Studio e.go! died


It would appear the “death” isn’t due to lack of sales or gamer support… it rather seems there was a major disagreement with the studio members. Her comments in the BLOG are sniping at someone (or perhaps someones). Probably will be more like a resurrection or mitosis than actual death. :o

The Studio e.go! site appears to still be active. I suppose the studio itself could attempt to go on without her. She was the main artist and all, but that doesn’t mean they have to fold. I mean case in point: for several years, Kosuke Fujishima didn’t draw AMG… he let Hidenori Matsubara do it. Most people couldn’t tell the difference. Some even thought Matsubara was a better artist. :stuck_out_tongue:

I suppose it really depends on/if the number of people who leave with her (scenario writers, commission contacts, programmers, etc). :expressionless:

The 2ch talk about it. … 07713/857-

Oh noes! I loved the STUDIO E-GO games!! :cry:

Oh well. At least Kazue-sama will not stop making games. She will just create another company of her own.

I just hope she and her team who’s resigning with her can make more games with the same quality or even better than before.

this is too bad. I loved their art and games

I didn’t know studio ego was populated with zombies… :lol: