Summer Days IN ENGLISH

i think it’s really a mixed bag regarding gamefaqs. i have seen very good communities in some games…and also otherwise in others, so i strongly think that it really depends on the game being discussed

so i cant say either side is correct

Very well, my friend (and hi, Darkling-kun). You’re also “AngelSmile” and “DO” fan. But I guess you are excepting the game “Sensei 2”, from DO, right?

My friend criticize this game. And I didn’t played it yet.

That’s good you have a few enemies. I think I don’t have any enemies because I always try to conciliate many different and contradictory opinions. I’m a moderate guy, but not moderator… :stuck_out_tongue:

My only terrible enemy is the online store called “Canada Hentai”. I have many own reasons for this. And I’ll never forgive them for this affront.

[ 04-21-2007, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Have you ever read Shakespeare, Benoit ? Othello ? Go read it.

While I can understand that honesty may be the best policy, there are times when we have to mask our thoughts. Lamuness couldn’t tackle coolgamer without approaching the issue udnerhanded. But, of course, it’s hard to explain it.

AHem Too remote an exception, and I’m not all that perfect myself.

Well… since the reviewers themselves actually bothered to appear within the boars of the games they review themselves ?

Sometimes, I like tos ee GameFAQs as an extension of GameSpot, and Gamespot is the better bit of the network. EVen without the boards, the community itself exists, and the boards serve as an extension of this community. In a sense, it helps facilitate communictaion between the reviewers and enthusiasts themselves.

Mystvan > LOL It’s hard to conciliate sometimes, and I regret that one instance. Thankfully, it’s a small instance at GameFAQs, so I’m fine with that.

As for Sensei 2, I’ve heard some bad press concerning it, and I won’t touch it just yet, though, if 2048 AD does live up to my expectations, I’d definitely would have to touch Sensei 2, though the idea that every ending of the game is “bad” or “worse” seems… worrying. (at least Zyx’s Tsuki had a medium ending, and one relatively okay ending)

Angelsmile eh… LOL. To be truthful, I’m a fan of anything by the artist of PN & HdR (who disappeared after doing only those two games) and FoH. I seen the other games by the company, but they aren’t really on the same level as those games. Well, maybe Siscon, but I’ve yet to try it myself. But, in perspective, DO & Angelsmile are somethign of the best companies within the CD-Bros franchise, being on the same level of CROWD and a few of the bigger WIll brands.

just a tad off-topic for now, but i have never allowed deleting posts for any users except admins (you can edit your posts however), because if the topic starter deletes his first post, the entire thread, along with all responses, will be gone, and i dont want that to happen, even accidentally

Yes, I guess you’re right about this, Lamuness. Well, if we made an error, we’ll can edit it afterwards.

We were talking about people who make FAQs and walkthroughs, not reviews.

GameFAQs IS an extension of GameSpot! Look at the FAQs and walkthrough available on both sites. Same list. Look at the message boards of a certain game. Same topics and posters.

Good message board scripts don’t allow users to delete posts that have replies. ¬Å√ä_¬Å√ä

[ 04-22-2007, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: Benoit ]

Well I count the reviews too. there’s nothing quite like a user review for a different opinion, esp. if it is well argued out. Of course, 90% of them aren’t, but there are a few that are (and, despite the status of Hentaineko, I disagree with some, though not all, of her reviews)

Dude, thanks for stating the obvious,a nd re-stating what I already said. Note that I said my statement without stating that I thought of it as being seperate, which in a sense, it aprtly is. Gamespot is slightly seperate from GameFAQs… the membership level of Gamespot is different from that of GameFAQs (you level up in different ways in each area)

We can slightly agree on that. Then again, I sure wouldn’t mind have an entire thread removed if it’s been bumped endlessly, and all the important data had been transferred elsewhere.

good message board scripts don’t allow users to delete posts that have replies.

well, not much i can do about something that can’t be done…im not too thrilled with what we have (although still better than what we had when we first started), but it will do for now

Good for you. But that still wasn’t what our argument was about.

What? You said:

You said “I like to see”, which implies that you think it isn’t, but a view you like to have.

Far too drastic a solution. It would be the absolute last thing to do (I don’t think admins get that thought in the first place). Threads that get bumped endlessly get LOCKED.

Argument is too strong a word. We’re not ‘arguing’ here, we’re debating. And I’m not using the latter word because I feel like it.

And you Benoit, to be frank, read things too literally. And slightly wrongly. The term “I like to see” does NOT imply that I don’t have that view. I can even say, basing purely on ‘like’ and ‘see’, that “I liek tos ee” also means, ‘I enjoying taking this particular view that’

Well, if the majority of the information ahs been stored elsewhere, in an archive for instance, than I’d rather see it get deleted then locked. Save some space.

You should have expected that.

Your phrase did have a double meaning. I now see the second meaning of it.