StarCraft 2 (hell... it's about time!)

It’s about damn time:

Terrans rule. Terrans always rule. :smiley:

Whee! Wikipedia has info on it:

[ 05-19-2007, 09:09 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]


(sorry for the shout, but, damn… you would too if you have waited, for, like 8 years)


And insidious Nargrakhan, I differ ! The valous Protoss shall prevail !


[ 05-20-2007, 01:47 AM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

Something to duel over with C&C3? :smiley:

Now hold on a minute… anything that has to do with C&C 3 should be left out of Starcraft. I don’t care about others, but I love both games equally. Thogh, of course, just as I love the Protoss, I love the Global Defense Intiiative.


And btw, Nargy, one more time


[ 05-22-2007, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

Yeah, both are great titles. I’d also like to see a new Dune title… (Let’s hope EA rescue the series from limbo.)

Phineas Lucis, don’t look now, but I think there’s a red dot on your Protoss base.

Huh? What was that?

Ooh… two of 'em? That’s pretty wicked.


PS: This is actually based on a true story. :stuck_out_tongue:

The following is also a true story:


Opening scene of Staracft 1.

Protoss vs. Terran: PWNAGE !


Problem with nuclear strikes:

You need a ghost to do it, and we do have little robots call observers.

Oh and dark templar… which means you can’t see us… but we can see you.

Let the race wars begin ! Wheee !!!

LOLZ! Every race has detectors. :smiley:

No good Terran with multiple Ghosts and nukes just sends those in alone.

Do you watch the Korean Championships? Those guys take Starcraft to a whole new level. Generally speaking, the players with the most wins tend to be Zerg, followed by Terrans, and then Protoss.

Check it out:

LOL I’ma ware it… hell, they even have TV shows devoted to this entire thing, and if I’m not wrong… anime and figurines (well, maybe not the anime bit, but there are lots of cool sculpture work by these wonderful people)

Still Starcraft 2 has to really impress the Koreans if it’s to succeed. Not sure why, but Starcraft already raised a level that SC2 needs to overcome. It’ll be real difficult, but also damn cool. All the best, Blizzard !


And on other news… Valiant Narg ! The Korean Zerg are keeping us at bay ! We mustd efend against them with our combined forces !!

Starcraft and Warcraft both make my wookie limp.

More Myth and Myth 2: Soulblighter type RTS plz.

Yes,finally it is out!!!
My biggest concern is the computer spesification needed to play it.Hell,C&C 3 has biggest requirements I’ve ever seen and for me that hasn’t updated since Warcraft 3,it means major update.

Oh,and long live the Protoss!!
They are the coolest race in Starcraft,and they shall dominate with the archon and dark archon.
En taro tassadar

The game was balanced, you just had to plan for your enemies weaknesses. It’s about the player’s ability, not the race. I don’t play much an Bnet anymore, but my friends and I used to spend hours creating and setting up extentions to the game, actually setting up multiple missions for the aftermath of Broodwar…I’m eager to see what Queen of Blades is up to.

En Taro Tassadar!

Edit: Just watched the 20min demo - holy crap, this game’ll be sweet when it finally comes out. Though knowing Blizz’s track record on releasing games…I’d say 2020.

[ 07-15-2007, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: Endymion ]

I’ll rape everyone with Zerg and Kerrigan ownes your asses, and neither your little nukes nor your darling little templars will stop my tide of rolling flesh. Hell it’s about time…

The coolness that are Terrans are finally being revealed. :slight_smile:

Then we’ll nuke ya on top of all that. Oh yeah. Hell… It’s about damn time. :smiley:

It’s fucking starcraft. You can get a piece of crap shipped to Korea instead of a cd box and you would still sell millions of copies.


Those SC channels do not record their best players. It “reveals” their tactics …

Also, those “pro” players walk on the street and they get asked to sign autographs (No, seriously).

[ 08-09-2007, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: The Unholy Avenger ]

You make it sound as if Starcraft is crap. The game is a legend that define the RTS market along with C&C. Starcraft is to Korea, that Evercrack was to the US… only it has more replay value and thus stayed around longer… and US gamers are far more spoiled… :wink:

If I did, I’m sorry, but what I was trying to say is that Starcraft is such a trademark that even if you pack and send a piece of poo, it would still sell millions.

Well that’s because Blizzard Games has high standards. People know Starcraft 2 won’t be crap, because Blizzard doesn’t release crap. :slight_smile:

Every Blizzard game to date, has been a hit. And at least twice, Blizzard has refused to release two completed games because they felt it wasn’t good enough - most recent being Starcraft Ghost.

Their a fantastic company. :smiley:

I felt that they patched Warcraft III way too much. But Starcraft is on the pedestle of RTS games. Though I have to hand it to the C&C crew, having the fox from House as a GDI officer.