So I bought some eroges :)

I’ve been watching anime for numerous years now and hentai, for the better or worse, has always interested me as well. Somewhere along the line I tried Three Sisters Story and I remember liking it. That was about 5-6 years ago. Seeing that anime and hentai series have become nowadays quite stale with a few exceptions I decided to try eroges. So I just bought:
3x The Sagara Family
3x Bazooka Cafe
3x Yume Miru Kusuri
3x Brave Soul
3x Amorous Professor Cherry (I hope this one gets released soon)

Why 3 copies? (I know this one would be asked) Well 1. I like to support PP for their work 2. I’m a collector so I’m keeping one of the copies sealed 3. Giving one copy to my brother most likely or selling it to some friend

I’m hoping the ones I bought are good. I spent like 4 hours trying to figure out which ones to order. I’m definitely also going to get Princess Waltz as soon as it’s released as the gameplay seems interesting (reminds me of Culdcept Saga).
Now I can only hope PP dispatched my orders soon.

Oh Yeah, if someone from PP reads this: I made those orders separate for a reason: To avoid customs. The cost limit for paying customs is 46 euros here so if ordered separately they’re all under it, so please send them separately.

EDIT: One question: I’m sure this is needless but are the games shrinkwrapped like other game releases and anime dvds?

[ 12-30-2007, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: Syvere ]

i would say your choices are quite good but you should have picked up our newly-released snow sakura as well

just make sure you made it clear in your order that you want to mail them separately (although that may possibly mean a little more in postage)

I made 15 orders (1 copy per order) I hope that’s clear. Some companies migrate orders automatically (Hobby Link Japan comes to mind) if you make separate ones. That’s why I mentioned this in the first place. :slight_smile:

Who’s the model in your avatar btw?

[ 12-30-2007, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Syvere ]

sheesh everybody asks that…

Haha, Well all I can say is that she caught my eye.
Thanks for the source. :slight_smile:

[ 12-30-2007, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: Syvere ]

Hi Syvere.

You should also take a look at “crescendo” and “figures of happiness” (those are the only two games I have now, but I really liked them).

PS : If you live in Europe you should order your games on :wink:
It’s based in Belgium (so the customs will be lower) and the prices are the same as those of j-list.

Was just going to suggest Crescendo. You should also look into Nocturnal Illusion – not only is it really good, it’s dirt cheap. It is a bit dated though.

Ones I have heard are really good, but haven’t got round to playing yet, are Figures of Happiness and Ever 17 (I have a LOT of games I’m playing).

Nocturnal Illusion… I think I played through it a few years ago. Don’t remember anything about it though.

I’ll pick up new titles once my current orders arrive and I get some spare money. :slight_smile:

For upcoming games I’m waiting for Princess Waltz and Raidy (and of course Cherry). Cosplay fetish looks quite cool too.

The only bad thing I remember about bishoujo games is the low quality of the voice acting. And I don’t mean the voices are bad, I mean the encoding is horrible with a lot of static. It sounds like you’re listening to a radio with bad reception. Are the newer titles better? At least Brave Soul still has bad quality voices when I played it at my friend’s. That’s not too distracting though considering how little BS has voice acting anyway.

Figures of Happiness and Snow Sakura look excellent and have interesting story lines. I might be picking these up next. As for Crescendo I’m not too keen on the art style but the characters seem likeable.

[ 12-30-2007, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Syvere ]

That sounds like it might be a problem with your sound card/drivers more than the game. Unless you’ve got amazingly sensitive hearing or a crazy surround-sound system with quality audio far beyond what any of us can imagine…

For instance, on a lot of setups I’ve been on, sound would become distorted (crackling with static like a bad radio) when I was running low on memory. Sometimes only one program’s sound would go off, sometimes everything including the windows alert sounds would screw up.

Nah, there’s nothing wrong with audio output. I’m studying Digital Communications Technology so I’m quite savvy with computers.

On another note it seems like J-List (I ordered from PP) is sending me 1 copy of each of the game and in one single package. Jesus Christ, This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. I hope they get my e-mail before it’s too damn late.

EDIT: I’m gonna cancel all those orders and order straight from JLIST. Make one big order and put a line in special order instructions box. I’ll also get that -15% price reduction this way. :slight_smile:
I just hope the canceling would be fast so I can make the new order as soon as possible.

[ 12-30-2007, 11:39 PM: Message edited by: Syvere ]