Snow Sakura Q&A Thread - Now on sale!

Your critique is well done, though I don’t agree with it all, you got down a lot of my same feelings for the game. Lots of the mandatory scenes got fast tracked on my repeat playthroughs. I was satisfied with the endings, though some of them were more carefully planned out than others, it seems.

The characters were appealing, I really liked Sumi, he added a lot of spice to the game. I’m very glad he was voiced as well. Sometimes they won’t voice male characters at all, but it adds more realism to the character when they speak with a real voice.

I kind of understand you.
SS is one of my best eroge (I rank it #2 just after YMK), but I too feel that it could have been better, even if I can’t exactly tell why.

I agree for the most part as well. I feel that with a bit more work, Snow Sakura could have been a masterpiece (well, at least in the eyes of us who prefer the light side), instead of just great. I think the thing that irritated me most is that the description of the game made it seem there was some huge mystery to be solved regarding the namesake of the game, no matter which scenario you ended up going through, when there isn’t really. Don’t get me wrong, I really love this title. I just found the description a bit misleading.

This forum should have a ranking system to show who is on the dark or light side lol :lol:

Conceptually, I don’t think Snow Sakura is masterpiece material. The game’s best qualities would be the strong pacing of each scene, along with Kitagawa Samui’s competent prose. That alone makes it more readable than many bishoujo games.

However, nothing else particularly stands out. There’s little in terms of substantial plot development (the scenario is padded by lots of slice-of-life filler, hence the long length), so in that sense, we have a story that’s pleasant enough, but never actually engaging. Characters are similar in that they’re colorful enough so as not to be boring, yet lack the distinctive charm to become memorable.

IMO, solid scriptwriting is enough to give Snow Sakura an above average score (fewer glaring flaws than some questionably written but more memorable titles). Nonetheless, the concept and planning prevent any chance of greatness.

I don’t really want to dig up the thread but… err… how do i say this… okay, just take a look: … index.html … index.html

These games are release before Yuki Sakura is, and if i remember it right, her name is Kuraki. Okay, assuming they’re created in the same saga, then how are these games even related?

There are still plot holes to be filled here…

Only thing I know about Kuraki (as she appeared in yukizakura, anyway) is that her voice actor is famous, to me, as someone who annoys the shit out of me. Good thing she wasn’t in a major role =p