Sogna website gone!?

Hello, everyone ^^; It’s been a while, been busy and all that.

I’m sad to say that Sogna, the company popular for making Viper series games, and its website is gone, no longer intact. Here is the link:

It was under construction sometime ago but when I checked the site again, it is no longer there. It is not confirmed that company went out of business, but I have a bad feeling about this.

Then again, if company indeed went out of business, I can only say that they brought this upon themselves -_- If you’ve been following their releases carefully, you would realize that Sogna did not make much effort to make their games better but release games with boring story with some animation in them. I mean nowadays, we have other games that has far better story and animation. Also with DVD Player games, Viper series does not have any advantage anymore.

Anyhow, it’s sad to see one of my favorite companies disappear like this, truly sad T_T

Viper series belongs to the DOS or Win95 age where animation is considered a novelty. Nowadays with many G-C games incorporating animated scenes, it has lost whatever competitive advantage it has over other games.

Is soonga the same as hobbibox? I thought hobbibox released the viper games.

Sogna is a developer and Hobibox is a huge Publisher…you know, like how most US PC games companies are actually owned and published by…Vivendi, I think the name was.

Well this could explain some of the trouble Hobbibox is having over here I suppose. If they lost one of their developer branches it could cause some major problems.

Nah, hobibox japan has tons of developer under its belt. It’s still very well alive in Japan. Losing Sogna (if it’s true) is not going to cause havoc to them.

That is cool then, I am glad that is the case, but then what about them over here?