Sumaga status?

Hello guys,

Since JAST requested that fan-translators stop tling Sumaga, any of you guys hear about when the official release (tl) will start/ come out?


Don’t hold your breath.

I’m 99% sure JAST will release Sumaga. Probably not in the next two years, though :?

Since it’s voiced… (and has H-scenes) it should probably be… not like CHAOS HEAD :roll:

Realistically, Jast USA hasn’t even gotten one of the two Nitro+ USA games they originally announced out yet. Demonbane is almost certain to come out this year, the second (Jingai Makyou, I believe) is still in “announced” status on the status thread - which means “work hasn’t started on it yet”.

(However that thread is badly out of date, it doesn’t reflet CGA is now out, and 1Q 2010 is now over yet it claims Raidy 2 might be released in that timeframe.)

Given this, it will be a few months before the first Nitroplus game comes out, and then they will have to see how well it does so they can plan (if it sells 10 times in 3 months what they sold all of last year, for example, they’ll get more of them out ASAP, flip side, if it doesn’t do well at all, well, they’ll have to reevaluate.)

I wouldn’t expect them to even consider adding another Nitro+ title to the pipeline much before late 3Q - 4Q of this year.

The fan-translation hasn’t actually been stopped, it’s just continuing with files not being visible to public. It 's currently at 72.5%, with steady progress being made.

If the purpose of this was to work with the fan translators, of course they’re still working on it :wink:

On another side, the translation patch of Saya no Uta and Chaos Head have been removed even if we already know JAST will never release those two VN (no voice/no sex)

I don’t know where you got the idea that Saya isn’t voiced, since it very much is. And last I heard Nitro+ is very interested in gettting it released in west. And JAST feels same about Chaos;Head, although that poses entirely new set of problems due to whole 5pb thing.

Probably from the fact that it was one of Nitro+'s earlier titles and a budget game at that, while Vjedogonia, Phantom and Kikokugai (their first three games) were voiceless.

Although IIRC Saya actually came out after Demonbane (which would make Saya their 6th title I think) which would make it a little less understandable.

That Vjedogonia game continues to be a major mystery for me, one which I would very much like to unravel. For obvious reasons.

A release isn’t guaranteed. TLWiki volunteered to stop releasing material to the public as a gesture of good will toward Nitro+ and JAST USA (and with the understanding that a) they would likely cooperate on localization projects and b) Nitro+ would probably ask them to stop anyway). However, that was never any indication that either Sumaga or Chaos;Head would be released in English.

When the time comes, they’ll decide if those games will be released.

My bad, Saya is voiced indeed. This kind of mistake is unforgivable for someone like me who gave 10/10 to Saya on vndb :lol: