SRPG eroge Venus Blood Frontier to get an English Kickstarter

Ninetail announces an upcoming Kickstarter for an English version of Venus Blood Frontier, a corruption-focused strategy RPG with Law and Chaos routes.

SRPG eroge Venus Blood Frontier to get an English Kickstarter

This is a pretty big deal. Ninetail appears to be working on this in-house, but whether there will be an adult release is still unclear. Letting Ninetail know that English fans want the full version with H-scenes intact could be important.

This thread is deader than dead here on JAST’s forum. What a shame.

It is up VenusBlood FRONTIER English Localization Project by Ninetail — Kickstarter :slight_smile:

I might have to post this in the game support forum, but I bought the uncensored version directly from Jast (I don’t use Steam). However, sometimes, when I start the game, several characters whom should be topless start off with tops, such as the vampire and the dragon plant (can’t remember the actual name). Playing the game a little, such as viewing support conversations, eventually has their models be topless again, but is that a bug, swapping from the censored and uncensored versions of the game, or intentional? In other words, loading a save will result in tops, but after a cutscene, ero or otherwise, tops will be gone.