Some news

First off, Littly My SnowDrop is obviously an April Fool. Hope you guys at least had a good laugh at it since I purposely made the dialogue text balantly fake. Our special April Fool Award goes to Noribo who is so (and prolly still) miserably hoping that it was real and everything…

now, consider anything below UNOFFICIAL news though, but some rough updates for you guys and gals.

- Gibo is under final testing now, and LMM is getting close to finish its initial testing (I am about 70% done currently). But no release date hints, sorry because I have no idea, especially for lmm.

- When I was checking for japanese b-game news just a while ago I noticed a new gibo and LMM title to be released by Will Japan, even though it’s not announced on the company’s site itself yet. You can check Getchu’s calendar if you don’t believe me (it’s near the end) since I made too many lies lately, or we can see what happens later on down the road. Don’t ask me if we will get these titles because it is way too early to talk about this, although how well gibo and lmm sell in the english market will play a huge factor obviously.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 04-04-2004).]

Hmm, that’s some good news.
Thanks for the info.

This is interesting and exciting news, seems at least in Japan there are sequels which might by some miracle sometime in the future given a whole bunch of unknown factors make it over here, perhaps, hows that for leaving nothing to certain?

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Our special April Fool Award goes to Noribo who is so (and prolly still) miserably hoping that it was real and everything...

Oh! Thank you! I can hardly believe this! I feel so lucky! I am so honored to receive this special April Fool Award [img][/img] ...

Not to be a materialist but is there any reward coming with this title? Free copies of Gibo and Little My Maid arriving at my doorstep this month sound like a perfect reward to me [img][/img]

Anyway, Thanks for the update. At least, now we know the progress of our long-awaited titles. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Noirbo:
Oh! Thank you! I can hardly believe this! I feel so lucky! I am so honored to receive this special April Fool Award [img][/img] ...

Especially one that has your name misspelled ("Noribo"!). Now it can be immortalized in the engraving! [img][/img]

Originally posted by woodelf:
I just want to know if the manuals have been printed yet? [img][/img]

That's really the important question, now isn't it? [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
That's really the important question, now isn't it? [img][/img]

For those who don't know, this comment refers to a last minute delay with the Brave Soul release. That game was supposedly ready to go out the door, but for a problem getting the manuals done.

Posting advance notice of a release is always risky from the developers' point of view. They are under no obligation to share their schedules with us here, but I'm glad they care enough to do so. On the other hand, when we make demands about getting a product out, everyone should realize that it's in the spirit of good natured kidding. Serious complaints are not productive. Not everyone has been exposed to 'lemon lore', which is why I thought an explanation might be in order.

Printing problems also occured in the release previous to BS also But cool more news is better than no news unless it’s bad news

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
unless it's bad news [img][/img] LMM HD sounds, looks, and smells funny all of a sudden...

Originally posted by Lamuness: LMM HD sounds, looks, and smells funny all of a sudden...

Lamuness, that's you farting.
Originally posted by Lamuness: LMM HD sounds, looks, and smells funny all of a sudden...

But does it taste good? That's the question. [img][/img] [img][/img]

精神 の 神

Originally posted by perigee:
For those who don't know, this comment refers to a last minute delay with the Brave Soul release. That game was supposedly ready to go out the door, but for a problem getting the manuals done.

Heh, as wanfu2k1-san pointed out, it wasn't just the BS release. If it was, it wouldn't be half as amusing... [img][/img]

Not everyone has been exposed to 'lemon lore', which is why I thought an explanation might be in order.

Oooh, I like that term 'lemon lore'. [img][/img] Of course, you'd also have to explain about the lemons in the first place but it's a pretty nifty term for the "in-house" gags we have around here.

The fact that people here had to wait for the Brave Soul manuals is another reason why using the manual should be promoted.
“Where do I save!!!111oneoneone”

Originally posted by ekylo:
Oooh, I like that term 'lemon lore'. [img][/img] Of course, you'd also have to explain about the lemons in the first place but it's a pretty nifty term for the "in-house" gags we have around here.
Maybe we could just get PP to add a lemon smilie ( [img][/img] ) to the BBS. Then whenever someone makes an "in-house" gag, they can mark it accordingly. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

But that doesn’t explain the “in-house” gags, though.

Originally posted by perigee:
[quote] Originally posted by ekylo:
[b] Oooh, I like that term 'lemon lore'. [img][/img] Of course, you'd also have to explain about the lemons in the first place but it's a pretty nifty term for the "in-house" gags we have around here.

Maybe we could just get PP to add a lemon smilie ( [img][/img] ) to the BBS. Then whenever someone makes an "in-house" gag, they can mark it accordingly. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

[/b] [/quote]
Those would look nicer if you put some fangs on the faces [img][/img]

Originally posted by Lamuness: LMM HD sounds, looks, and smells funny all of a sudden...

Well if you wouldn't keep trying to snort it you wouldn't be having this problem...