Snow Sakura Q&A Thread - Now on sale!

Having been involved in production for the past few months I’m too close to the game to easily rank it on a scale. I’ve played better (though not many in English), and I’ve played much, much worse; all I can really say is that it was definitely an enjoyable game to work on and I think it will be a fun game to play.

Some knowledge of Japanese history is necessary to complete certain paths, yes (given that Misato is a Japanese history teacher, hint hint). Unless you’re a Japanese history maniac you may have to do some hunting online for the information you need to answer certain questions correctly.

We should have news regarding future download availability of new G-Collections games by the end of the year. When the games will be available is still unknown, but progress is being made (I’m not handling the details of this so I can’t tell you any more right now, sorry).

  1. I wouldn’t read too much into that particular line of copy from the J-List update. Without spoiling anything I’ll say that a couple of the plot lines involve interactions with various individuals under the tree when you were young, but it’s not built into anything near what you’d see in say Love Hina - the tree is a nostalgic starting place, but not an obsession.

  2. He’s a good guy with a sense of humor, pretty average but likable. Largely rational, thank goodness, and he has a spine; I didn’t find it too hard to picture myself in his place. He’s not extraordinary, but he holds his own against the other colorful members of the cast.

  3. That’s a question I can’t answer without spoilers, I’m afraid.

Sounds like this game is gonna be one of my new favorites.

[ 11-25-2007, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

Sorry, I forgot the other question I meant to ask in the previous post. I saw this game on the D.O. website, which seems to be some sort of spin-off, or after story involving Saki. I was just wondering if this is related to Snow Sakura at all?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Shingo Empty your pm box lol I need to send you a message.

It is, it’s a sort of mini-sequel that takes up events after the end of the Saki route of the game. We may look into licensing it if Snow Sakura does particularly well.

Done, sorry about that… darn forum software doesn’t let you know when your box is full. ^^;;

I do have 1 question, this is kind of a little off topic but not all the way.
#1: This is for when snow sakura does release,
Are you guys going to finally change the pea pri main page and mention that 2 new games have come out from g-collections?
Because neither g-collections website nor the pea pri mention that 2 games have come out recently (this is just for advertising purposes) some people dont check this website that often and if they see it never changes they will think you guys are inactive.

#2: Does Snow Sakura mostly take place at a school, house/resort or can this one not be answered without spoiling alot?

[ 11-27-2007, 03:57 AM: Message edited by: Gambit ]

The Peach Princess website is scheduled for an update shortly; the G-Collections site is currently structured in a way that is prohibitive for us to provide dynamic updates other than on the individual product pages, and we’re working on an eventual site redesign to fix that problem.

Hiyama Kozue. Your classmate and Misaki’s inseparable best friend, who seems to have faint yuri tendencies.

Dose Hiyama Kozue have faint yuri tendencies for her friend or someone else or just females in general?

What does faint mean in this case?

It might describe the game best to say that it takes place “in a small town”, and depicts “school life”. So naturally a fair portion of the game takes place at school, but much of it happens in various locations around the town as well.

I can’t answer this in detail without spoilers, but I’ll just say that Kozue likes Misaki a lot.

To get this topic moving:

Is there going to be any translation of the opening lyrics anywhere?

Any estimate on the release date other than later this month? Also Check your pm’s I sent you a message that’s important.

[ 12-02-2007, 07:41 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

I’ll try to find the time to translate the opening theme before the game ships, thanks for the reminder.

“Later this month” is still the best window I can give without knowing the precise facts on the ground in the San Diego. We’ll update with further news as soon as it becomes available.

I replied to your PM, thanks for the information.

Considering this games demo video was on the DVD for YMK, which was released BEFORE this game was announced, are there going to be any suprises here?

Nope, there shouldn’t be any surprises on the Snow Sakura disc.

Who in your opinion is the cutest girl on this game?

Also an unrelated Question, Which game is going to be released next after Snow Sakura?

[ 12-06-2007, 12:35 AM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

In case you don’t know much about Olf, he suffers from a terminal case of adjective deflation. My take on Erogamescape scores (which I don’t always agree with and should only be used as a rough guide) would probably be more like 65-70 is “average”, 71-75 is “good”, 76-80 is “damn good”, 81-85 is “amazing”, 86-90 is “epic”, and 91+ is “the second coming of the deity of your choice”.

It’s all stastical wordplay, when it comes down to it - I trust individual text based reviews on EGS much more than the raw numerical scores. I may translate some of the Snow Sakura EGS reviews, in fact - that could be good way to get a preview from another voice. [/QB][/QUOTE]

I would agree with this as I would say Kana little sister is freaking amazing, I just reinstalled it on my new computer (had some issues but I THINK it is working now). Good to see DO is releasing another game. If I hadn’t just spen 1000 dollars on anime from Genon (sigh RIP Genon) I would pre-order it.

I’ll be the one to ask, think we will (well most of us) get this game before X-mas?

I am hoping to get it before Christmas as well.

I think all of the girls have their own unique charm points. Saki is cheerful, energetic, good at cooking, bad at studying, and capable of doing great bodily harm to you. Misaki is the typical “main heroine” type - a bit shy, serious, not the brightest or the dimmest but an all-around good person. Rei has the cool factor going on, and she’s at her cutest when you get past it and can make her blush. Kozue is cute because she refuses to admit that she has any attractive qualities (while she obviously does), and Misato is cute because of her constant bumbling and need for rescue.

The next game scheduled for release is tentatively Lightning Warrior Raidy, though that’s not set in stone.

I don’t know what things look like on the ground in San Diego, but I haven’t heard of any serious production delays. Release might come close to Christmas so whether you’ll receive your copy before or after may be left up to the vagaries of the postal system… sorry I don’t have any more specific information than this at this point.

[ 12-10-2007, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Well ive been out the way to san diego in the past 5 years, and if its anything like i remember, the ground there is dirt :stuck_out_tongue: