[SPOILERS] Lesbianism in Snow Drop

Being a fan of lesbian relationships in anime, I’ve been thinking about the lesbianism in Snow Drop. I’ve found two juicy lesbian scenes, of Shizuka doing Kasumi as well as Shizuka doing Honami. There’s also implication of Shizuka doing Kyoka and Keika, although I’m not sure if you can actually see those scenes since I haven’t tried visiting all locations at all possible times (does anyone know?).

I was thinking about writing a fanfic that is based on the relationship between Shizuka and Kasumi. The setup for it seems fairly good: Kasumi has been lonely since her husband passed away, and Shizuka is lonely too. They work together in the lodge and don’t have anyone else (Minoru-tachi are only there for 5 days every year).

There would be a few hurdles to overcome, though. In the sex scene where Shizuka is fingering Kasumi, it seemed sort of one-sided. In the true ending with Shizuka, it is revealed that Shizuka’s relationship with Kasumi, Honami, etc. was purely physical and not emotional. And, after either of the true endings, Shizuka is not around in the conventional sense anymore… It might work with a normal ending (Minoru-tachi finish their vacation and leave…although Shizuka seems to mysteriously disappear at the end; she could come back after they leave for all we know though…)

Hmm… anyone have thoughts to add?

thinks it would be freaky to walk by one’s little sister’s room and see her having hot lesbian sex with another girl :stuck_out_tongue:

Thinking some more about it, a Shizuka/Kasumi relationship would probably be impossible in the true endings (either Minoru gets Shizuka, or Shizuka dies and has to be reborn).

It doesn’t seem so likely in the bad endings though, since presumably Shizuka traps Minoru so that he is hers forever.

I think it could work with the normal ending, though: Minoru, Honami, Kyoka and Keika’s vacation at the ski lodge comes to an end and they return home, leaving Kasumi and Shizuka.

Shizuka could disappear until the next winter when they return… or maybe she sticks around for a while and finds herself getting attached to Kasumi…

(Random weird thought: There are 6 main characters in this story. We can pair them all off! Shizuka/Kasumi, Minoru/Kyoka and Keika/Honami. All of those pairings can happen during the course of the game, too!

In the back of my mind, I always felt that Keika and Honami ‘paired off’ some time afterwards, even in the true endings. To me, Keika was always in search of love herself but all she was finding were guys who profess ‘love’ in order to get into her pants. But with Honami, she finally found someone who loved her without a ‘hidden agenda’ and with whom Keika could finally be her real ‘self’. Not that I think Keika doesn’t have that much of a libido but I also feel that her whole ‘nympho’ attitude was in part, insulation from the hurts she was feeling from the past. (And I suddenly realized that the psychologist in me has stood up and decided to lecture…sorry, overtrained at times…)

Originally posted by Kumiko Kamiyama:
Meanwhile, you forgot to ask Honami-chan how she feels, you know? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/frown.gif[/img]

I just went back and watched both of Honami's hentai scenes (with Keika and with Shizuka). She seemed reluctant in both of those scenes, perhaps due to not thinking of herself as a lesbian, as well as not having been that intimate with either girl before, and being shy about herself and her own feelings...

Out of all the girls in Snow Drop, I think that Honami is the hardest one to understand, partially because she's not as forthcoming about what she wants (she won't spill her mind like Kasumi does on the tower after skiing with you), and also because she has the least number of scenes.

So it's hard to say what Honami would want in a relationship, other than the fact that she would like someone who's nice like Minoru.

Interesting scene from the 5th day of Snow Drop:

(Honami) I... Keika-onee-chan, I love you!
(Keika) Wha-?!
(Honami) And Kyoka-onee-chan, and Kasumi, and Dad and Mom, onii-chan and even Shizuka... I love you all VERY much!!

[This message has been edited by pmak0 (edited 12-15-2001).]