Star Wars: The Old Republic

I didn’t think that Jedi back in that time constrained themselves as strictly as the Jedi in the centuries before the movies take place.

On another hand it’s Bioware wich release buggy (to Very Vuggy) Game with an outdated engine wich have big FPS drop even on a High End PC…

And that’s its a No No in the MMo World.

And we don’t even know if they’re any good in Net Code (well since Bioware and Mythic have Fusionned you can hope a good one).

I’ll have to get back to the Old Republic comic series - I only read it up through 20-something.

As for classes, I’ll try them all out since every one is supposed to have its own unique story. I’ll probably go Smuggler first, though, as I hear they get the most dialog options.

And Bioware has been hiring out and teaming up a great deal to smooth over for their weaknesses in creating this MMO, so I have nothing but high expectations for it when it comes out.

I can’t wait to be Darth Puppy Kicker. :o

Dear God Just seeing what could have been on KotOR2, The game Obsidian wanted to make COULD have kicked so much ass it isn’t funny. I want access to the Parallel Universe that got that game Damn it.

The Sith seem cool:

Inquisitor is the class just for me. :twisted:

Now if only there are twins and Stockholm Syndrome slavery. :wink:

You know this would have been cool if Episode three had started like this .A montage of aliens in bars crying over the fall of coruscant. 8) … re=related … re=related

My Biggest problems with the PT is this:

Episode 1
The Bad:
-Best character died (Qui-Gon)
-The Whole Midi-Chlorian thing, which took all the mystique out of being a Jedi, Sometimes it’s better NOT to explain things.
-Anakin’s immaculate birth
-The general goofiness of the droid army. (Roger Roger)
-Jake Lloyd wasn’t all that great as Anakin, as probably the most important part in the movie, needed a young actor who was outstanding, and Jake Lloyd wasn’t imo.

What I liked:
-Ewan Mcgregor and Liam Neeson carried this movie from being a total wash.
-The Lightsaber fights were outstanding

Episode 2

The Bad:
-Hayden Christensen
-Absolutely no Chemistry, Sexual tension etc. between Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman. The movie really dragged on Naboo trying to develop the love between these 2 characters.
-Jar Jar

The Good:
-Samuel L. Jackson and Ewan McGregor
-The end sequence with the Jedi coming to the big 3’s rescue was a lot of fun.

Qui-Gon had a character?

Can you describe his character, without mentioning the word ‘Jedi’ or what he looks like? :slight_smile:

(It’s possible you can. I can think of a few things to say about him, but there’s not all that much there IMO.)

Episode 3

The Bad:
-Actually I like this movie the best of the Prequels
-Anakin’s fall from grace is way too quick and really cheapens the end of Return of the Jedi, I mean he killed semi defenseless Children etc. and he gets redeemed just because he saves his son from being killed by the Emperor? How selfish is Anakin? What if it wasn’t Luke or Leia? If it was some Wanna be Jedi would Anakin have saved them? It so damn self serving for Anakin to save his son from the Emperor it’s a borderline dark side act, AND he gets redeemed for it. sigh

The Good:
-Ewan McGregor carries this movie
-Mace Windu proves he’s the man by being able to take down the Emperor, but Anakin’s “Oh wait I’m a bad guy now?” betrayal was lame.

and yes I sort of reiterated my posts from earlier in the thread. Just realized it after I typed up the Ep 3 comments.


Oh and I’ll give you that Papillon, about Qui-Gon.

Thoughtful, instructive, spiritual, arrogant though willing to admit his mistakes, stubborn, risk taking, intelligent (when the script didn’t make him look like an idiot), willing to push boundaries and think outside the box, self sacrificing, confident, has a problem with authority, cool beard (I know, no physical descriptions, but come on!). If I thought about it I’m sure I could come up with more.

Damn it, looks like Jedi picked up the Force Hadoken too. … ic-trailer


Investors think it’s gonna fail: read for yourself.

Rather interesting sublte hint that investors want to go F2P with it, but the high development and IP royalty costs make that impossible. :lol:

Yeah I read that Narg. Investors are a little bit gun shy due to EA’s previous MMO releases. (Warhammer in particular)

-While I don’t think it will suck, will there be enough content, engaging gameplay etc. to keep long term subs?
See, we shall, hmmm? (Channeling my inner Yoda :wink: )

Man, I sure hope it doesn’t fail. This is the one of the first MMOs I think I’d be willing to play.

To be fair, failure is a relative term in this case. So far over 100 million dollars has been spent in development, and at least twice that much in advertising and licensing costs. So for the investors, failure would be TOR not making over $500 million (the game, spin merchandise, comics based on the setting ,etc) in two or three years. Looked at it that way, I think their worries are legit. TOR is like one of those insane overbuget military programs.

I’m sure TOR will succeed as an MMO, but not so sure it will succeed as an investment. Of course for gamers, this is transparent… at least at first… If TOR doesn’t make rapid $$$ in the first few months, the amount of planned expansion content will be hurt in the long run, since investors won’t wanna pay for them: after all, they’re still in debt. However EA could boot the costs from their other assets: things like Mass Effect and The SIMS are obviously able to keep things afloat (EA makes over 3 billion dollars a year, when all is said and done). In this scenario, having EA running everything - at least as the main banker - is probably a major positive.

$200 million in advertising and licensing? Seriously?

Yea. Not kidding ya. Lucas did not make it cheap. He gets 50% of everything that involves $$$… starting even with development. Plus things like those really detailed CG trailers weren’t peanuts either. Bomb or not, Lucas has already made cash in the bank.

SW:TOR is likely to go down - at least on it’s launch date - as the most expensive MMO ever. Hence the investors sweating bullets as they’re nearing the finish line.

The whole investors worrying and cost over run thing isn’t really new news per se… this infamous post made headlines some months back. With all the pieces falling together, the doubt it was a hoax poster has faded away.