Something Awful Trashes Bravesoul

oh, did you know that cherrysoft is closing down very very soon? :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Lamuness:
oh, did you know that cherrysoft is closing down very very soon? :P

Please don't say such terrible things!
Who is supposed to continue the Blood Royal-series after they have closed down, hmmmm?


that’s why i want to get those games soon!

unicorn, all I am stating is a FACT…and it’s official news too if you visit their site so I am not bullshiting or anything this time…too early for april fool anyways

anyway… i’m more interesting in finding the artist’s name than in the games themselves… does anybody knows?

The artist’s name is AKIRA, a lady in her early 30’s I believe. I met her last year in comic market

Originally posted by Lamuness:
unicorn, all I am stating is a FACT....and it's official news too if you visit their site so I am not bullshiting or anything this time...too early for april fool anyways

Sorry if I p...ed you off.
I just couldn't believe it after you put these terrible news that casually.

nah, dont worry I wasnt pissed off or anything…however, sometimes things are just the way they are, things do come and go and life must go on…just like a death in the family (no offense to anybody)

To be fair, SA did give Tokimeki Check-In and Come See Me Tonight fairly good reviews. The CSMT review is actually really funny. Especially if you’re a Cheech and Chong fan.