Suggestions much appreciated

@LexarV - Personally, I enjoyed playing Enzai. I liked the way the story flowed - about Guys’ life in prison and how he was working towards proving himself innocent. There is quite a bit of rape in the game, and while that didn’t bother me it may not be to everyone’s taste. But, when looking at this title rape is kind of expected. xD I also liked the voice acting…just wanted to add that little tidbit in. if you have a specific question about it, I’ll try to answer as best as I can. ^^;

Hmm… Actually reading up on the plot and watching the movie, it seems like a pretty interesting story. I don’t think I’ll care much for the H-scenes though and there are lots of them?
Okay let’s say won’t like the H-scenes… is the game still worth getting, as in, is the story interesting enough? And about how many hours long is the game? Oh one more thing… how was the music?
Thanks for the response Poison :wink: I didn’t think I would be interested in Enzai, but now I might look into it…!

Yes, there are many H-scenes. I probably wouldn’t recommend getting it just for the story. Since the scenes may spoil the fun of it. After all, they seem to pop up one after the other. Poor Guys. ^^; Don’t get me wrong, there is a nice story, but I get the feeling that someone who wouldn’t like the h-scenes would go "omg again?! Is that really necessary?!’ xD As for how many hours…I’d say I spent about 20+ on it getting all the endings. I may be a bit off, but I’d say it’s roughly around there. The music has a very depressing feel to it, as it should for a prison, but there are some scenes with “happy” music that I can’t help but smile at. :3 I hope you still look into it further and are able to make a decision! I just hope I was of some help. Please tell me if I was too confusing. ^^;

I don’t agree will people on Snow Drop.

Even if it’s a 7 years old game, it’s still good.The story is nice, the character and CG still good… But the strong point of Snow Drop is it’s “schedule system”.Gpind to the True Day 4 take some time and need you to find all the trigger event…And it also take some time to beat the True Day 4 for getting the true Day 5.

I re*-played it last week, i still like it and it still a good game.

Ok. I cannot comment on the BL title, but I’ve played all the others on your list.

Brave Soul. Fantastic game. I say that because I’m a huge RPG/console RPG game, and I liked the humor of the game. Great title if you want a traditional console RPG with some side stories of your character forming relationships with the beautiful women that he parties with.

Critical Point. Another game I liked. Its a Sci-Fi title— you are basically a military version of a PI sent (undercover) to the moon base to figure out what is causing all the problems it is experiencing. As the newest man on base, well, you are in high demand as most of the base personal are female (which is actually logical, as women consume less supplies (oxy, food, water) then men, have faster reflexes, and more easily deal with group dynamics and group stress). The story has many forks— a few stay true to the detective angle, others move into more action oriented lines and there’s a few odd lines as well.

Come See Me Tonight 1 - It was ok. The CSMT stories are heavy on details. In 1, since you are working as an apprentice chef, this means tons of repeated descriptions of you chopping food, washing dishes, etc. Story overall is about mid-level for the games sold currently. My main dislikes is that at times, I felt it was a “how to chop vegetables” sim while waiting on the plot to advance to the next story relevant bits, and the fact that your character gets bullied about a bit by the senior chef. Nothing horrible, but I really dislike bullies— even in my fiction.

CSMT 2 - It was better then 1, but that’s because it has almost no bullying in it. That and its pacing is a bit faster— I presume that’s because none of the people involved have ever been an apprentince priest. A little above average.

Brave Soul suck.It’s one of the worse RPG i ever played (i’ve played it about 3 hours and go get a Save Game for see the CG)…Even if you look at only Hentai RPG… It’s still very very far from the Men at Work, Castle Fantasia, Word Worth etc… Even some Dojin RPG found on DLSite are far better (Like Succubus Quest for exemple)
I don’t recommend it at all… Except if you like playing RPG made with RPG Maker

Thefirst time I saw a screen of Brave Soul I thought it was made with RPG Maker lol.
All the same, there are good games made with RM. You play RM games Mirage ?

It’s true they’re interesting game made with it… But when i want to play an Old School RPG with old 2D Graphic, i plug my PC-Engine, my SNES or my Megadrive (Genesis for American) and i play the Far East of Eden, Phantasy Star, FInal Fantasy etc… :wink:
I’m not fond of RPG maker game at all.

I mean, yeah, Graphic don’t make a RPG… The Gameplay, The story and the Character… But Brave Soul have a crappy Deplacement System, a boring and not well balancdr Fighting System and i didn’t get hooked in the story at al (some will get, that i understand perfectly)… But The Character was good and interesting for what i could see.
In the end the crappy gameplay made brave Soul unbearable for me… Even if i’m playing Console RPG since the NES, i couldn’t bear a Game System up to the first no name and crappy RPG of the SNES…

I haven’t found any RM games that were like “wow! this game could have been made by a proffessional (if the graphics were just a bit better)”

Including “Laxius Power 3”?
I mean - if you overlook its coding errors… :oops:

I guess it depends. If you’re used to Eushully’s, Softhouse Chara’s and ALICESOFT’s RPGs and they’re your standard for comparison… :wink:

out of your list i have to go with the following:

• Snow Sakura
It’s very long and involved and every last character is very likable. Leave no scenario unturned, there’s a LOT of content and story to this game. This is one of my favourites.
• Heart de Roommate
Honestly, so far, one of the games I treasure. It’s got lots of laughter, drama, and entertainment value. As someone else said, they break it down into “episodes” like an anime series, and for this title it just works. The characters are all wonderful and deeper than your average B-Game, though they do follow some of the stereotypes, they make it believable. The true emotional impact of this game comes with completion of all the scenarios and then the bonus scenarios.
• Yume Miru Kusuri
I’ve just started this myself, so take this recommendation lightly (though with how many others are recommending it…).

somewhat off-topic, but the Aveyond series are ‘professional’ games made with RPG Maker… they sell copies and make good money!it’s a matter of what you’re looking for… obviously if Final Fantasy XII is what you want in an RPG you’re going to be a bit disappointed by that oldschool style.

(Of course, I would like to see some games with more western-RPG style gameplay but pretty anime girls in them.)