Star Wars: The Old Republic

If you aren’t a Sith, you should seriously reconsider what the Dark Side has to offer.

Checkout the bad ass teaser movie.

I will be joining this MMO from day one. We all know what path Narg will be taking. :twisted:

Siths are always in your temple, kicking your ass, Jedi lovers. Also… Sith’s have Force Hadokens (@ 2:40 mark). :stuck_out_tongue:

And we all know a Sith isn’t above using his mind powers to arrange for some twin-cestuous goodness.

I have been watching the site for a while and expect it to be one mighty fine Star Wars experience.

For me to be able to play this game, 2 things have to happen:
New PC

-Then I’ll think about it

Yeah … On the one hand, it’s Bioware. They consistently produce amazing material.

Fortunately, on the other hand, it is also Star Wars. This helps juuuuust enough to prevent me from failing my will save vs. MMOs. (I am the type of person who would get sucked in, which is why I am never ever ever joining an MMO unless I work for the company that makes it.)

Far as I’m concerned, no one can fuck up Star Wars, more than George Lucas.

With the exception of a few cool scenes in each release (mostly the space battles or lightsaber battles), only A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back are worth the film they’re printed on. The other 4 movies are crap.

KotOR > Entire Prequel Trilogy

I know there couldn’t have been a KotOR without the prequels… but that doesn’t mean the prequels aren’t horrid.

Then again, I consider 99% of the EU garbage too. The only expanded materials I enjoy are Shadows of the Empire, KotOR, and Legacy. Everything else I ignore, like it never existed. Especially the Yuuzhan Vong… that kind of “biotechnology” is just incredibly stupid. Lava canons? Bone blades? Serious WTF.

Don’t get me started on Mary Sue… err… I mean Luke Skywalker in all those Jedi Academy tales. :roll:

Random Star Wars Image. 8)

Episode 3 was okay…it was at least worth the film it was printed on. IMO it was better than New Hope, but not Empire Strikes Back.

Well KotOR1, yea, but KotOR2, no.

Tie Fighter was cool.

Never had any interest in the Vong books, but what about Grand Admiral Thrawn? He was pretty freaking badass.

Going to second the recommendation of the Thrawn series. (Dark Force Rising was it?) And some of the graphic novels/comics were pretty good - I loved Darca Nyll; one of the best Jedi ever.

And personally I thought Return of the Jedi was better than Empire, but to each their own.

Either way, I have absolute faith that if an SW mmorpg can be done properly, Bioware will be the people to do it.

I didn’t like RotJ for two main reasons:

#1: Ewoks. There’s no way a society that primitive, could have defeated an army that advanced. Now I know people like to draw parallels with the Zulu beating the British from real life history ¬ñ but that’s not anywhere near a large enough gap of technology. It’s not even like a modern mechanized army getting defeated by cave men. Think about it: a civilization with the technology to travel across an ENTIRE GALAXY within a few days, was defeated by a civilization that hadn’t passed the Stone Age. There’s fantasy… and then there’s pure lunacy. Sheesh… where was the ORBITAL SUPPORT from the hundreds of warships in space? All they needed was one ship… not like the Ewoks could have done anything about it.

#2: Empire retreated from the Battle of Endor, despite winning it. Okay… they lost the Emperor, their flagship, and the galaxy’s most powerful weapon. Big deal. They WON the Battle of Endor. First off, the Rebel Fleet was totally outnumbered by the Imperial Fleet. Second, the Rebel Fleet was still trapped by the Imperial Fleet to prevent their escape. Third, the Death Star had taken out a lot of Rebel capital ships, when it was “firing at will.” Fourth, the Rebels lost a lot of fighter support when making the attack runs on the Death Star. The ENTIRE Rebel Fleet was right there… it was their final ultimate gambit. It was successful… but it should have cost them everything. Right then and there, the Empire could have ended the Rebel threat. They were a military… there’s still a chain of command: the highest ranking officer present would have been in charge. They should have been angry the Rebels killed their leader and comrades. For the love of the Dark Side, the least they could have done was unleash an orbital bombardment on the planet for revenge, and wipe it clean of all life.

Nope. They just retreated. Paper tiger? More like urine soaked paper napkin sloths. Basically the whole, “evil is stupid,” ending… so meh…

I agree that KotOR2 was crap. Although now that the truth has come out, KotOR2 was only half complete anyways. They wanted another year, but were ordered to wrap it up, and have everything ready by Xmas. The game sucks because it’s unfinished… and even that Restoration Project fan site, is only restoring the last minute stuff the developers couldn’t finish in time… it’s still not the “real” KotOR2 that was planned.

Here’s hoping the MMO doesn’t get a horrible deadline either…

Well … Ewoks, yeah. Can’t argue much there … though in the SWG game the Ewoks (at least when I played) were pretty strong and a bitch to kill until you got into the mid levels … but … yeah.

As for the Empire retreating - their morale was broken … the super weapon they were using to keep the systems in line had been destroyed, the Emperor was dead and with no senate their power structure was suddenly shaky … some of them will likely have fled with their fleets simply because they intended to press their claim to rulership and others would have fled when they saw their rivals taking off. Then, to many the Death Star represented not only a weapon, but the unconquerable power of the Empire … and when it fell they had to suddenly feel vulnerable and unwilling to keep fighting.

Besides which, the books which followed did suggest there was still more to do before the Empire was truly destroyed, but they had succeeded in breaking its backbone … until Thrawn there were no other leaders strong enough to unite the disparate pieces and give them renewed hope.

But Ewoks … yeah.

I see what you’re saying, but that would mean the Empire had pathetic leadership. Wars have been lost to similar events in real life (death of a king at the start of a battle; breaching of a fort’s wall; etc) - but historians look back and see it’s because the remaining leadership are incompetent morons. Subordinates obey their ranking officers, because that’s what they’re trained to do. Ranking officers in turn, are trained to not lose their cool and find a means to win, despite how grim the situation is. Militarily the Empire already won - if they withdrew under those conditions, they were outright idiots and a poor Admiral was in command. Cowardly also comes to mind. Then again, seeing how Stormtroopers can’t even shoot straight, I suppose I’m giving the Imperial military too much credit for competent training.

I mean to put it into historical context: it’s like the US Navy retreating from the Battle of Midway because they lost a carrier and couldn’t find the Yamato, thus letting Japan capture the island, and retreating all the way back to California to lick their wounds.

I don’t think you are meant to give much thought to the matter once the movie is over - really.

I enjoyed 'Jedi because Luke had finally come into his own with this film and showed us what a Jedi could do. His relationship with Vader was interesting, as was the interplay between them and the Emperor … I tend to base the entire worth of the movie on the Jedi/Sith element as - really - that’s the only part I’m paying much attention to when I watch it these days.

heh… I know… that’s the geek in me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea they should have won that battle, but I guess it really says how divided the Empire was and it took 2 strong leaders to keep it in line…which says a lot about the unity of the galaxy as a whole.

That isn’t even enough. See the wiki for details: specifically, the casualty figures. Sure they won. At first. However, the Zulu, being outclassed and outgunned, dropped like flies with six times as many losses. (And were eventually defeated, the king cast down, the kingdom split.) And this is just basic tech, like gatling guns. Now suppose you have WMD.

Now tell me … how many Ewoks were slaughtered? Versus how many Imperial Stormtroopers?

Sure, you can argue that the Ewoks didn’t use inappropriate tactics (which Wiki details: the Zulu tried to take down gatling gun-entrenched positions by throwing people at them). But still, arguing “they were using asymmetric warface and guerilla tactics” only goes so far when your enemy should be capable of levelling the forest you’re hiding in.

But I do. These sort of problems with lack of attention to detail really bug me. Always have.

FF6, for example, has a plotline that mostly makes sense … Until you try to look at the bigger picture. Each event makes sense by itself (most of the time), but when you start trying to put together the big picture of how everything fits together, you realize … it just makes no sense. If the Empire was powerful enough to invade, then detain Espers (and they believed they needed to get them alive), why did they even need the Espers’ power? And since the Espers know full well the capabilities of humans who drain their powers, why would they allow the Empire years to build up, instead of crushing them like the insects they should be, and then resealing the gate?

Does that stuff really diminish my enjoyment of the game? Sure, but it’s incidental to the main storyline, so it doesn’t bother me that much. The problem of Ewoks vs. Stormtroopers is way worse, however, because it’s a key plot point. And not just of that particular moment. Pretty much the whole thing starts falling apart: If Stormtroopers suck THAT badly, why is anyone afraid of the Empire? They could be overcome by any serious opposition. Why did the first two movies even happen? Darth Vader can’t be everywhere at once.

Both are somewhat explainable with hindsight, which is always 20/20.

First, the Esper power they had at the start of the game was powerful, but limited. It was still prone to old-fashioned explosives and guns. Given time, it probably would have succeeded. However, it was ruled by a humans and humans have emotions and two of those is impatience and greed.

As for the Esper, they were portrayed in the storyline as extreme pacifists and isolationists. They believed they were safe, and had the idea (all too typical) of complacency. Complacency is not a good philosophy really, especially with a pacifist civilization. By the time they realized there error it was too late to fix.

He most certainly did not write my post :).

IIRC, in the Thrawn books, it was suggested that the reason for the poor performance of the Imperial Fleet at Endor was that the Emperor was using the Force to control and coordinate the fleet, and because of this, the fleet commanders lacked the initiative and leadership to react when his influence was suddenly removed. They were like puppets whose strings were cut. Basically the same thing happens in LotR to Sauron’s armies when the Ring is destroyed.

So it’s not only “evil is stupid” but reverse “deus ex machina” as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for LotR… :wink: