Some more Reviews of Jap-EroGames

Hi, guys. I though in give some reviews for trials of erogames i played. When i have the chance, i will try the full-games, too.


A new musical ero-comedy union-henshin ADV. (more info here)

In this game you are Kensuke, a highshool boy (Duh!). One night he saw the next-door classmate Chiyu - a blue-eyed tsundere girl - meeting a strange girl with red eyes, pointy ears and very strange (and provocating) clothes named ChuChu. That girl was a vampire. And then he saw the two girls kissing (!), making a fusion and they formed a new girl with one blue eye and the other red, CHU CHU Idol.
ChuChu-Idol found he discovered her secret and, in order for him not tell anyone, she bite him, turning him into her slave. Now he’s forced to live with ChuChu and help her, until he discovers a way to broke his curse.

Some of the characters are:

*CHU CHU - The red-eyed vampire girl. Very cute, sexy and acts innocently. She’s searching her missing mother. In order to suceed, she decides to turn into an idol pop singer. But because she’s a vampire, she couldn’t walk in broad daylight, so she makes a fusion/union with the human girl Chiyu, turning into a daywalker half-vampire.
A virgin, Kensuke is her first human-slave. And she intents to “use” him a lot! :smiley:
The game was released recently with lots of extras. Unisonshift was already selling lots of products based on this game even before the release date. If i remember well, some time ago i saw there’s even a karaoke version for the OP, in the Yotube.

A new idol pop singer is rising… :wink:

[ 03-23-2007, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

Another trial version i played…

*** R.U.R.U.R. (Light) ***

The future release of Light, a Sci-Fi romance-comedy Shota-Oneesan ADV. (More info here and here).

In the distant future, the humanity was colonizating the space. In the gigantic immigration spaceship “Saint Exupery” (more than 20 km/12 miles long!) navigating the outer space, a serious accident killed all the humans inside the ship, leaving a tripulation of just bad-french speaking robots and advanced (read: sexy) all-purpose female-androids. Many years passed in this enormous coffin floating the space, until one day the androids found a still functional life-support hibernation capsule with an alive human inside, a boy.
The androids decided to release the boy and raise him themselves, simulating a family until he becomes an independent adult, able to command the ship…

The Characters:

*ICHIHIKO - The only human survivor of the entire ship. A boy. Because he suffers amnesia, he accepts the strange condition he’s into, until he can discover or remember something more.

*ISF-ISAAC-0010102F “R-HINAGIKU” - The female android simulating a “scatterbrain, violent tsundere” childhood friend of Ichihiko. At first she was acting out of duty, but she’s becoming more and more involved with Ichihiko. Ah, and she “masturbates” eating a big pot of popcorn! :slight_smile:

Oh, and by the way, sorry the bad english! :roll:

[ 03-23-2007, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
[b]Hey, Nargrakhan, that’s for you! :smiley:

Yeah, you will never find more twincest than that. :wink:

Heh… well I noticed in that image link, there are two ISAAC-10001009 “R-TANPOPO”.

So I get my pick of “classic twincest” and “infinicest”? Wow. I’ll be first in line. :smiley:

Good point. If i’m not mistake, she’s a mass-produced model. The crazy assassin android is a Model R-HINAGIKU, too. That means maybe just every female-android here could have one or more “twin sisters” around the ship. :slight_smile:

Poor Ichihiko. Maybe he will need A LOT of energy for his… growth into a fine man! :smiley:

[ 03-23-2007, 07:08 PM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

Just a little update…

With just a few days before the release date for R.U.R.U.R., LIGHT released a Trial - Version 2 for the game. :slight_smile:

There’s not a big difference between the new version and the former version, except a new OP, some more short animations - specially in the fierce battle between R-Hinagiku and the crazy android - and more background musics.

The art graphic is still very beautiful, with clean and vibrant colors. But something what really caught my attencion now is the music. Simply sweet! Some of them look like New Age songs. And I LOVE New Age songs! :smiley:

As soon this game is released, i will surely try to buy it… after i got some money, of course. I have so many bills to pay now… sniff. (T_T)

EDIT: Nargrakhan, check this one too! :smiley:

[ 04-25-2007, 11:37 AM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
[b]EDIT: Nargrakhan, check this one too! :slight_smile: