So... What moves you?

Lol is that it?

They’d be going for world coverage:

[color=#FF0000]American Arrested for Creating a Harem of Loli Twins for World Destruction[/color]

But if things went right my training wouldn’t matter as the reign of terror from cute young girls would begin and I’d be rescued as their leader.

Fortunatly, I do not act upon what I would do in a game.

I’d be moved by a serious harem ending.
With a story where the main protagonist fall in love with two girls (twin or not) and it leads to a sad story where the main theme will be a fight for polygamy… :smiley:

So Basically a Twincest Slave training game and Narg is happy? :smiley:

Anyway, I like to be surprised… for example Claire was a nice surprise in Brave Soul, also the twist endings like in Divi-Dead. Desire had a few nice surprises in it.

I didnt prefer any Genre for B Games (i like a good Story and the Art is important too, Loli wouldn’t be bad too :slight_smile: ), but i totally falling in Love for Maid Costumes, so much that i buy my Girlfriend one :mrgreen:

Electrical and Chemical signals, blood and food moves me.

Seriously though I wont know 'til after I see, read or hear. But I hardly ever not moved at least a little.

lol, you people are horrible. For the record that whole incident was a major accident, I didn’t do it on purpose and it’s not like I was “applying” movie or novel experience so it will probably never happen again. Probably

So… Saigo ni Kanaderu Caparicco ? :wink:

Ahh… old school Tacchi… no one makes 'em like you did… :mrgreen:

You’da thunk their rebirth as the larger Assemblage would have made better titles… but nope… it’s like the heart and soul of what made good Tacchi titles has been sucked out. They’re honestly LESS violent that before. WTF-mate!? :frowning:

If i were to be asked, it’d be sad stories, like Kana’s non-living endings
(thing that pissed me off is I CAN’T SAY NO to Yumi >( sincerely… why… even if i was drunk i’d say heck no)

or Aeka’s. I sincerely felt like hacking my way in there and ambushing Kyoka and Co. with a couple of Comanches, a B2 and a Combat Chinook with Pathfinder snipers in it. spank Or enabling Servant Mode H4x and blasting em with Excalibur - no, wait… a Nuclear Blastwave will do.

And then the fetishes. I’d really say Moe, swimsuits, + cosplay , and roleplaying? (no idea about this one, but examples perhaps would bring it to light…)

:oops: :smiley:



what moves me is usually tragedy or ?? if you will based shows or games or adult games. I Love to laugh at others misfortunes and criticize them for their action (or inaction), and really alot of the main characters act in ways that its easy to criticize. Now what strikes my fancy in adult games is usually the darker stuff like games made by bishop or tinkerbell. Sometimes a little renai game is okay but too much of it makes me kinda sick ( sometimes I really wonder if the protangonist is listening to what he is saying/doing for “love”, imagine myself doing such things and I’m ready to barf).

That’s true, whatever happened to romance? :slight_smile: but since resources are limited developers focus on the sex cgs, still, some foreplay would be nice

Hmm what moves me? Pointless brutality, senseless acts of sacrifice, basically any sort of unrecoverable loss. What moves me in a good way? I’m a dyed in the wool romantic, so a good love story moves me. Note: I will never admit the previous in person. Any attempts to mention the previous statement will be rebuffed with references to ‘the big game’ and ‘the knockers on her!’ YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

My legs, lolz. :stuck_out_tongue: :lol:

I tend to be a bit extremist, so I like games with action - and some blood’n’gore, although I think it should be introduced into the story, and not in the h-scenes (only if the game has a really good plot that makes that violence fit into it). I think that the school-guy-who-can-choose-over-20-school-girls / guy-who-have-a-half-dozen-girls-on-his feet base is kinda boring if they follow a basic plot flow. But a really good plot w/o action/violence can be fine too, if it does not fit into the ones I mentioned before.

As for real life, I am incredibly attracted to women with long and black hair. Don’t care (much) for sizes and stuff, as long as they are nice and feminine.

I tend to fall towards the tall and shy girls to be honest. I dislike certain girls with glasses if they are annoying and am especially turned off by old fashioned big hair(I am looking at you Izumi! YOU who has outrageous hair problems!). Although generally big boobs is definitely a turn on. Personally I prefer characters like Kyoko from Crescendo or Emiru from The Sagara family.

In real life, they have got to have a pretty face. It does not matter about the boobs and ass (although they may help). I also dislike girly girl so if there is a girl who willingly plays video games, she has pretty much snagged my heart.

Right about now though, i REALLY REALLY friggin love Yuri and Gender Bender because they are so interesting. So hurry up and churn out Raidy so that I can finally enjoy it XD. And Licensing X-change alternative 2 is important if you please. :shock:

Me too. Man, this is weird. I joined this board a few minutes ago. and I already noticed that you like a lot of things that I like. :mrgreen:

I have a love/hate relationship with games which make you sad at the end. It really moves me, but some endings make me depressed for day’s.
Especially the bad endings from Ever 17 and Kana.

I was even more depressed after playing Yume Miru Kusuri.
For Kana I wass prepared to this kind of ending so it only took me 3-4 days to recover :smiley:

But where are the other games like that ?
Our actual only hope is Family project…
I don’t think someone could be moved by playing cat girl alliance :smiley:

Stranger things have happened, you know. :lol:

I was a changed after playing Vigrin Roster…

I was able to document several new ideas I hadn’t thought about in my quest to subjigate loli twins and create my empire.

Games that made me depressed:

Crescendo - Kana - Heart de Roommate - Ever 17 - Figures of Happiness

I hope that Hourglass of Summer will do the same to me.

I’m moved by shoujo manga style romances between male characters we can relate to. For instance a lot of games (and I don’t mean to hate on them because they’re still good) released in English tend to be very superficial and there isn’t enough of having fun with your friends and slice of life elements. From the very beginning, attainable female protagonists are clear cut and set, all of them love you. It’s like everything was decided from the very start. I don’t like that, I want uncertainty and better male friends you can hang out with. Hot Gimmick had one of the best romance scenes ever. It had this sub-plot between 2 characters that was done on the side and I thought that sub-plot was a lot more interesting than the main arc. There was this great scene where the guy tries to apologize to the girl because of something that happened earlier that made her sad and then she gets so moved by it she kisses him. But before that happened she was eating the valentines day chocolates she was gonna give him, and so the kiss tasted like chocolate and shes like “Theres your valentine’s day gift”.

I started playing Tsuyokiss recently and I thought the characters in it were rather powerful in terms of believability and affecting me. I started to profoundly feel a bit of concern for them and even the male friends are witty and not 100% cannon fodder that end up being alone at the end. Theres so many different sub characters that just add life to the game world unlike a lot of games where all you get is a pervert friend who serves as a punching bag/comic relief and the rest of it is your love interests who are pretty much your personal harem. The interactions in Tsuyokiss seemed much more realistic and natural, not to mention they flowed better. So ultimately what really moves me are believable characters and a living world of many supporting characters where things don’t immediately jump into choosing which girl you want and working to getting her to like you. That was one thing I REALLY hated about the Trabulance games, 5 hot girls move into your house and you pretty much go out at night to visit one of them to have sex with. All the romantic tension is gone pretty much, it’ becomes a harem fantasy.

Other than that, the other thing that really moves me is Tsundere girls and vampire girls, generally any kind of girl that is on a higher level than the main character. Thats why I like Tsuyokiss and “They are my noble masters”.