Soulcalibur V (aka Kurisumasu Keki Taisen)

Namco has been slowly revealing the cast… none of the new girls are appealing to me.

Especially after they showcased the return of a Battle MILF. She can whip me anytime. :twisted:

Also on a side note… I think her boobs got bigger again. They keep growing with age. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haven’t seen pics of any of the new girls except for Cassandra’s Daughter

Here’s Taki’s pupil:

So glad Taki’s coming back :lol:

If Cassandra herself isn’t in the game (<–this is just me worrying, not fact) and her daughter doesn’t have Cassandra’s moveset, I’m totally going to have to learn a new character. facepalm

I mean, I originally played Sophita in soul edge, and I know other characters, but Cassandra man, Cassandra was my go to girl :frowning:

Xianghua daughter is also a new character: her name is Leixia. She plays like her mother. Kilik may or may not be the father

Sophitia has two children, a son and daughter, named Patroklos Alexandra (boy) and Pyrrha Alexandra (girl). Not twins. :frowning: The son plays like his mother. I believe Pyrrha plays like her auntie Cassandra.

I’m still waiting for information on Raphael and Amy. Does being a vampire in the Soulcalibur universe, mean you age? What does Amy look like after 15 years? Does she have teh boobies yet? Doubtful though… Amy was the official pentakko. :o

The yangire Tira is confirmed to return. Being all pale faced and wearing gothica clothing, she’s treading into Amy’s territory now. Rival battle? :twisted:

They’ve introduced a new character, Viola…and Astaroth looks about the same as ever: … v-trailer/

Another deadpan goth girl? Seriously… with this many, what’s Amy’s gimmick in the series?

Then again, in Japan, magic girls only come in two flavors: dark magician or perky cute.

Bonus guest character is Ezio Auditore from Assassin Creed.

Raphael confirmed to return. He looks sorta like Vampire Hunter D now. His back story is that Amy has been missing for a long time, and he’s been searching for her.

Viola is actually Amy. Her story is that she has no memory of her past. All the Amy connections are: her lolita dress style, the hair, her facial structure, the small tits (in the finished game; her dev art had big boobs but they shrank 'em), and an obsession with roses.

I’ll be using Nightmare as always. Viola seems kinda nifty though.

on SCIV, I got everyone’s ending. Still like Taki and Cassandra’s Fighting styles the best. Favorite character design’s were Sophitia and Hilde.

(In the Character Creator, I always use Taki’s move set and try to do as perfect recreation of Kasumi from the Dead or Alive Series.)

Ok picked up Soul Calibur V this week.

I have to say I love Pyrrah’s Japanese voice actress, she does such an awesome job of portraying her that you actually want to jump in the game and protect the poor girl yourself lol.

They went the mortal Kombat route for story mode, unlike SCIV where everyone had sort of a story with different endings, in SCV there’s a set story that features Patrokolos. You switch to Pyrrah every so often and you interact / fight with other characters from the 9 parts I’ve done so far.

MIA in this game (unless you can unlock them) are Talim (surprising omission since she wouldn’t be jailbait anymore). Setsuke (disappointing loved her ending in SCIV) with the legacy characters taking the places of the other missing.

Character creation mode is simplified in that you just create a character and pick a style, gone is the strategy of gear choices in IV as all choices are aesthetic in V. There’s still gear to unlock as you play and level though.

Want to finish story mode before I make a judgement on it though. Right now not liking it as much as IV, but I do applaud the development team in moving the story forward.

Just a note: the legacy characters have some similar and some unique moves to differentiate them from their predecessors, so there’s a little bit of relearning to do.

Little bit more to talk about.

-Ivy’s combat moves have been simplified as it doesn’t look like she has her 3 stances that she had in IV, unless I’m missing the the stance trigger.

-Tira does have her her 2 stances / Personality switch.

Finished Story mode

A bit disappointed overall with the single player experience, SCIV had a wealth of things to do in single player, while V has one story mode featuring 3 characters and 4 fighting styles. After finishing story mode you unlock a hard fighting mode that pits you against Kilik. I would have liked story mode to be more like Mortal Kombat’s where you switch characters during the story and play just about everyone to get through it. This allows you to get a feel for which character might be suited to your playstyle and allow you to experience the story from most everyone’s point of view.

In case you all are wondering:

Patrokolos - Sophitia

Pyrrah - Cassandra

Alpha Patrokolos - Setsuka

Natsu - Taki

Leixie - Xinghua

Xiba - The staff users (Kilik, Seong Mi-Na)

MIA Yun-Seong and Talim. Them or their styles. Although Z.W.E.I. is a stretch for a Talim like Style. and Viola is really unique and different. Why they included both Elysium (all styles with Soul Calibur) and Edge Master (All Styles with Soul Edge) is beyond me when one or the other would have been sufficient.

If they are allowed to do SCVI

  1. Keep moving the story forward

  2. Ivy, Nightmare, Tira and now Pyrrah have all been touched by Soul Edge, so they should / could be in every game hereafter due to Soul Edge’s anti-aging effects.

  3. Story mode should allow you to play as most if not all the characters. If you aren’t doing an Arcade ending for all of them.

  4. Bring Back the Tower

  5. Bring back Ivy’s stances, granted that makes her more difficult to play but it allows more strategy when using her.

Patrokolos have exactly same throw moves as Sophitia? I’m curious xD

And i’m sad to hear that single player content has been butchered compared to 2,3,4. :confused:

I suck in pvp so single player content is where i get my money’s worth. Unless its Halo Reach then I do pretty good there. or wow classic xD

He has the same style but some moves are different. They retooled the styles (button presses) from IV, which was unnecessary in my book. Taki was a boatload of fun to play because you could do a lot of her cool moves with a a couple of button presses. Natsu has a lot of similar moves to Taki but the button scheme makes them a bit harder to execute. It’s like they took the main complaint of IV (too easy) and made the moves harder to execute to please the hardcore fighting fans, but I’ve never really thought that SC was a hardcore fighter and I’ve played 1,2 and 4 .

Playing as Natsu is absolutely hilarious once you get into the habit of chaining her possession stance air throw after everything (ie, both cannons and her Critical Edge). You can just burst people down so, so fast with her. Pyrrha is fun to play since she has a LOT of high/low -low/mid double hits, so you can just spam those and win a lot.

I haven’t played much online (4-0 ranked, I AM TEH BEST EVAR) but the game seems pretty smooth at a 3 bar connection. On 1 bar connections, there’s some serious input delay, but really, it 1 bar, so what can you expect? I do agree, I wish story mode was a bit more fleshed out, that Z.W.E.I vs Nightmare fight took me FOREVER since I hadn’t used Z.W.E.I at all up to that point.

Yuk, screw the “hardcore” gamers. They just wanna curbstomp their opponents who can’t fight back. Don’t got time to play sc5 all day long. However I do like Pyrrha, she’s cute.

I would post a naked pic of pyrrha but I think it’d get me in trouble. So whatever. Okay checked, seems like they would prefer to keep this forum work safe but posting link with a warning is ok. But I’d rather err on side of caution.

This is the official forum for a company that sells games rife with pornographic scenes. They’d have a hard time enforcing a complete ban when it would mean they’d be blocking their own promotional materials :slight_smile: