Sora no Otoshimono

If you’re not reading the manga or watching the anime, you’re missing out on some major fun. Decided to make a new topic, thanks to the second season being out later this year (Sora no Otoshimono: Forte), which seems to be centered around Astrea making her official appearance. Also in the manga, three major events have taken place: Tomoki is officially Nymph’s master, Hiyori is an angelroid (currently masterless), and Tomoki transcends the power of Synaps

I assume the anime will at least finish the Astrea story arc, and so it doesn’t make a “new ending” or something dumb like that, hopefully use the Hiyori story arc as well.

His harem will continue to grow. 8)

I’m not sure if they’ll put the Hiyori arc in.
Mainly since the manga just finished that and the anime might make a rush job out of it.
Don’t forget the 1st season was all over the place when it came to chapters, too.

But in the least it will include the Chaos arc I think

season 2 starts next week can’t wait

Don’t get me wrong… I liked the second season. It’s great. But I’m greatly pissed about one thing: they’ve deviated from the manga by a HUGE margin now.

One word: Chaos

I love my yandere… but I worry things will only go down hill, since the manga is what defines good and bad.

On the other hand, I’m sorta worried I’ve been spoiled with the current manga arc…

[spoiler]because Chaos has just revived herself in the manga, and appears to have the same physical upgrade as she did in the anime. I’m concerned I’ve seen how that arc will basically be carried through.

A yandere in the harem? I don’t see how that could work though… but the anime seem to be going for it, unless they plan for her to die/betray/sacrifice in the next two episodes.[/spoiler]

All that aside: Hiyori is obviously going to be season three.

Looks like Hiyori Arc will be the movie.

Second season kinda showed us what’ll happen to Chaos in the manga I guess.
The development last chapter was pretty nice… and shocking.

I was [u]NOT[/u] expecting Tomo-kun to handle the yangire like that… but it was awesome nonetheless. :lol:

Goes to show, that I need more faith in the manga-ka, because the manga isn’t doing what the anime did for the second Chaos arc. I’m loving it so far.

On a side note: the Master of Synapse is a REAL dick. Chaos still considered him the Master, and he does a thing like that. Tomo-kun to the rescue I hope. :slight_smile:

Ya know… at the rate things are going… Tomo-kun is gonna have an Angeloid army pretty soon.

Anyone know if the movie is following the anime arc, with Chaos in the harem, or the original manga arc (Chaos not in the harem)?

God Damn it Tomoki – of all the times to yell at the Angeloids!!! :cry:

Well… what’s done is done now… and on the bright side…

Chaos is in yangire mode again. Looks like events will go the anime route now. Neat thing to note: Chaos kept the shoes, despite rejecting love. Awww… I bet she’ll be wearing them when she goes into her “grown-up mode” - and if she’s destined to be part of Tomoki’s harem - it might prove to be the key thing to stop her killing mode.

Chapter 50.

[spoiler]Sohara = 93-59-94

Hiyori = 82-49-80

Nymph = 72-45-68

Mikako = 83-54-80[/spoiler]


That is all. 8)

Gonna make a spoiler prediction about the manga.

The real Sohara Mitsuki died during childhood. The one with Tomoki in the present timeline is a fake “dream person” that isn’t real, and will vanish once Synapse is taken offline or endangered