Strip Battle Days series Request thread

Overflow's Strip Battle Days series are short nukige with rock-paper-scissors gameplay and interactive touching scenes. The latest title will have animated H-scenes as well. I think English fans would be interested in these games as they hit an untapped niche. They'd be cheap to localize too because they're short and don't have much text.

I reviewed the first game here:

[Review] Strip Battle Days


And wrote about the second game here:

Rock-paper-scissors eroge Strip Battle Days 2 to release in March


My review has gotten over 2k hits (that's exceptional for a JP language title on a small site like mine), which shows the interest is definitely there.

Do a bundle of Strip Battle Days 1 & 2 and sell it lmao. A 2 in one type of deal.. SBD2 doesn't have any Kokoro scenes so no need to worry about that... But the first one does have young and adult Kokoro. Either way I wanna get this in English if possible. Perhaps you guys are already secretly working on it. Ever since I saw the first SBD release as a bonus with LE copies Shiny Days in Japan I was interested in it.

JAST appears to be interested, but...

"the "Steam gold rush" is on and every J-company is expecting to make millions"

I feel like there's an insurmountable cultural barrier that I won't be able to exceed no matter how much Japanese I learn.

Reading your review...

"Whether JAST USA could release this in English is an open question. The loli content is pretty extreme: there's three loli characters and a fairly brutal rape scene thrown in for good measure."

I enjoy the Days series a lot and personally would support an English-language release, but I wouldn't be surprised if what you mentioned above made the project a complete non-starter. I could be misreading, but I get the definite sense of "controversy fatigue" after the brouhaha stirred up by Starless and Shiny Days. Even if it's easy and fast to translate due to the low amount of text, if they have to make even a single change and kick that hornets' nest again, they might determine it isn't worth the PR hassle to score what's likely to be a very modest return*. I'd personally like to see it licensed, but if I were I in their shoes, I would probably leave it alone.

(*I'm speculating there based on what Peter Payne has said about sales of the My Girlfriend is the President Fandisc being a bit disappointing. Any time you have a game that requires built-in knowledge of what came before, it limits your audience and the title's market somewhat. Might pick up a few nukige fans, though...)

The difference here is that the School Days franchise--notably the anime--is bigger than the game. There will be people who watched the anime and haven't played the game (or maybe aren't interested in it) who might pick up the Strip Battle Days series because it's cheap, has gameplay, and features a whole lot of interactive touching and sex with iconic characters.

The loli content is potentially an issue, moreso in the first game than the second. However, I get the impression that the changes in Shiny Days were unplanned, and perhaps if they went into the project with the mindset "We're not going to censor this no matter what" then they could recruit people who would be compatible with that goal--especially if this ended up being a digital-only release (which seems probable).

Bring Strip Battle Days 1 and 2 to us!!!

Hope Jast release these 2 game in English.

the second game had Makoto 's mom. I just want to complete MILF collection from Days series. ^ ^

I don't think it's hard to get these 2 game in English. I mean it's short game, small amount of texts.

If Jast can't do it because loli content then just do the patch like past game.

Oh yeah +1