Space Channel 5

Recent death of MJ reminded me about this game series. He isn’t dead… he just evolved into Space Michael, and is saving the universe with Dance Energy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s the “real” Ulala BTW (supposedly she’s the motion capture girl):

For anyone who failed to know the glory of SC5: Introducing Ulala… and here’s the Space Michael stage.

It always was the boss battles that made this [b]series kick ass[/b]. 8)

Micheal is evolving! Micheal evolved into…Space Micheal!

This game needs a new installment/re-release/something. Wouldn’t hurt Sega considering what Sonic has been though in the last few years.

Played the demo way back in the day, Kind of like Guitar Hero, but the buttons were the Dance moves.

There was a lawsuit that caused some troubles for SEGA. Of course SEGA won that legal battle… but it left a nasty taste.

Rumors of the original with it’s expansion getting a Wii port, originate from a faked article off 2chan. SEGA has Ulala make a lot of cameo appearances in various games, so the company still remembers her. I think the real reason no Space Channel Part 3 has popped up, is because Tetsuya Mizuguchi (original creator) no longer works for SEGA. In fact, I don’t think he makes video games anymore… I read somewhere he went into the music video industry after 2007.

Ah, yes! Space Channel 5. How well I remember. That used to be my favorite game for awhile, even tho I have absolutely no sense of rhythm. I still have my Ulala action figure, too. Several years ago, I met a girl at a comiccon in Novi, Mich. who called herself Apollo Smile and claimed to be the English seiyu for Ulala. Is that true? Anyone know?

Yup. It’s true. She’s voice acted Ulala in EVERY appearance she’s ever made, including small cameo roles in other SEGA games. Seems that people don’t like her due to the whole Live Action Anime Girl thing she did. Nonetheless she does a good Ulala. :slight_smile:

I always thought the English version of SC5, was better than the Japanese original.

Dance Energy makes you immortal. Michael Jackson has resurrected into Space Michael to save us!!!


Could it be? :o