Source for older games?

Recently I decided to try to go back and pick up some of the old Himeya games that I never got around to, and can’t seem to find them.

Specifically I was looking for Fatal Relations, Love Potion & Kotobuki. I was hoping to pick up new copies. Himeya themselves have Fatal Relations & Kotobuki but not Love Potion, but at $35 a pop that’s more than I wanted to spend.

Anybody know another source who might have them? Already checked rightstuf & animenation, no joy there.

I already have Fatal Relations and Kotobuki but I would also like to know where to find Love Potion.

Love potion…isn’t very good. It’s the first H-game I played, and it’s probably the worst I’ve played. Yes, worse than X-change. Basically, it’s similar to Divi-Dead, but without the style and suspense. I wouldn’t waste my time looking for it. But it’s your call, of course. Just thought I’d drop a friendly warning.

Love Potion is… ugh. One of the earliest ero-games I played, and one of the least enjoyable ones.

I agree with the the others that “Love Potion” is not worth playing at all. Of course, if you liked “Fatal Relations” it is almost the same thing. Very linear plot, only one ending, depraved, vile kinky sex and fetishes, all kinds of incest…The only thing that could have made it worse was if they had decided to feature a she-male (like in Bible Black ugh!). The main character is a pervert.

On one high note though, the blue haired girl from “Eve Burst Error” actually plays a part in the game. She’s investigating the goings on at the school and she seems to be the only character with morals.

I still have my retail copy of Kotobuki.
I wouldnt mind parting with it.

Also, if you have WinXP this game wont run (not even in Win95/98 emulation mode).

DOSBox is a free DOS emulator that is supposed to allow one to play DOS games in WinXP. I wouldn’t count on it working though, especially if the games are $35 each. I hate to say it, but if you use WinXP, Nameless Mofo, I would suggest a “try before you buy” policy with these older games…

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-03-2004).]

I’ve tried DOSbox and it does work for DOS based games in XP, but most older Himeya games are for Windows 95/98, so no go with those.

Back in my pirating days, I got True Love to work in XP without the aid of an outside program, though it wouldn’t work at first…so it is possible. I’m not exactly sure what I did though.

I wonder if Windows 95/98 installed on Microsoft Virtual PC would make the old games function properly, or at least make them start. I’ve only seen Virtual PC used at school by my teachers, and the compatibility of old ero-games with Virtual PC isn’t exactly a topic I want to raise there…

As for True Love, on Windows XP you have to use the warez version with the registry key, as the install program on the original CD doesn’t work properly. But the box looks nice…

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 12-04-2004).]

The box rules.

I actually came across some talk about Virtual PC on a pirate forum. A lot of them suggested it for older games. However, a major problem is that it can be very hard to get modern hardware to install and work correctly with Win95/Win98 drivers (actually, installing new hardware with Win95/Win98 was a pain even back then). All Virtual PC lets you do is switch between operating systems. You still have to install the other operating sytem and get it working.

My solution for a while was to keep Windows 98 installed on a different hard drive, and to boot off that drive when I wanted to play older games. Unfortunately I’ve upgraded since then, so I’d have to reinstall Win98, which just isn’t worth the trouble. Also, I like to use that hard drive as a backup to ghost to now, so I can’t have a different operating system on it anymore.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-04-2004).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
However, a major problem is that it can be very hard to get modern hardware to install and work correctly with Win95/Win98 drivers (actually, installing new hardware with Win95/Win98 was a pain even back then

Yeah, tell me about it. My dad just upgraded his computer, and much of the hardware refused to work under Win98. He had to get Windows XP, despite how much he hated it. There's a reason it was called "Plug & Pray" back in the 95/98 days...

[This message has been edited by AG3 (edited 12-04-2004).]