So I'd just like to say, the MegaTokyo FAQ is a pain to

I have never seen so much hate about Bishoujo games with adult content in any single faq. I like the deluded phrases in here: ‘real bishoujo gamers play the games for story, not for pornographic games (i.e. They’re not fun!)’ subjective opinions sprinkled here and there like that. Once I’m done cleaning this thing up, I will solicit everyone’s suggestions and clean up the run-on sentences, the extraneous qualifiers, the shift in verb tenses and failure to follow subjects or singular/plural tenses.

eh? thats wierd, i never bothered looking for such a faq on megatokyo, but from just reading the comic, i got the impression that the guy liked bishoujo games (Piro does anyhow)
any thoughts on why the inconsistency?

Originally posted by exoarchaeologist:
eh? thats wierd, i never bothered looking for such a faq on megatokyo, but from just reading the comic, i got the impression that the guy liked bishoujo games (Piro does anyhow)
any thoughts on why the inconsistency?

The reason for the inconsistency was that no one proof read this MOFO, olf_le_fol and omoikane were like 'c'mon, guys, help us proofread this' but only one person did. And I think the writers were used to the colloquial way of posting on the BBS where spewing subjective opinion is the norm not the exception, so there's like 'well, obviously, of course' all in the same sentence, exclamations everywhere (no no no from Professor Strunk and White) See, I like deluding myself that Bishoujo games are played for the story just like I read articles in Playboy only, but I want this to be an objective faq, and evidently olf_le_fol's nice comprehensive history about the evolution of Bishoujo games was axed mysteriously in the 0.11 version of this faq. Luckily this good man olf_le_fol gave me his original draft so I can work on this s.o.b.

I also hate the part where it sticks 'duh' in. I hate it when people say 'duh' to me, with a passion. A FAQ answers your burning question, not insult you. If I want to be insulted, I'd go to GameFAQ's BBS.

I also resent the know-it-all-ism in this FAQ. The best way to learn casual Japanese is to go to Japan, but the best way to learn formal Japanese is take a class? Most pretensious answer ever. You learn both the same goddamn way: take a Japanese class. If you want to practice Japanese, practice speaking with a native Japanese speaker, or a Japanese student with advanced learning, but no way can you tell someone to learn Japanese by going to Japan, as if plane tickets don't cost a few Benjamin Franklins.

Don't take any offense if anyone who reads this worked on the MegaTokyo ren'ai games faq. The whole faq is just so incoherent, indicative of the complete lack of cooperation between writers and editors.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 05-31-2003).]

OK, I’ve proof read maybe another 2/5 of this FAQ, I could use some constructive feedback for revision. Even without them feedbacks, I want to put some time into finishing this MOFO this weekend.

MegaTokyo ren’ai game faq

olf’s history of ero-geimu is still being worked on. there’s a lot to pore through.

Originally posted by bokmeow:

The reason for the inconsistency was that no one proof read this MOFO, olf_le_fol and omoikane were like 'c'mon, guys, help us proofread this' but only one person did.


I will help you proofread. Drop me a line on how you want me to do it.

EDIT: ...I hate to have to retract my own words, but I won't have time. Sorry. :(

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 05-31-2003).]

Huh as often as I’ve visited Megatokyo (& I started reading it from the first week when largo still seemed to actual do something with the comic) I’ve never seen a faq on it… Though if it has to do more with the forums then that might explain it, I already visit enough forums to kill most of my free time (hence why I visit here so rarely)…

I’ll be working til this coming wednesday though so no proof-reading for me… Oh & strangely Pyro happened to mention a Bishoujo game article which is what lead me to Peach Princess in the first place… Though Pyro is normally against more ‘Hentai’ type drawings & so has voiced negative opinions of more pornagraphic Bishoujo before, so some negative comments are not to strange to find…

[This message has been edited by Shadow99 (edited 06-02-2003).]

bokmeow, you have to know the history of the ren’ai forum and of the FAQ to understand it…
For years, we had newbies wondering and asking for “hentai english dating-sims”, so, one of the regulars (tsubasa), a Japanese, not that fluent in English (well, I personally think he’s quite good, but it’s true he’s often quite… direct when speaking in English ) decided to write, all by himself, a FAQ. So the first FAQ draft was more a “newbies, be mature and stop posting stupid requests on the forum”.
Also, the regulars there were anti-anti-anti adult games. I think Kagami and I were the first pro-adult games and I was the most vehement about “defending it” (well, later, we had Beholder as well, but, as much as I don’t want to talk ill about him or talk well about me, his knowledge of the genre is a bit less than mine to “defend” it ^^;;;; , but we were latecomers (I suscribed only two years ago or so IIRC), so it took a bit time to change the forum’s general attitude about adult ren’ai games.
Also, remember that the forum is foremost for ren’ai games and NOT bishoujo games in general! And, since “ren’ai games” could better be translated as “games revolving about a romantic love story”, is it so surprising to affirm most ren’ai gamers are more into it for the story than for the adult scenes?
Also, the last FAQ was started simultaneously by both omoikane and I, so when we found out about it, we decided to mix both our draft into the present FAQ…

At last, please remember that this FAQ was a work done by us to answer the “Frequently Asked Questions” on the forum; we never truly intended it to be a general comprehensive FAQ about bishoujo games.

And, you know, if you think it’s a pain to proofread, do you imagine how much of a pain it was to write, finding from scratch the general structure of the FAQ and foremost the substance for this FAQ? Back when the first FAQ was written, there was no other anything about bishoujo games in the English world, no MLs (save the SG and TM ones), no sites, no BBS, etc. (well, I somewhat remember there was PP’s, but honestly people, back then, most people in here didn’t even know what “ren’ai” and “bishoujo” mean…)
So, please, don’t be so hard on the present FAQ.

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 06-02-2003).]


If you want another hand with the MegaTokyo FAQ, drop me an email. I know I tend to write very differently than Strunk and White would have you, but, still, it might save you some time.

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
bokmeow, you have to know the history of the ren'ai forum and of the FAQ to understand it...
For years, we had newbies wondering and asking for "hentai english dating-sims", so, one of the regulars (tsubasa), a Japanese, not *that* fluent in English (well, I personally think he's quite good, but it's true he's often quite... direct when speaking in English [img][/img]) decided to write, all by himself, a FAQ. So the first FAQ draft was more a "newbies, be mature and stop posting stupid requests on the forum".
Also, the regulars there were anti-anti-anti adult games. I think Kagami and I were the first pro-adult games and I was the most vehement about "defending it" (well, later, we had Beholder as well, but, as much as I don't want to talk ill about him or talk well about me, his knowledge of the genre is a bit less than mine to "defend" it ^^;;;; [img][/img], but we were latecomers (I suscribed only two years ago or so IIRC), so it took a bit time to change the forum's general attitude about adult ren'ai games.
Also, remember that the forum is foremost for ren'ai games and NOT bishoujo games in general! And, since "ren'ai games" could better be translated as "games revolving about a romantic love story", is it so surprising to affirm most ren'ai gamers are more into it for the story than for the adult scenes?
Also, the last FAQ was started simultaneously by both omoikane and I, so when we found out about it, we decided to mix both our draft into the present FAQ...

At last, please remember that this FAQ was a work done by us to answer the "Frequently Asked Questions" on the forum; we never truly intended it to be a general comprehensive FAQ about bishoujo games.

And, you know, if you think it's a pain to proofread, do you imagine how much of a pain it was to write, finding from scratch the general structure of the FAQ and foremost the substance for this FAQ? Back when the first FAQ was written, there was no other anything about bishoujo games in the English world, no MLs (save the SG and TM ones), no sites, no BBS, etc. (well, I somewhat remember there was PP's, but honestly people, back then, most people in here didn't even know what "ren'ai" and "bishoujo" mean...)
So, please, don't be so hard on the present FAQ.

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 06-02-2003).]

I know all about the FAQ that day when you talked to me about it, but it's still the Edgar Allan Poe in me that's coming out; he was known to be extremely critical when it comes to proof reading and editing. In any case, I've finished 95% of the proofreading, the last thing to do is work with you and omoikane and anyone else who wants to help out proof reading this faq. Seeing as to how we no longer have any Japanese regular contributors, we need someone who can help us out iron out the history of Bishoujo games.

The FAQ needs to be informative and objective without being self-delusional.