Star Wars: The Old Republic

They had to say something like that. Besides, it makes sense it would be true. He IS supposed to be The Emperor, he wouldn’t have really trusted people high up in the chain of command if he didn’t have ‘hooks’ in them in some way.

It’s still kind of lame, especially since this had to be retconned away, rather than being properly explained in-canon.

I suppose, but how about this interpretation? The Death Star and the Executor, the Fleet flagship, are both destroyed. It’s probable that the combination of the two wiped out most, if not all, of the Fleet’s High Command, (at least those that were present at Endor). It’s entirely understandable that there could be confusion and chaos at this point about who, exactly, is in command. In addition, with the Emperor dead, what exactly are the Imperials fighting for? There’s no clear line of succession to Palpatine. It seems entirely reasonable to me that in this situation, many, if not all, of the remaining senior Imperial commanders would retreat in order to preserve the forces under their command, and thus, their leverage in the upcoming inevitable power struggles. Some of them may have hoped to ascend the throne themselves. In any case, there’s far more risk than reward for each of them individually in staying to wipe out the Rebels. Those who stayed and fought would take losses that would weaken their power vis-a-vis those who weren’t present or who fled. They might very well end up fighting for an advantage that would just go to a rival in the end. Shortsighted, perhaps, but not an unreasonable interpretation, IMO.

That makes more sense, and portrays that the Imperial military runs off a highly centralized chain of command. Soviets had that problem with their military. I think it still speaks poorly about their judgment though: when your enemy is right there and you have more than enough force to crush them once and for all with minimal additional losses. I mean it was so obvious at the beginning, when one of the Imperial commanders noted they could destroy the rebels right there with the Star Destroyers alone, but another mentioned the Emperor wanted to play with them first. If someone had a shred of tactical intellect, they’d realize that hadn’t changed what-so-ever. These were supposedly stone cold, hard blooded, experts at warfare. The BEST the Empire had to offer.

But yea… your explanation makes a lot more sense than the “canon” answer and infinitely more reasonable.

On a side note, if George Lucas has a shred of intellect in his brain, he’ll let Ahsoka fall to the Dark Side and join Darth Vader. :stuck_out_tongue:

Screw continuity. Sith Loli’s are kinky and they only grow up to be hawt Sith Ladies.

Where DO you get these pictures Narg?

I havent seen the newest movie but I know she is Anakins padawan.

Im curious what your beef is with the prequels , actually it seems trendy to bash them. I never saw a problem apart from Jarjar.

God, don’t get me started on the prequels - I was bashing them before it was trendy. The only thing the first movie had going for it was the great lightsaber duel at the end … Obi-wan, Qui-gon, and Amidala.

The second movie … Obi-wan and Padme

The third movie … Obi-wan.

and there is certainly something sexy about Ahsoka.

deviantART :slight_smile:

These particular “Dark Ahsoka” illustrations come from The First Magelord’s gallery. He’s quite the Ahsoka fanboy. Loli’ed, Sith’ed, or otherwise. :o

The sequels are terrible, because they ruined and/or simplified Star Wars lore into Hell.

For example in A New Hope, Obi Wan mentions the Jedi and Old Republic had existed for 1000 generations. If a generation has an average life span of 100 years, then that means a unified (more or less) galactic civilization has been around for 10,000 years. However in Phantom Menace someone mentions the Old Republic has lasted for 1000 years (Mace Windu IIRC)– a vastly different and less impressive duration.

Another case would be the Sith. In Phantom Menace, Yoda states there’s ALWAYS only two Sith. This is outrageously absurd. A quick check on species survival in biology or civilization will reveal that only two beings of something, will NOT survive for centuries. Previously it was assumed the Sith had their own Order and temples. But nooooo… George didn’t want that I suppose. Fortunately most people have simply ignored this “only always two” thing, and merely applied it to mean a Sith Lord only has one Apprentice at any given time (and even this isn’t a strict rule). That whole Darth Bane thing, to try and correct the issue, seriously only makes things worst…

The way Anakin fell is plain dumb. For years he was torn and straddled the line, but then he kills Mace, gets christened by Palpanine, and BAM!!! The man betrays all his friends, murders children, and chokes the shit outta the woman he FELL for the first place. Seriously. I’ve read about crazy people who fall from grace, but it’s not that sudden unless they’ve utterly lost their sanity. Anakin wasn’t mentally imbalanced ¬ñ he was morally torn. He was supposed to be like Mr. Freeze from Batman, not The Joker.

How could I forget about Padme’s death either: this Robot Chicken skit explains it best @ 0:35. :stuck_out_tongue: Not to mention that her death is a HUGE continuity error… with what Leia remembering her REAL mother (Padme) as child. Remember when Luke asked her? Yea… evidently George didn’t.

I could go on and on with this stuff really…

From a “kinky” standpoint, Ahsoka adds some interesting… dimensions¬Ö to Star Wars. For all intents and purposes, she’s the official lolicon for the series. The whole nature of her relationship with Anakin has a lot of room for potential… the whole hero worship/sibling love/master-follower thing opens a nice layer of taboos. I mean Sith Lady Ahsoka… how is that not hawt (especially with a chain leash)?

On the other hand her existence is like a MAJOR slap to the face in terms of continuity. She practically came out of the blue, and logically speaking, makes no sense to previous Star Wars lore. The way things were explained in A New Hope, Anakin fell while still under Obi Wan’s instruction. Obviously the prequels changed that… but the whole deal Anakin got an apprentice before his fall is a bit too much.

Not to mention even within the prequels themselves, it makes no sense. Where was Ahsoka during the whole thing? Dead? If not did she survive Order 66? Etc.

True, although at that point, I argue that the Rebels, who had already taken major losses, would seem like less of a threat than rival Imperial commanders. It wouldn’t be the first time in the series that Imperial overconfidence towards the Rebels would come back to bite them in the ass.

Amen to that! :smiley:

I agree on the timeline about the Republic. Palpatine said it in episode II .:slight_smile:
The Sith is not really a species , It’s more a way of Life. Plagieus probably found the ancient Sith valley.
Padme- welcome to Hollywood. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not saying the Prequels were all bad… My problems with the Prequels:

Episode 1:

  1. They killed the best Character off (Qui-Gon)
  2. The whole Midi-Chlorian thing… (Great way to take away the one really cool aspect of the whole Jedi Mythos, that if I somehow got really in tune with Nature and the Force, I could be a Jedi too, but now all it takes is a certain level of Midi-Chlorians in my blood Stream, Where’s Dr. McCoy to give me an injection of them. (Subtle reference to the Plato’s Stepchildren episode of Star Trek (TOS))
  3. Anakin’s immaculate Conception birth.
  4. The lightsaber fights, although Darth Maul became half the Jedi he used to be. :lol:

Episode 2:

  1. Hayden Christensen’s acting
  2. The Chemistry between him and Natalie Portman was just awful and the Romance stuff on Naboo just derailed the movie all together.
  3. Mace Windu
  4. Ewan McGregor saved this movie from being a total crapfest imo.


  1. Hayden Christiansen Acting
  2. Anakin’s all of a sudden “Hey I’m a Sith now, lets go kill some kids to celebrate!”
  3. Padme’s death, Mace Windu’s Death (as in both were lame)


  1. Mace Windu kicking the Palpatine’s ass.
  2. Yoda realizing he’s too damn old to do the same.
  3. Ewan McGregor’s acting, once again the saving grace of this movie
  4. The fight on Mustafar (Though Rumors state that Steven Spielburg helped him out here)

All in all I didn’t hate them but if Lucas had hired somebody other than himself to direct Eps 2 and 3 it might have gone better (at the very least got some better performances out of his actors)

Not just directing… dialog and script as well… I feel Lucas is an outstanding “idea man” – his imagination for sci-fi technology and settings are peerless. However when it comes to humor, romance, or just plain moderation… he sucks. Lucas should have known his limitations, and just directly handled the battles and “special effect toys” in the prequels. He should have also followed his own Holocron Continuity; or at least have a group of people review that his ideas, to make sure they didn’t totally screw up what he had established previously.

Meh… Star Wars is utterly awesome because of Lucas, but it’s also incredibly stupid because of Lucas.

Actually, 100x1000=100,000 and I believe the accepted standard for a generation is 20 (used to be 50, got changed) so that makes 20,000 years which is pretty close to what is established in KotoR.

Yeah, you’d think Lucas could have gone back and watched his own damn movies before writing the new script - how difficult is it to prepare a little so you don’t fudge up the continuity you set!? I can’t hate the man enough for this.

In the Star Wars rpg game I ran I fixed this - Padme did not die and in fact my pcs worked with her to sow the seeds of the rebellion. The idea of Amidala actually being behind the effort to remove Anakin’s corrupt new government was far more poignant than having her croak on the birthing table because having two beautiful babies wasn’t enough to convince her to live.

Absolutely - when that came out my first response was WTF!? But I liked the character so introduced her in my game as the apprentice of a major npc. (one of the player characters’ best friends, then had Anakin kill her so Ahsoka became the pc’s padawan. Thus in my world Anakin isn’t Ahsoka’s master, but instead killed her master.)

She would had to have been dead or otherwise incommunicado by the beginning of the third movie or it would make no sense that you never see her during the goings on there.

While I agree about how the prequels royally screw up things, there are two ways of explaining Leia’s memory. The first, and more reasonable explanation is that she isn’t really remembering Padme, and is instead remembering Queen Breha Antilles Organa. The second, murky and less reasonable explanation would be something along the lines of Leia’s memories being somehow related to her latent force abilities (thus being more of a vision than a memory).

You’re forgetting the third (best?) explanation: There are only three Star Wars movies.

In the uncut uncensored director version of Revenge of the Sith, the REAL reason why Anakin turned to the Dark Side, makes more sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone knows Lolicon is Evil… just ask the Republican Party. :wink:


Didn’t expect that at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

My feelings on this is that George Lucas is retconning the entire Star Wars universe to death. Nothing really makes much sense to me anymore. Even that Star Wars: The Force Unleashed game was supposed to be a part of the retconning process, but one of the endings made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Lucas should’ve just handed the reins of the franchise over a long time ago to somebody else in order to inject some new blood into it. Maybe some ideas from the novels that take place after the movies would be good.

Lucas has gone too far down the dark path to listen to anyone else’s ideas … he’s more marketing director now than man, twisted and greedy.

It’s a perfect example of, “be careful what you wish for.”

Fans keep pestering Lucas for a Star Wars sequel after the first trilogy. For years Lucas said he was out of ideas and that no sequels were coming, but people kept pestering him. They said it would be awesome. They said it would be perfect. They said it would be righteous. They said it would make lots and lots of money. So all of this basically pumped Lucas’ ego and confidence to the point of no return.

He took his half formed ideas and leftover concepts, then transformed them into the prequels and all these insane runoffs. You can’t stop Lucas, because all those years of pushing fans have thrown him downhill like a speeding freight train. People should have listened to Lucas when he said he was out of ideas, and wanted to take his time. In the old days we got gems like Shadows of the Empire ¬ñ but the slow rate of turn wasn’t enough. Fans wanted stuff more and faster.

So now ya got it. :stuck_out_tongue:

But hey… at least we got some Jedi lolicon out of it. :wink:

Oh lookie… next episode is a lolicon episode. :lol:

Also… I didn’t know Barriss Offee had such big moo-moo’s. I guess she’s been using the Force to augment herself, eh? If this were a Japanese show, there’d be a hot spa scene where Ahsoka would squeeze 'em… with strategic steam censorship of course. :wink:

Well now that all the Starting Classes have come out anybody seen any they like? Since they kind of follow Tank/Mage/DPS/ Support formulas. Basically:

Jedi Knight
Sith Warrior

Bounty Hunter

Jedi Consular
Sith Inquisitor

Imperial Agent

yeah I know all the classes have Hybrid capabilities if your group doesn’t have a particular class in it.

Heh… the comic series for KotOR by Dark Horse is now over at issue 50…

[spoiler]Zayne gets the girl - Jarael - and since he’s not a real Jedi (i.e. no abstenance), he’ll get a special reward from her. :wink:

Too bad there wasn’t a dark side ending. [url=]Zayne and Jarael would make a badass dark side couple[/url]. :twisted:[/spoiler]

Was a cool mini-series. Sad to see it go, but glad to see it has an actual end.