Snow Sakura theme song name confusion

Ever since Snow Sakura arrived a few months ago, something has been bugging me: the name of the theme song. The opening movie (which, as I’m sure you all know, was also the first trailer) shows the name as being “???” (Fuyu no KYANBASU), which, even with my paltry two semesters (so far) of Japanese, I can translate either as “Winter’s Canvas” or “Canvas of Winter” (which is essentially the same thing). Thus, when the second version of the trailer came out with translated text, I was unsurprised when I saw the title translated as “Winter Canvas”. However, when the game finally arrived (I had pre-ordered it), I was shocked to see that when I went in the “Extras” section and browsed through the titles of the various tracks of music, it listed it as “Winter Campus”. So I begin wondering, which is the real name? Without being to fully understand the lyrics, I can’t turn to them for a clue as to which it is. Both make sense, even if one makes sense in a poetic way and the other makes sense in a literal way (after all, much of the game is at a school). Can anyone shine any light on this?

“Winter Canvas” is the correct title (???, as you correctly state). Winter Campus was a translation mistake. Not quite sure how we missed that one… Sorry for the confusion, hope that clears things up. We’ll definitely be trying to catch things like this in the future.

The annoying thing is that I’ve seen ??? used as both ‘canvas’ and ‘campus’, but ‘canvas’ fits in with the lyrics:


Although I guess ‘campus’ could also fit in a roundabout way… you don’t normally think of colouring a campus, though.

No problem Shingo, thanks for the speedy reply. I can easily understand how something like that could happen in the rush to get the game out the door and out to all of us fans to enjoy. You guys did a great job. I’m eagerly looking forward to Family Project.

Lancer-X, it’s interesting that you have also seen ??? translated as campus. I mean, shouldn’t it be ??? if you want to say campus? As for coloring a campus, I suppose you could mean it in the same way you mean “Paint the town red”.

Yes, you certainly would. I’m pretty sure, in most cases, it’s a mistake, but a common enough one. And, while I don’t remember exactly where I first saw it used, it was definitely in a visual novel (likely a commercial one too!)

WOW i didn’t know any of that. O.O I feel a little bad. Though i haven’t played any of the Japanese Bishoujo games only American ones. but i feel like i may be missing out a bit