Steam like store for Visual Novels

I think JAST should work with MangaGamer to create a Steam like store for Visual Novels. Having everything in one place would not only make things easier for your old fans but would also make it easier for new people to discover the the community.

For this to be successful I think JAST needs to work with MangaGamer and make some kind of agreement that both JAST and MangaGamer get the full profits from their games wile splitting the cut for third party VNs, otherwise I doubt that either of you would be willing to joint the store of the other. Also since JAST and MangaGamer are the two biggest VN publishers in the west and if you were to work on this together other companies would be more likely to join your store over Nutakus or someone else’s since your guys are more known in the VN community and would probably have more users then the others.

Also my personal opinion on this is that I would rather support a store you guys create then Nutaku or someone else especially since this way you would get to keep the full profits instead of giving a cut to the store owners. So what do you think everyone ?

Would recommend this If JAST can handle it.

I know one thing and another that others might be trying this aswell.

I agree, we should definitely get a Steam-like program for Visual Novels published by MangaGamer and/or JAST, free from any restrictions and/or censorship policies

Also since JAST and MangaGamer are the two biggest VN publishers in the west and if you were to work on this together other companies would be more likely to join your store over Nutakus or someone else’s since your guys are more known in the VN community and would probably have more users then the others.

You have it backwards. Publishers are flocking to Nutaku’s store because they’re the one with more users and more traffic.

The problem with Nutaku is that they’re not going to carry anything other than vanilla content. That means no lolis, rape, tentacles, or any other content you wouldn’t find in mainstream porn with real actors.

@sanahtlig said:

Also since JAST and MangaGamer are the two biggest VN publishers in the west and if you were to work on this together other companies would be more likely to join your store over Nutakus or someone else’s since your guys are more known in the VN community and would probably have more users then the others.

You have it backwards. Publishers are flocking to Nutaku’s store because they’re the one with more users and more traffic.

The problem with Nutaku is that they’re not going to carry anything other than vanilla content. That means no lolis, rape, tentacles, or any other content you wouldn’t find in mainstream porn with real actors.

Nutaku got more users because of their free games, people who play that kind of games are not necessary into VNs as well. Also you cant be sure that those people are even willing to buy games since the reason they went to Nutaku was the free games in the first place. And as you said Nutaku has restrictions so I’m sure that that most hardcore fans would rather support JAST and MangaGamer, also like I said JAST and MangaGamer are the two biggest VN publishers in the west ( Nutaku doesn’t really plan to start localizing VNs as far as I’m aware of) so even if it was just them on the store that would still make things easier and possibly lead to more costumers.

@sanahtlig said:
You have it backwards. Publishers are flocking to Nutaku’s store because they’re the one with more users and more traffic.

The problem with Nutaku is that they’re not going to carry anything other than vanilla content. That means no lolis, rape, tentacles, or any other content you wouldn’t find in mainstream porn with real actors.
On the store right now you can get the demos of:Eroico, Kurovadis and Noxian Nights they aren’t exactly what I call vanilla content

@Unkoman_KR said:

sanahtlig said:
You have it backwards. Publishers are flocking to Nutaku’s store because they’re the one with more users and more traffic.

The problem with Nutaku is that they’re not going to carry anything other than vanilla content. That means no lolis, rape, tentacles, or any other content you wouldn’t find in mainstream porn with real actors.
On the store right now you can get the demos of:Eroico, Kurovadis and Noxian Nights they aren’t exactly what I call vanilla content

A demo of Kurovadis? Does the demo contain any sexually-explicit rape?

@sanahtlig said:

A demo of Kurovadis? Does the demo contain any sexually-explicit rape?

When you get a game over you get a cg of after the rape and there is some pixel rape also the tag for the game is non consensual

@Unkoman_KR said:

sanahtlig said:

A demo of Kurovadis? Does the demo contain any sexually-explicit rape?

When you get a game over you get a cg of after the rape and there is some pixel rape also the tag for the game is non consensual

My guess is that Nutaku permits it because of circumstances particular to that title (sprite sex, CG doesn’t show the rape in progress). But would they permit Euphoria? My guess is no, and Nutaku is unlikely to confirm or deny this.

@sanahtlig said:

Unkoman_KR said:

sanahtlig said:

A demo of Kurovadis? Does the demo contain any sexually-explicit rape?

When you get a game over you get a cg of after the rape and there is some pixel rape also the tag for the game is non consensual

My guess is that Nutaku permits it because of circumstances particular to that title (sprite sex, CG doesn’t show the rape in progress). But would they permit Euphoria? My guess is no, and Nutaku is unlikely to confirm or deny this.

The rape is not show in progress in the demo in the full version it’s another story( I can tell from playing it you see cg of rape, impregnation by alien…) we can’t be certain about anything since there isn’t full game or visual novel yet, also I did not check every demos nor do I know every of those presented

I hate to be the thread buzzkill, but I have to question what advantage JAST or MangaGamer would get out of that arrangement. Right now, they each have their own on-site stores to sell their games, and both have most of their all-ages titles available in their own stores and Steam. I guess you could cut out the Steam middleman with a joint venture, but someone has to invent the website infastructre, program it, maintain it, and staff it. Besides the work involved, who pays for that? Who makes the hire and fire decisions? I’m just thinking it would be a very complicated venture to just create a new avenue for what they’re already doing. Best way to support the publisher directly is to buy from the publisher on their site stores, IMO.

@jacksprat1 said:
I hate to be the thread buzzkill, but I have to question what advantage JAST or MangaGamer would get out of that arrangement. Right now, they each have their own on-site stores to sell their games, and both have most of their all-ages titles available in their own stores and Steam. I guess you could cut out the Steam middleman with a joint venture, but someone has to invent the website infastructre, program it, maintain it, and staff it. Besides the work involved, who pays for that? Who makes the hire and fire decisions? I’m just thinking it would be a very complicated venture to just create a new avenue for what they’re already doing. Best way to support the publisher directly is to buy from the publisher on their site stores, IMO.

Well the biggest reason is that there are many people who buy at MangaGamer and dont know that JAST exists and its probably the same the other way around. By having a joined store they could bring those people together which would probably result in more sales for both of them. Aside from that if they did make such a store at last a few of the other publishers and developers wold try to use it and JAST and MangaGamer could get a cut from their games.

As for who pays, does the programming and the other stuff I’m not sure, someone who works for them would be better at answering that since we normal users dont really have that much inside information. But I’m they could come to a agreement.

@Aldra said:

Well the biggest reason is that there are many people who buy at MangaGamer and dont know that JAST exists and its probably the same the other way around. By having a joined store they could bring those people together which would probably result in more sales for both of them. Aside from that if they did make such a store at last a few of the other publishers and developers wold try to use it and JAST and MangaGamer could get a cut from their games.

This store already exists. It’s called J-List.

@sanahtlig said:

Aldra said:

Well the biggest reason is that there are many people who buy at MangaGamer and dont know that JAST exists and its probably the same the other way around. By having a joined store they could bring those people together which would probably result in more sales for both of them. Aside from that if they did make such a store at last a few of the other publishers and developers wold try to use it and JAST and MangaGamer could get a cut from their games.

This store already exists. It’s called J-List.

Doesn’t J-List only sell hard copies for third party publishers ? But that could actually work if they implemented digital releases too.

@jacksprat1 said:
I hate to be the thread buzzkill, but I have to question what advantage JAST or MangaGamer would get out of that arrangement. Right now, they each have their own on-site stores to sell their games, and both have most of their all-ages titles available in their own stores and Steam. I guess you could cut out the Steam middleman with a joint venture, but someone has to invent the website infastructre, program it, maintain it, and staff it. Besides the work involved, who pays for that? Who makes the hire and fire decisions? I’m just thinking it would be a very complicated venture to just create a new avenue for what they’re already doing. Best way to support the publisher directly is to buy from the publisher on their site stores, IMO.

You know, people said the exact same things about Valve when they first announced Steam. People thought Valve had completely gone off the deep end. The advantage turns out to be that the more things for sale in a store, the more traffic there is to that store in general. And that means more sales for everybody.

Nutaku was supposed to offer a joint store. It’s just that they can’t be trusted to not play favorites and keep games with offensive content like Euphoria, Starless, and Littlewitch Romanesque out of their store.

@sanahtlig said:
Nutaku was supposed to offer a joint store. It’s just that they can’t be trusted to not play favorites and keep games with offensive content like Euphoria, Starless, and Littlewitch Romanesque out of their store.

Basically that is why I would rather see JAST/MG do it, as long as its someone other that does it we have to follow their rules. But if JAST was the one to do it we would be the ones making the rules, there would be no need to bend to anyone or censor stuff anymore.

Nutaku has backing from both DMM and MindGeek (i.e. PornHub). They are able to leverage these connections to pull in Japanese developers through DMM, and internet traffic through MindGeek. It’s a pretty powerful synergy.

That being said, their revenue sharing agreement will make it harder for publishers, like JAST and MG, to break even. Hopefully they will invest those funds into building a site with a good customer experience. We’re watching to see how sales turnout.

We were just beginning talks with MG about more cooperative efforts when Nutaku was launched. We’d still like to pursue something, but now everyone in the industry is putting their energy into Nutaku.

@Nicholas said:
Nutaku has backing from both DMM and MindGeek (i.e. PornHub). They are able to leverage these connections to pull in Japanese developers through DMM, and internet traffic through MindGeek. It’s a pretty powerful synergy.

That being said, their revenue sharing agreement will make it harder for publishers, like JAST and MG, to break even. We’re watching to see how sales numbers go turnout.

We were actually just beginning some talks deeper cooperation with MG right before Nutaku was launched. That’s not going to happen now that everyone in the industry is rushing to Nutaku.

This is a fascinating insight into the industry. Thank you.

I would like to point out that Nutaku promises an improved user experience over existing download shops. You can’t claim with a straight face that JAST’s digital distribution scheme for Shiny Days–with its 16 zip archives that have to be individually downloaded and validated with a separate tool–is ideal.

@sanahtlig said:
You can’t claim with a straight face that JAST’s digital distribution scheme for Shiny Days–with its 16 zip archives that have to be individually downloaded and validated with a separate tool–is ideal.

No, it’s not. Without some helper client software, it’s very difficult to transfer large data.