Snow Drop Story Question -- BIG SPOILERS!!!!

I finished both of the true endings last night, and I am still a little confused about the story.

Why was Minoru a prisoner of the Snow Lady if he gave in to having sex with her in any of the other girls’ body (Keika, Kasumi, etc), but not if he has sex with Kyoka while the Snow Lady is in her? Is it because he brings back the true mentality of Kyoka first, even though the Snow Lady is still in her? It says at the end of Kyoka’s true ending that the Snow Lady lives on in her, but how can that be?

and i understand why Shizuka wanted to thank minoru for protecting her flower when he was younger, but why did she try to get to him and imprison him with her if all she really wanted was to thank him?

a little insight would be nice…i’ve got the basics of the story, but some of the subtler points are losing themselves on me

thanks, kumiko…you’ve cleared up a lot for me

Is Kyoka pregnant when she says this… and
> is her baby little Shizuka inside her?
> Probably… that would be very likely.

There seems to be one inconsistency with that idea though: Kyoka told Minoru not to worry because it is her “safe day” (presumably she has been charting the days of her menstrual cycle so that she knows which days she is not fertile on).

Well not really, the rhythm method isn’t exactly the best method of birth control. That and the fact that a menstrual cycle can change depending on several factors like stress. (And you got to admit, it wasn’t exactly a stress free vacation.) When you do the rhythm method, your just increasing or decreasing overall probability of pregnancy, not eliminating it altogether.

Or if you’re looking for a more “romantic” idea, it’s possible that Shizuka hid herself within Kyoka’s ovaries, sort of “laying in wait” among the eggs during the next, er, fertilization. (After all, you can be pretty sure Minoru and Kyoka weren’t going to limit themselves afterwards.) And that “destiny” took a hand to make sure Shizuka would be reborn as Minoru’s and Kyoka’s child.