So... What moves you?

As the twincest thread shows, everyone has a special preference on what they like or look for on B-games.

But… what do you like in particular, what moves you? what draws your attention or always look for, or dare I say, your fetish?

For me? glasses, I’m a fan for girls with glasses be it anime, b-gaming or real life I gravitate towards them; why? well to me it gives me that intellectual, Ïnteresting, cute look on girls I simply can’t avoid

Other than this, lingerie has to take a second place, but what man doesn’t like sexy lingerie on a hot girl? :mrgreen: so I guess it’s not that peculiar

Then again, a girl with glasses with garter belt and lace panties, well… :smiley:

But anyway, what do you like? [size=150] what moves you?[/size]

Well, I’ve always wanted an action type of H game. That or comedy/parody which is why I fell for X-Change, that stuff is a comedy gold mine (along with Alternative). The closest thing I’ve seen to action was Ever 17 with all the Under water dangers and flooding but even then it wasn’t like " Oh snap, who dunit" or anything that action oriented ( Story is a must and Ever pulled it off in that department though so props…). I want freaking gun fights, up close and personal “Close Quarters Combat”, Zombies, Vampires, Post apocalyptic Tundras, sweet back stage seduction, and I want it all to somehow tie together. Is that too much to ask? Perhaps, but then again What Moves You?.

Kissing ‘moves’ me. Yup, plain ol’ mouth-to-mouth. It’s very romantic and intimate, maybe even moreso than sex itself (like in Pretty Woman where she’ll have sex for money, but not kiss on the lips. Yes, I just referenced a chick flick, but I am a girl!) There aren’t enough CG dedicated to couples kissing, in my opinion.

Seperation ‘moves’ me, albeit in the ‘bawling-like-a-baby’ sense. [color=#FFFFFF]Saki’s[/color] route in Snow Sakura had me totally at its mercy, and I won’t even begin to discuss the effect Kanon had on my emotional state. I’m addicted to sad girls in snow. :roll:

Hmmm, I suppose something like the Reiko route in Critical Point. The eager virgin finds the man she really likes and wants to please him. I don’t know what about it I really like, but it’s the first route in a game that I replayed lots of times. There’s other things that have gotten to me too, but this was the first incident of it happening.

Comedy and romance. Storyline. Man, if I could find the fun of X-change, the storyline of Ever17 and put them together, add some sex. I’d be happy.

I’d be lying if did not say [size=200]"[color=#BF0000]BLOOD[/color]…!"[/size] Sure… We like comedy and other funny stuff… But, we like where the laughing takes place where blood is splashed/smudged all around or even just little drips of it… :twisted:

Secondly… The [size=150]“Eyes”[/size] yes eyes… :shock:
Especially those with sad eyes… Or eyes that are deeper than darkness or those that shows a veil of secrecy, like a shell that those quiet ones use to disguise themselves from others… Tis moves me deeply… :mrgreen:

[size=150]“They say that the eyes are the windows to ones soul… I like to break windows and take what’s inside…”[/size] :twisted:

The rest would include: Twincest, Gore, Mutilation, School girls, Yandere, tsundere, Submissive, Cosplay, Yuri, Loli, Maids, Inexperience, and the like… :smiley:

[size=150]Tis things move…us…very much indeed…[/size] :twisted:

I am moved by sad stories.
That’s why I loved the pathes of Saki and Misato in Snow Sakura, Aeka (YMK), or the Tsugumi’s path in Ever 17.
I want to hope for an happy ending :slight_smile:

Concerning the girl whatever if it’s a Tsugumi, a Saki, Mizaki, Aeka, …
as long as it’s not a smoking meganeko with short hair like Rei (Snow Sakura).

I am fueled by the power of ANGST.

Sad girl, lonely girl, miserable girl desperately longing for things she can’t have… they are all for meeee.

(Unfortunately the blah hentai male is often written as being, at least initially, unsympathetic to AngstGirl’s pain. Which annoys me, and leaves me feeling like I have to hit him over the head repeatedly to make him behave! Unless AngstGirl is being intentionally bitchy to hide her inner pain. Then it makes perfect sense that he’s not sympathetic at first.)

Story above all else, it can be on anything really, just so long as it’s well thought out and planned. After that… Maids, shy/quiet girls, so on and so forth.

A good story. I don’t particularly like vicious cruelty, but other than that it doesn’t even really matter what the story is about, or who’s winnable, or anything, as long as the story is good. Is it something I’d want to replay later because I want to experience the story again?

Death, I would normally totally agree with you BUT as I repeat your post, I don’t know… :roll: Aww what the hell, I’d hit it with a microwave laser :mrgreen:

Aren’t we all, aren’t we all…

Well discounting my obvious love for twincest: screaming. :!:

And not just any screaming, I mean authentic sounding screaming. 8)

How many of us have played an uber dark title, only to be disappointed when the acts of atrocity start? Here you are, brutally doing things to some poor soul, when her screams for mercy and forgiveness are so… well… unconvincing? :roll:

If I’m tearing out your miserable soul, devastating every aspect of self worth in your existence, then it isn’t a weakly: “ah… ah…:expressionless:

Narg wants something like: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAGH!!!” :smiley:

Make me know I’m going to Hell. Have the neighbors call the cops and think I’m a serial killer. Cause my blood to curl with evil. Let my ears hear the chorus of pain shattering praise! CAN I GET AN AMEN, MY BROTHERS!? :twisted:

Anyone two-bit artist can draw blood. Anyone two-bit writer can make a dark story. But great acting? Now there’s what gets Narg going. :o

Oh… and did I mention twincest? You can never go wrong with twincest. :mrgreen:

Well aside from the obvious [color=#0000FF][size=200]LOLI TWINCEST[/size][/color], what I really like are dark Japanese Occultish stories with lolis (or atleast cute girls with basically flat chests). And by dark I don’t mean brutal.

Anyone two-bit person can draw good pics. Anyone two-bit person can do a good storyline. But not everyone can make a dark story that brings to life terror and eroge at the same time and leaves you wanting more.

Fear the Darkness. Embrace the Darkness. The Darkness is Your Friend. The Darkness is Your Master.

Oh and embrace LOLI TWINCEST…

Well there are a few exceptions to this rule, like Popotan

“Moar Screaming Show”?

The utter violence that would ensue if the members of this board were to collide would bring forth a rupture so massive it could shatter the mechanics of mass and energy, just do try and remember the type I speak of is a more personal type than most of you are familiar with for you see it is not a “continuum”.

Lol, seriously though has anyone ever used their graphic novel experience in real situations? Not the healthy go lucky attitude life lesson stuff you learn, I’m talking about the socially debatable types. Let me share a story with you, gather around for this story of fine adventure.

A pair of years ago, yes but not too long ago I traveled a distance of a distance of about 10 miles give or take with about an average ETA of 45 minutes from point A to point B ( weather conditions, traffic, cops, etc…). I used this “shortcut” many times and it involves some private property niches, nothing like breaking things in or the sort but technically on grounds of and there for a cautious tuck n run type of “jog” speed if you will is in effect. On a certain perfectly average sunny day I came across a rather large ring of keys to a certain house and obviously within the boundaries of the house in question, at least a handful of keys in this ring at a weighty grab too. Ideas began running, no not walking in kind of ideas but how to return them kind and that is returning them without being suspicious. But how foolish can I be I thought, just hand them over? Why would there be a problem with that? I go over to the door and with keys in hand knock twice. Movement- I hear movement like the kind of someone scurrying in the house trying to be sneaky but utterly failing at it. This annoys me somewhat so I knock loud and I knock hard about four times. The person at the other end seems desperately shaken at this point. Shadow- I notice a shadow near the window, It’s a woman. Does she think I’m blind? I’m trying to be a good Samaritan damnit! I grow tired of this quickly and as I look around more I notice a conveniently placed hook near the top area between the door/window. Perfect- I casually hook the large ring of keys there and make my way down the path already delayed thanks to this event.

Well, the next day I happened to be taking this route again. ETA 25 minutes to go and weather conditions phenomenal, nothing could go wrong am I right? Victory- I thought as I savored the meal ahead but I must keep my reserve or my path will be delayed, don’t wanna get followed by white trucks (that’s a completely different story…). I had totally forgotten what went down the other day, It was such a trivial event I gave no extra precaution as I attempted to cross that area once more. That’s odd, that garage is never open- F***CK Heaven or Hell. Nothing truly out of the ordinary but none the less I was surprised that in my years of taking that route there would be an old man standing there watching me almost right after I had noticed him standing there. " Your not suppose’ ta be crossing through here." the old one said, It was about private property matters I thought. I stood and listened to the old man intently, " This is private property, you can’t go walking’ round…" This man was angry, a little more angry than any normal person would be about a trespasser or maybe he just sounded harsh in my tired ears I’m not at all sure but I am quite positive of what happened next. I’ll never forget it, I looked under my field of vision somehow and saw actual “options” if you will. The top ones were more diplomatic/ passive and it ranged there to another more neutral like ignore and walk away. Then I saw the aggressive option and thought, “hmm, I do need me some renegade points so what the hell…” I pick the option and immediately make haste towards the old man man whose expression didn’t change. I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him towards me the man now slightly shaken. He had threatened me with the cops, there was no walking away. “Listen old man, I pass by every day and NOW you threaten me?” I told him furiously in a more elevated volume than usual. " If you got a problem with me then go ahead and call them, I’ll be long gone by then." I continued more calmly this time and then thought of something quite quickly. “Is this about the keys, cause I could of made copies of those and broken in later but instead I returned them you ungrateful idiot.” the man has truly seen something because he shakes slightly and becomes heavy in my hands and so I tighten my grip and add an extra hand for my coup de gracia. " Oh so you know about those keys? Yeah, that was me." I don’t know how long we stayed like that but as soon as I realized what I had done to this man and what I had said I let go and he looks at me puzzled but I can’t look him in the eye and so I walk away.

About a week later I make my pass and notice the old man there with his woman talking about something. I take this as my chance to barge in and extort them of money and personal belongings LOL joking but seriously I walk up and immediately apologize and surprisingly they apologize as well for God knows what…something about the keys and that old lady but more importantly I am welcome to pass anytime. Now that I think about it I go CONGRATULATIONS BEST END LOL.

You really should’ve just rammed the old man’s head on the pavement… Then take the greens that he drops while saying: “I like to share too, thank you…!” Then move along the path and continue your journey… :wink:

No, seriously… One should try first to reason out in a calm manner. While trying to acquire information from every word… And if bad comes to worse… Just let my fist do the talking… 8)

If you shouldn’t have played it yet: go for “Project Zero II: The Crimson Butterfly”!

While it contains no sex (obviously, it’s a console game), it should satify almost all your other expressed needs here! :wink:
Plus: while it contains no twincest, twins and their special mystic connection are a central topic in here nonetheless!

Of course, Narg will hate this game for other obvious reasons, though… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, it’s like when you see a girl who falls on the ground and imediately you remember the 3 choices :

A - Help her up
B - Tell her your name
C - put it in

Unfortunately, the choice C leads you to the “man-raped in prison ending”.

No more than I apply my movie experience to real situations, meaning not at all.

On-topic, what moves me in stories (and I’m essentially playing erogames for their story – reason why I couldn’t care less about the gameplay) is display of courage (dare I say ‘bravery’?), pure love (meaning sacrifices), honour (meaning selflessness and total devotion), strong will (but not stubbornness) and adherence to one’s principles (no matter what). Of course, that strongly sets me against weak-willed, cowardly, unskilled, hypocritical, selfish characters, therefore against games where such characters are the main protagonist. :?

Heh… I’m totally with OLF on this one. Seriously. If I applied what I did in eroge with real life, Narg would be making headline news on CNN, NHK, and BBC:

[color=#FF0000]American Arrested for Imprisoning a Harem of Beautiful Twins in Basement[/color]

Of course if I did my psychological conditioning correctly, they wouldn’t dare press charges against their Master. They’d love me too much! :twisted: