So i broke down and bought a ps3

i needed it for work. For game reviews and for reviewing blu-ray movies (i bought the 2-year extended warranty because of the latter as i heard watching movies ruins the laser…anyone say ps2 all over again)? So now I’d like to know some good rpgs/simulation/strategy games that are fairly cheap, but good, or ones that you think are collectible long-term. I especially want the latter ones those for reviews.

And no, that doesn’t include FF13…i may get it when it goes down in price.

I still need to get a 2-way HDMI switch box. Damn places want to sell me 4/5 way ones at the cost of extra $$$…well screw that.

Well, you absolutely have to get Valkyria Chronicles. It’s a S-JRPG, and it’s really good. Probably the best JRPG in the last couple of years (I’d put it at least on the same level of Persona 4). More interestingly, it came out with quite an unique approach to the game system, which makes it all the more interesting.

I have also heard good things of Resonance of Fate, but I still haven’t found the time to play it. It looks innovative and interesting, though, so it’s probably worth a shot.

You may want to try Folklore, too. It’s a nice game, great settings, nice art. Definitely not a masterpiece, though. It works a little like Pokemon, except that you use monsters from the Irish folklore to fight.

There’s the PS3 version of Eternal Sonata which is supposed to have extra scenes and characters not in the original 360 release.

Heavy Rain. See my topic.

Disgaea 3
Cross Edge

Dragon Age: Origins, if your PC can’t run it, is available for the PS3 as well.

God of War 3. Doesn’t matter if it’s not an RPG or Bgame or whatever: It’s why God even let there be a PS3. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

You could also try Star Ocean: The Last Hope and Record of Agarest War (out in Europe, not in the US yet, I think). I haven’t played either of them, but I’ll be buying them once I stop playing Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain and Eternal Sonata (Only bought a PS3 a month ago). Oh, apparently Demon’s Souls is quite popular, too.