[Spoilers] Yume Miru Kusuri - Great game

I’m happy to hear that you liked it, and that’s a great picture of Nekoko! I hope you’ll find the other characters’ stories just as compelling as hers; I wasn’t expecting anything like this going into initial testing and I was blown away as well. I’m really happy that we were able to put Yume Miru out and am looking forward to bringing out other similar titles in the future - I think they speak for themselves in terms of their high quality storytelling, and I should just shut up now as I’m running at the mouth. -_-;;

[ 04-30-2007, 05:08 AM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Nekoko had a secret identity? Now, I’m REALLY excited

Thanks, I appreciate this. I had no idea we’d missed that many, and there are some pretty bad ones in there… I still can’t promise a patch release, but after seeing this it’s far more likely that something will be done soon (even if I have to do it myself on my own unpaid time).

I think you’ll enjoy Aeka’s arc, by the way, though it’s certainly the most emotionally involving one in the game… if you couldn’t put it down through Mizuki and Nekoko I’m afraid you’re in for another sleepless night. :smiley:

I hated Aekas arc. But then irrational abuse really bothers me. I mentioned in another thread, that I really didn’t enjoy playing that one. Reading through the story of abuse, really for me, turned the game into a chore.

I think that the writers were trying to explore themes that are being talked about in Japan today, and that means “ijime.” It’s not like you are the one bullying Aeka or anything.

I understand that. Bullying is a serious problem everywhere. However I question whether a game that is supposed to be entertaining is really the place to explore such issues. For myself anyway, it really failed to entertain me. And whether or not you are the one bullying, or if you are being bullied doesn’t really matter. Either way is horrible.

I haven’t yet had the time to spend in order to finish any of the other arcs. (Finals this week) I’m hopeful though that I’ll be able to finish the game next week, and that I’ll enjoy the others more.

Well, the Aeka arc is kind of rough, isn’t it. And bullying is a real problem. But that’s no reason why it shouldn’t be an element in an h-game. As for myself, if these game were only about cartoon characters having sex, I wouldn’t find them as captivating as I do. I want the drama. In fact, I like the ‘bad’ endings better than the good ones. I like leaving a game session feeling sort of melancholy.
Aeka isn’t a real person, you know, but I like to shed a tear for her, nonetheless.

On a more trivial note: what is it with all these references to “buying bread” in the school cafeteria. I assume that means sandwiches. Is ‘bread’ (or the Japanese equivalent word, which I think is ‘pan’) the word they use for sandwich? Also, the rough behavior of the students in the chow line (while amusing) seens so un-Japanese. Sounds more like my jr. high.

Thanks again for the list of typos. I’m going to try to get on a patch within the next week or so, workflow on other games permitting.

I thought that the pacing of Aeka’s path was fine; it seemed logical that Nanjou wouldn’t be content with the same old pranks after Kouhei decides to team up with Aeka, and things would escalate pretty sharply from there.

I do wish there was more of a denouement at the end, though I tend to wish that for every story I read/watch/play. :confused:

I loved this game so much. This is one of my new favorite bishojo game’s I’ve ever played.

erm… Is there an arc for Aya? >_>

No :frowning: I was so sad. I want an arc with her she is so cute. And since she’s not blood related there could’ve been an arc.

Thanks! This has greatly increased the chance of a patch coming out; now to find the time to squeeze the work in around the other new games in the pipeline…

The Nekoko and Aeka routes were great. I’ve felt sorry for both of them, especialy Aeka because I have some experience with bullying and I’ll tell you its the most painfull torture. Outsiders can never truly understand the suffering that bullying inflicts on the victims and bullys never understand what danger they’re in, because sooner or later the vitims WILL snap. (Ukraninan friends and some evil intent can help solve bullying problems :slight_smile: )
I know the greyness of life, so I can understand Nekoko. Shame she became so warped by the drugs. But all is well that ends well.
The third girl,er…Mizuki was good for the erotic scenes but other than that was a waste of time and effort.
But of course this is just my opinion and you can ignore it if you want to.

The Aeka route was alright - bringing up the fragility of those being bullyed and others ignorance of the situation. Didn’t really go after her until I completed Nekoko’s (which I thought was better) and Mizuki’s (my favorite) routes. An idea for a Kyoka route i’d think would be eventually swaying her from her bullying ways?

That damn b’tch is beyond redemption, it would be better to put her down once and for all. It was a damn shame that she wasn’t killed at the end, she would have deserved it.

I loved how Neko was screaming Wundabar when I fed her the first time :slight_smile:

To answer your questions:

No, the translators didn’t change anything. The characters originally had no ages specified.

The EOCS prohibits ero-scenes with characters under 18. Most developers simply ignore age entirely.

The game IS fairly exaggerated, but bullying IS a problem.

Also, I wouldn’t say that Aeka is really underdeveloped for a 17(19) year old in Japan.(that 17 was just a guess.) Aya was mostly for jokes, of course.

And what’s with this Puritan attitude? Who cares? It’s just a game. Basically, I wonder whay you claim that AEKA is loli, unless you define “Underdevelped” as “anything less than an F cup”.

There are plenty of grown women with youthful figures, anyway…Like many Asian women, for instance…

[ 07-22-2007, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]

OK, sorry if I sounded rude, but what you said sounded like an insult. oh well, different strokes…

As for Aya, that “20 year old” scene was actually a parody of the whole “All characters are 18+” line, which basically means that even the most loli-looking characters are over 18…

So… he was basically saying that everyone was over 20 all of a sudden, and saying she didn’t look the part, mainly to tease her.

This was all a parody of the “This girl is over 18, even if she looks 13…” cliche in eroge, Kouhei was saying EVERYONE had to be at least a certain age, or else…

Just a bit of fun…

Again, sorry if this came of as rude, I just want this to end here and not erupt in to a war over character preferences.

BTW:Nekoko probably isn’t much younger than Kohei/Aeka, given she goes to the same school.

[ 07-23-2007, 12:06 AM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]