Star Wars: The Old Republic

“Dark” and “Blood” decent names for Sith applauds

actually I think nocturne is night, not dark!

Not exactly. It’s often yeah, used to mean “Night” or “Shadow” or what have you, but technically it’s a musical term derived from another language (err, where it means night :stuck_out_tongue: )

I’m more Machine than Twi’lek now, twisted and evil… :twisted:

August will be an interesting month. People who had a 6 month subscription from launch date will either cancel or resubscribe. Will really tell if SWtOR can hold it’s “over one million” gamers. EA and BioWare have always said, if there more than 1,000,000 paying fans, the MMO will be making a profit and paying for it’s own future content.

Look what’s going free to play: … e-to-play/

Not all too surprising, since the info was leaked about a month or two ago. It’s still got a paid subscription model though, so the F2P is for the vanilla version, and there’s going to be “gold version” material that requires money. Waiting to see what the August 15th report will be like. Considering this game has a $200 million price tag, they need the 1 million paid subscribers or this game goes the way of Hellgate London. I think there’s enough people to do that, and have that F2P icing as well, but we’re gonna see in 2 weeks. I do not see the situation being bad honestly… there’s a lot of people online, but the server population scattering has always been a problem that’s still being worked out. There’s also the issue that this is a story based MMO, and with a lot of people at least done with half the playable classes by now, they’re running out of story… and there’s never been any serious end game or PvP because it was intended to be a stroy based MMO.

August gets the new HK plotline, and BioWare claims they’re going to ramp up production for more story arcs on some kind of “every two months” kind of schedule. My understanding is that the investors have almost broken even by now, and they just need another 6 months to have them paid off. From there, it will just be keeping the game afloat on it’s own.

On a side note: it’s amazing how many people who said this game was total shit and wanted it to fail, are now claiming it’s great stuff and hoping it succeeds after the F2P was confirmed official. :roll:

That being said: I’m keeping my paid subscription. I’ve always been having a blast being dark side. :twisted:

Hmmm. The break even point was lower than I thought… or maybe EA is just saying 500K to not scare people…

Look what’s getting a story expansion: … announced/

I liked Old Republic, although I got a little bored endgame. The major problem I had with the game is that my obsessive playing gave me wrist problems. :stuck_out_tongue: I switched to Tera, but dropped that after only 3 months. I’m currently eyeing Final Fantasy 14 2.0. We’ll see how that turns out.

Don’t mean necropost, but this video doing a mini-review of a Star Wars comic was interestng (warning to Narg, comic contains twin-cide)

(should also point out the review of said comic starts at 5:38 and ends at 15:33 if all you want to watch is that, though the Hostess commercial comics commentaries are funny) … ies-1.html

Moral of the story…be a Sith.

On a side note, one weird inconcistency I’ve noticed in alot of Star Wars media, sometimes Jedi and (more often) Sith have near DBZ level powers (like in the aforemetioned comic) and sometimes they don’t. A good example would be with Force Unleashed where in the beginning where you play as Vader and you’re able to use what’s practically a Force Kamehameha, and yet I don’t recall him or the Emperor ever using that in other instances.

It’s no different from other long lived series. Superman’s powers vary from being able to win an arm wresting contest against God, to almost getting his ass kicked by Muhammad Ali. Sometimes the USS Enterprise from Star Trek can defeat a half dozen Klingon Warbirds, then in another episode, has problems just fighting one.

That said, the Force Unleashed series was built on the concept of making the Force insane overkill in terms of power level (pulling down a Star Destroyer from the sky is pretty epic though). It’s basically just a one-up-manship against other “everything is overkill” entertainment like the Matrix and whatnot.

So there’s this patch a couple days ago… good stuff overall… but I’m upset they changed how Ashara wears outfits now. Previously, she wore the “male” version of an outfit, if it had such an option. I liked her dressed as such, because she seemed more badass and whatnot.


But they just changed it so she wears the female version. This is the same chest armor as the screenshot above, but what it looks like now on her:


It takes the sleeves off, shows her midriff, and has a low neckline to show more tits (which are blocked by her head tentacles though). Not that I don’t mind seeing more skin on an alien woman… but I wish there was an option to revert her clothes back. Just because she’s a chick, doesn’t mean I want her dressed so girly. :expressionless:

The second major expansion was added a few days ago. It’s a second rate starfighter PvP thing. Seems it was mostly made for cash-item purchases. Doesn’t add a thing storywise. Really disappointed… wanted the next plot chapter.
Guess I’ll just be wasting my time grinding for Planet Comms and vanity stuff…

Okay, it’s probably old news that the EU material is no longer canon, but here’s an interesting and funny video on it all the same: … d-trashcan

Thanks for that link. That guy’s really good.

I also happen to agree; the EU is so sprawling at this point they kind of have to start over. (Of course, I think they should include the second trilogy in the excision.)

Glad you liked it. I’ll admit I dropped the EU shortly after the Vong showed up, though I did occassionally look at Old Republic stuff like Bane so I’m in agreement too. Suddenly feel like rereading the Thrawn trilogy though…