Something Awful

I know these guys are EVERYTHING we hate, but their reviews are fairly “popular” because most people don’t know any better.

I will admit that some reviews are pretty funny, if totally pointless at times.

since 90% of the reviews are on english games, they dont belong in the japanese bgames forum

You do know that SomethingAwful’s some of the best free publicity that B-Games get, at least the English Versions?

Back when I was with G-Collections, I was actually outraged that Virgin Roster did NOT get a -50 rating. I also wish they were more scathing with Let’s Meow Meow too.

Not to mention some people here got their start with B-Games via SomethingAwful. Like me with their review of Kango Shicyauzo. I just HAD to find out if they were kidding about the Nun, Foster Mom, and Your Character scene. (And no. They weren’t kidding.)

LOL @ the Let’s Meow Meow Review. I’m not reviewing that title myself but my editor who is a huge cat-girl fan is. After reading that review though I wonder how he’ll treat it (score-wise).

I love those reviews, I think they’re hilarious! I haven’t been impressed with the quality of English B-games lately.

But…You notice he never attacked the classics like “Kana, Little Sister”, “Divi-Dead”, “True Love” or "Crescendo.

What do you mean everything we hate? That’s probably my favorite site on the internet. I love those guys.

The SomethingAwful reviews are fairly well-known here. Every time a new one pops up, it’s linked. :slight_smile:

Though I personally don’t find the reviews all that funny.

[ 06-05-2006, 09:11 AM: Message edited by: Benoit ]

I don’t he really does the classic games because there old news for most people. I mean you have to go to ebay to get them and sometimes do a little work on windows to get them to work.

As for funny, no. I do have to admit I do agree with him about the quality. Not too many games since C’s Ware games have been as good imo.

Since when? You can still buy all of them online at retail stores.

I don’t know if Something Awful is useful or not to our cause :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: , but if Payne-sama himself vouches for him, he’s gotta be a fellow perv… GOOD guy :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: !!!

[ 06-05-2006, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Baldo ]

Maybe, you would want to be a bit more specific, which C’s game met your minimum-standard of quality in which regard?
Like for example:

[list][]Fatal Relations[/][]Amy’s Fantasies[/][]The Maid’s Story[/][]Kotobuki[/][]Love Potion[/][]GloRiA[/][]Adam - the double factor[/][/list]
Comparing all the newer games with the flagship “EVE Burst Error” is a bit unfair, because C’s didn’t manage to bring something other over that was of similar quality!

… plus I think that “Chain” came pretty close to it!


I admit, I liked their review of Slave Pageant too.
However, there are others that are not funny at all, but rather should be embarassing for the one who wrote it, like the one regarding Casual Romance Club.


… and because the BIG BOSS favors them, I also dropped my own reviewer’s pen regarding english b-games, leaving that topic entirely to the professionals at SomethingAwful! :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 06-07-2006, 01:52 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

The Maid Story. I like those type of games, (though the latter i must say it can get tedius if you play it continusly for all 90 days).

Desire was descent, not as good as EVE, but well you’ve already covered that.

Adam: Double Factor was just not up to par with EVE because for one thing, they didn’t release the follow-up, which was really needed for this game.

And Gloria I liked for the way they tried not to force a specific route, but truly left things pretty open-ended, but other than that it wasn’t so good.

But the one i was thinking of mostly, aside from EVE, was Divi-dead.

Atleast of C’s products. True Love, which came around that time, was also quite good and we haven’t seen a game like it come out for the Englsih market since.

Please get your quotes right.

As for CRC, i do have to admit i did have a WTF moment when i realized there was no install program, but its not nearly so much that it needs to be harked on so much as that review did.

[ 06-06-2006, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

Ooops! Sorry… :eek:

edits Post again

There, all done!

He’s apparently admitted it’s because he’d have to find things to trash those games on and that’s unlikely :slight_smile: You’ll also notice J-list banners all over the place; J-list largely keeps SomethingAwful able to survive the Slashdot effect, and Peach Princess gets free publicity (which was VERY hard to get elsewhere).

(Of course, this only makes sense if you know that PeaPri = JList…)

[ 06-07-2006, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: Nandemonai ]

I never played “Chain”, but I actually didn’t mind “Adam, the Double Factor”. It had a plot mixed in with all the echhi and a lot humor. I thought Amy’s Fantasies was boring porn stacked on top of porn, and I was NOT impressed with love potion although I did like the part where that one blue-haired girl who was actually making a cameo from “Eve Burst Error” had that encounter with that perverted double Z cup nurse towards the end. I thought that was hilariously stupid.

BTW, Nagrakan. Since you’re a fan of “Twincest” I seem to remember “Adam, the Double Factor” having some of that.

Kana (with its incestous aspect) is really the only one that he could even attempt to trash on, although he would have to be pretty heartless to do so because of the sensitive, well written, often downright heart-wrenching way the subject matter is handled.

The other three, “True Love”, “Crescendo” and “Divi-Dead” are for the most part intelligent, well written, thought provoking games. “Eve Burst Error” is up there too althought it doesn’t really qualify as a hentai game.

I actually made this list (and left out “EVE Burst Error”, “DiviDeaD” and “Desire” intentionally) in order to point out that C’s’ games weren’t all top notch either, only a few more memorable ones among them.

As for ADAM: it has a BIG problem: it is story-wise an inferior sequel to the probably best title C’s ever brought over.
While the user-interface was technically superior, the story leaves a lot to be desired in comparison.
… and the cliff-hanger-ending doesn’t help it either.

That’s partly correct: there are indeed two minor erotic twin-scenes in ADAM.

However, I doubt that this is enough for him, particulary because he should be spoiled by some other games that cater quite better to that fetish.
… as I know myself! :wink:

  • dreams of Mayu and Mana * }8-)~~~~~~

I’m not really impressed with that site. The amount of effort that guy puts into his reviews to be funny is really quite sad. Furthermore, most of what he said about CRC was completely wrong.

True, but that was far more games than anything recently, especially from one company. Not every game they made was up to that quality, but almost none of the games since then have been up to the quality of those 3 games you’ve mentioned, atleast released here offically.

And Adam-Double Factor had the flaw of them not releasing thier final part of the EVE series in English which would have made it better over here.

True. He was right that I did have the same WTF moment when i saw no install program, but I was just more of something I shrugged off. If I just copied it to my HD so i didn’t have to load the DISC after a while, not that hard…

[ 06-08-2006, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

I don’t see how it is bad at all, if anything, its a plus. CRC is a 1.3 gig game and you don’t need to install it, for someone with a not so strong pc thats a pretty god damn good thing. My old pc was a 13gig drive, so… yeah.