Strange Question Maybe

This is a very strange question perhaps, but I have seen in various anime and manga people lightening incense perhaps in various shaped containers during the summer in Japan. What are those containers called that are open in the front but it seems not the top, have the incense inside and are lit to perhaps keep away bugs? Does anyone know? For some reason this is just something of which I suddenly would like to know the name.

I am sorry if this discription is too vague, but the problem with not knowing the name is not being able to post a link to a picture to help clarify what I am asking.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-04-2004).]

This probably isn’t what you’re looking for, but on our recent trip to Kauai my friend Miko showed me a mosquito coil holder that’s hung on the wall or worn by the side [see below]. I hadn’t seen one like it before, but she said they’re quite popular in Japan.

No, thank you though. It is typically something that sits on floor or the outdoor deck in the images I have seen from anime and manga, not sure if that helps, since it does not seem portable once it is lit. Those seen too always seem to be in an animal shape, which might just be because of where they are seen, but something like a pig comes to mind for the shape.

I am still locking for a picture or image that might help. This is one of those moments when learning a new language leaves me feeling like a child, the image is there, the use is there but the name is just not coming to mind if it was ever known.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-05-2004).]

I guess you are looking for is Kayaributa (‰áŒ­‚è"Ø)

Yes that is it! Thank you very much Hokusai.

It was driving me nuts knowing the image seeing how it was used but coming up blank on a name. Thank you again.

Jeez… you wouldn’t think there were so many ways to make the little suckers…

I don’t know, I am always amazed how many different ways there are to make something like a TV Dinner tray, so something this much more artful and crafted still existing just amazes me from the start. I would half expect to see people not mass producing identical looking ones.

They are, indeed, artful… and like most art, I liked some of the designs that I saw, and found some of them thoroughly tasteless–which means that somebody is undoubtedly snatching those up Now, this question wasn’t exactly answered, but what are they–I mean, what are they used for? Just burning incense?

Not sure, it is my understanding from the anime and manga shown usage they were mostly lit in the summer, maybe to burn incense as a bug repellent sort of like a citronella candle but something that smells a lot better and has more class to it?

Those are so cyoote (even the ones with huge teeth trying to be scary). =D I want one, but since I don’t burn incense itt’d just end up being another figurine on my desk… lol