Strategy bishoujo games?

Well, I have two kinds of gmaes that I tends to favor abouve any other g·me (as my collection could show). The first is RPGS, especially story-driven, multi-path ones (Baldurs Gate, Fallout, Morrowind) which takes the msot space in my collection, I think. The second that I favor the most is… Stategy/war games, or whatever you want to call them (Shogun: Total War, Warcraft, and a couple of more…).

When I came to think of this today, I relized that I hadn’t heard of many strategy bishoujo games, where your mission is to “fight, defeat and conquer”, or kind of like that anyway. The only bishoujo game I’ve heard of that sounds like the “strategy” kind of Bishoujo game would be Dai Akuji, where your mission is to defeat and throw out the foreigners. But that’s the only one. Anyone who knows about another strategy-kind of bishoujo game???

Does Sakura Taisen count?

there are quite a number of strategy bishoujo games, although not a lot, and with the exception of alicesoft games 99.99% of the rest of these games are very very shallow compared to the ones that SB mentioned…however, the issue of how “in-depth” the game should be is up to the individual, some people (including myself to some extent) may want a simple strategy and never have to worry about stupid details like managing armies and rations blah blah blah

it depends on how you define “strategy”…since even for RPGs you have to do a bit of thinking in order to finish a battle as soon as possible while receiving the minimum casualties

if you crank the difficulty level to the hardest possible and your party is too weak then you may want to lure monsters one by one rather then being some “brave soul” and run into a room with 50 monsters inside

Puppet Princess aka Rhapsody a Musical Adventure

fxho: Don’t really know, since I don’t know much about Sakura Taisen or how it is played…

Joe_kun: don’t know that either, since I don’t know much about Castle Fantasia ^^;;

Lamuness: Hmm, I myself tends to think of a strategy game as a game where you’re given command over armies, but to what extent doens’t really matter to me; in some games you have to worry about rations, money and the usual “blah blah blah”, and in some games, you’re just put in charge of a certian force with a certain mission… but to me, for a game to be called a strategy game, you hasve to be able to command at least an army or a kind of “undercover force”. I’ve heard of some gmaes that seems to have soem strategy elements in them, but I don’t really know if thye could be called strategy games…

So, what do you know?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, I have two kinds of gmaes that I tends to favor abouve any other g·me (as my collection could show). The first is RPGS, especially story-driven, multi-path ones (Baldurs Gate, Fallout, Morrowind)

Off Topic for you Spectator.

Bethesda Just announced an Expansion Pack for Morrowind, you can find the details here:

Originally posted by Doug:
Off Topic for you Spectator.

Bethesda Just announced an Expansion Pack for Morrowind, you can find the details here:

Thnak you. Sounds interesting... I might have to put it om my "games-to-buy-list, along with a couple of others. Hmm, I wonder if I could seel my soul to someone? Having anime, manga, bishoujo games and games as my main interests ain't cheap...

Originally posted by exoarchaeologist:
Puppet Princess aka Rhapsody a Musical Adventure

That one doesn't count as there is no actual strategy involved.

I usually classify war games as strategy games. Some of my favorites have been Hundred Swords by Sega which focuses on battle and Romance of the 3 Kingdoms by Koei, a historical based game set back in feudal China. A lot more planning and development is required in that series before you go to battle. Ocaisonally there are games that take a mix of genres. The best example I can think of was Shining Force by sega. It played like a hybrid between RPG and war Strategy. If I didn’t mention it before I love Sega.

I don’t believe bishoujo games could ever be strategy games because we don’t play against the AI or someone else. Of the bishoujo games I’ve played, I feel we are playing against ourselves. They challenge our mind and souls.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
I don't believe bishoujo games could ever be strategy games because we don't play against the AI or someone else. Of the bishoujo games I've played, I feel we are playing against ourselves. They challenge our mind and souls.

Well, that's perhaps it. But still, some bishoujo games really look like strategy games. Take a look at some pictures/info from Dai Akuji, and you'll see that it looks very much like a strategy game. I've seen similar info about some other games, but you can never be sure of that it is a strategy game or not... Well, you CAN play against the AI in a bishoujo game, but from what I've heard, most bishoujo game AI aren't an all that high challenge if compared to the AI in some western games...

Originally posted by joe_kun:
And that's the real problem here. There isn't any real "strategy" involved [img][/img]. I can list some games for you later.

I'll listen eagery [img][/img].

Well there are a couple FFTactics style strategy games that I have seen.

Jewel Matrix from Janis looks pretty good (the right picture)

Also I thought Princess Knights from mink was this style as well but I might be wrong.

As for a Warcraft style game, build your base and conquer your enemy I am not sure. Speaking of Warcraft, do you play warcraft3 spectator? If so message me sometime on Lordareon my alias is “YuMMz” and we should play a game =).

Originally posted by Gulyen:
I don't believe bishoujo games could ever be strategy games because we don't play against the AI or someone else. Of the bishoujo games I've played, I feel we are playing against ourselves. They challenge our mind and souls.

I don't know about you, but they challenge my tree evaluation skills.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
As for a Warcraft style game, build your base and conquer your enemy I am not sure. Speaking of Warcraft, do you play warcraft3 spectator? If so message me sometime on Lordareon my alias is "YuMMz" and we should play a game =).

I wasn't thinking of a bishoujo game with gameplay like Warcraft (That'd be to go a ltitle toof ar), but rather a game where you could recruit people to build an "army" and defeat opponents... Kind of like "Gangsters", if you know of that game. Or kind of like "Heroes of Might and Magic" or "Diciples: Dark prophecy", if you leave out the build-up-an-army-part.

And, no, unfortunately I doesn't have the new Warcraft game, but it is on my list for game I might get in the future, through. But I rarely play any multiplayer, I'm for the most part happy with the single-player part [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 09-10-2002).]

Originally posted by joe_kun:
Obviously this isn't going to be a comprehensive list [img][/img]. Actually this list is going to be real short [img][/img]. I tried to only put those games that are either Simulation RPGs or Tactical RPGs. If there are any mistakes please tell me.
[This message has been edited by joe_kun (edited 09-09-2002).]

Thanks! I'll take a closer look at the gmaes you mentioned later [img][/img] (it's hard to do so while you're at school [img][/img])

What about Mitama Shinobi, then?

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 09-10-2002).]

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (it looked so different from PSX’s FFT)

I read the article that Sega of America may confirm Sakura Wars to states, soon. I forgot somewhere in link.

I did play PC’s Hundred Swords. It was not bad game.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I wasn't thinking of a bishoujo game with gameplay like Warcraft (That'd be to go a ltitle toof ar), but rather a game where you could recruit people to build an "army" and defeat opponents... Kind of like "Gangsters", if you know of that game. Or kind of like "Heroes of Might and Magic" or "Diciples: Dark prophecy", if you leave out the build-up-an-army-part.

The problem were having is gameplay defines the genre. Warcraft is RTS. Deus Ex is action with RPG elements, and Adventure games have puzzle solving. Bishoujo games aren't strategy games because they don't have that type of gameplay. I believe your looking for an action game like Gangsters. Where the art or science of military command is not involved.

And, no, unfortunately I doesn't have the new Warcraft game, but it is on my list for game I might get in the future, through. But I rarely play any multiplayer, I'm for the most part happy with the single-player part [img][/img].[/QUOTE]

I not big on multi-player either.

BTW,I just want to clarify my AI statement in the eariler post. Stratety games have military elements, and the AI has a larger role in defeating the player. The AI in RPG's, provide and/or create obstacles to stop the characters level advancement. The AI in bishoujo games have no noticable impact on the player. Winning and failing is based solely on the players choices.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
Bishoujo games aren't strategy games because they don't have that type of gameplay. I believe your looking for an action game like Gangsters. Where the art or science of military command is not involved.

I thinkt hat depend son which game we're speaking about. soem games have, as I've said, some gameplay-elements that clearly are strategy-like, but it's hard to know if it should be called a strategy game because of that or not. BEsides, "Gangsters" were not really jsut an action game, since you also had to manage lots of things; you had to recruit people keep them paid, had to do varioous crimes, you soemtimes would have to open i9llegal businesses (you could open illega brothels or casinoes, for example, but you had to keep an eye out for FBI), and you also had to fight the other syndicates in the city and lots more... So it wansn't just lots of action [img][/img].

AI in RPG's, provide and/or create obstacles to stop the characters level advancement. The AI in bishoujo games have no noticable impact on the player. Winning and failing is based solely on the players choices.

I thinkt that depends on which bishoujo game we're talking about. If we're talking about an ADV of any kind, then you're right that "winning or failing is based ont he player's choices", but if we're talking about a SIM, an RPG or some other games, then that might not be true. But then,a gain, I haven't heard of any bishoujo gmae that has a strong AI... Maybe it's a weakness of bishoujo games of that kind, or?