So any news of BS 2 in making?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
By trilogy of games, and I realize now I should have said series, I was thinking games collectivelly, as in all the games from their trilogy of Space Quest King's Quest and Quest for Glory. Now though I realize I forgot Police Quest so I guess it is more then even a trilogy that way.

Yeah, you also forgot Laura Bow series (Colonel's Bequest and Dagger of Amon Ra), Gabriel Knight series, Leisure Suit Larry, etc!

Actually the reason wasn’t that. They scrapped it during the beginning of the 3-D phase when DOOM and other games were popular.

I mean Lucas Arts still makes similar type series even today, unfortunalty, they don’t get much press because they aren’t 3D Shoot 'em ups, fighting games with tons of special effects or known series (other than their Star Wars brand). Yea, they don’t produce as many anymore because most people don’t want a game you actually haveto spend time playing, one that you might actually haveto use a brain or might haveto save and come back to later…wow! What a concept!!!

Originally posted by fxho:
Yeah, you also forgot Laura Bow series (Colonel's Bequest and Dagger of Amon Ra), Gabriel Knight series, Leisure Suit Larry, etc!

Well in my own defense I never heard of the Gabriel Knight series, thought Laura Bow was just one left over game they tacked on to another collection I got from them and did forget Leisure Suit Larry.

Yeah but that is what I liked about them, having to actually think your way through puzzles, though the typing interface on some was annoying since you needed to use the precise wording such as "Search the armoire" instead of "Search the wardrobe". Sad they no longer get much press but says a lot about society that much of what they want seems to be 3-D shooting games.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 12-20-2003).]

Well i don’t think they’d have so much trouble on the space for the reasons you specified before anymore. Most of it would today probably be taken up with voices and/or movies.

I think that era in gaming is passed though. The future for rpgs doesn’t include point-and-click (except on fanbased ones such as …shamless plugin). The future is sadly BG2 style with most emphasis on fighting and only tersuary emphasis on rp (the one good rp one of that genre, planescape: tournament failed to get much in the way of money, but imo it was for other reasons, not its more emphais on rp, bur reguardless because of its failure companies are loathe to spend much on even slightly heavier than bg2 rp titles), atleast in the US.

Japan, on the other hand has many rpgs, however few get trasnlated over for various reasons. Too closely tied with Japanese soceity for mass audiences, too bizarre in their opions for mass audiances, too unkown, poorly done (which is good…i don’t like poorly done rpgs), don’t have the cash to trasnlate it nor have any good contacts with companies to translate it. This is why few date sims have been ported, because companies can’t see them outside Japan going to a mass audiance (believe me, if a company thought they could make a good profit, they’d translate it). The problem is ironically that that when many americans think of them, they think of the H-game ones and that’s not good for mass marketing when you have parents involved as well as people who don’t care for h-games.

So IMO beyond Bethsada and maybe Troika, most of my hope for the future of rpgs lies in the hope that more get translated from japan. Its sad considering America was where RPGs were founded basically.

No Brave Soul 2 but…

Originally posted by Jinnai:
Well i don't think they'd have so much trouble on the space for the reasons you specified before anymore. Most of it would today probably be taken up with voices and/or movies.

I think that era in gaming is passed though. The future for rpgs doesn't include point-and-click (except on fanbased ones such as ...shamless plugin). The future is sadly BG2 style with most emphasis on fighting and only tersuary emphasis on rp (the one good rp one of that genre, planescape: tournament failed to get much in the way of money, but imo it was for other reasons, not its more emphais on rp, bur reguardless because of its failure companies are loathe to spend much on even slightly heavier than bg2 rp titles), atleast in the US.

Japan, on the other hand has many rpgs, however few get trasnlated over for various reasons. Too closely tied with Japanese soceity for mass audiences, too bizarre in their opions for mass audiances, too unkown, poorly done (which is good...i don't like poorly done rpgs), don't have the cash to trasnlate it nor have any good contacts with companies to translate it. This is why few date sims have been ported, because companies can't see them outside Japan going to a mass audiance (believe me, if a company thought they could make a good profit, they'd translate it). The problem is ironically that that when many americans think of them, they think of the H-game ones and that's not good for mass marketing when you have parents involved as well as people who don't care for h-games.

So IMO beyond Bethsada and maybe Troika, most of my hope for the future of rpgs lies in the hope that more get translated from japan. Its sad considering America was where RPGs were founded basically.

Troika did Temple of Elemental Evil and it partially wasn't Troika's fault it was buggy, due to the fact that Infogrames (Atari's parent company) demanded that some quests be altered / removed so that the game would have a "T" ESRB rating.

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
No Brave Soul 2 but...

That's just mean.....teasing us like that.

Troika did Temple of Elemental Evil and it partially wasn't Troika's fault it was buggy, due to the fact that Infogrames (Atari's parent company) demanded that some quests be altered / removed so that the game would have a "T" ESRB rating.

That sucks...know what they were?
Originally posted by Peter Payne:
No Brave Soul 2 but...

Originally posted by Doug:
That's just mean.....teasing us like that.

Yes...although atleast it seems like there will be other h-rpgs translated (not completely surprising considering BS sales). This of course is welcome, although it would have been nice for a BS 2.

And on a totally unrelated note...i'm surprised the board doesn't allow threaded quotes...oh well.

[This message has been edited by Jinnai (edited 12-25-2003).]

Originally posted by Jinnai:
[QUOTE]That sucks...know what they were?

I do know that one quest was altered / removed because there were some children involved. The Evil options in the game would have allowed you to exercise extreme prejudice towards them.

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 12-26-2003).]

Hmm it would be nice if they told us what they were so modders could re-add them back in, or attempt to.

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
No Brave Soul 2 but...

Guess we'll all have to wait with baited breath now [img][/img]

Saw it a while back for $50, but heard it wasn’t a very good game so I passed on it. Well DOAXVB did pretty well so maybe developers will start making more of them

ehh… hahahaha…