t like about it was that there was no voice acting in the game, the only voice came from the intermissions where they say “kango sachzo” (howerver you spell that) and that gets annoying because it’s the same person saying it every time. Also the fact that bgm wouldn’t work with win98 but worked with XP (I knew I made my machine dual boot for a reason, funny that I thought I would have less problems running this on 98)

Off on another tangent here for a sec but for people who have chain is there voice acting in that game?

Yes, Chain is voice acted. Chain and Kana are by far the best of the g-collections games; Kango is what I’d call a good effort, and DOR flat out sucks.

i kinda liked Kango Shicyaouzo
sometimes you just need to have some good mindless fun

Originally posted by joe_kun:
I'll second that [img][/img]. I enjoyed Kango a whole lot.

Ditto. I like it even a little bit more than Chain.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-29-2002).]

Well, we all have our different views. For me personally, I liked Kango as well. Plus, it was a nice break to switch between it and Kana when I was going through both. (If I didn’t have something light to play off of after a go through of Kana, well, it just wouldn’t have been pretty.)

But if anyone feels strongly either way, they can always submit a review to Ladyphoenix-san right?

i have gotten a review for Kango already from unicorn, just haven’t had a chance to post it yet…but i have four others up in my misc section